Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3396 The troublemaker (I)

The seabed also has topography. The Adriatic Sea can be roughly divided into three "ladders". The depth in the north rarely exceeds 100 meters. The shallowest is located in the northwest, where Venice is located. Therefore, the Venetians used tree stumps to drive into the lagoon to construct the current Venice.

The central Adriatic Sea is about 300 meters deep, and the southern Adriatic Sea is 900 meters deep. This measurement method is to use a very long hemp rope to tie a heavy object to the sea and throw it into the sea. When it hits the seabed, it is retrieved, but the accuracy is very problematic because the sea water is flowing, the hull is moving, and the rope cannot be absolutely vertical.

The coordinates of Paragrula Island are 42 degrees north latitude and about 16 degrees east longitude. The geographical location is roughly on the dividing line between the central Adriatic Sea and the southern Adriatic Sea, which makes the ocean currents in this area very complicated.

There are jagged islands on the Dalmatian coast. These islands and Paragrula Island are all located on the same continental shelf, just like Corsica and Elba Island are part of the Apennine Peninsula, although there is a sea between them.

This area separates the ocean currents, while leaving a "channel" that flows between Gargano and Paraglula Island at the "spur" position of Italy. The winter Bora wind will form a west-to-east current on the ocean surface near the northern part of Paraglula Island, while in the south of Paraglula Island, due to the ocean current of the Ionian Sea, a current from east to west will be formed. This current and the Bora current flowing out of the "island bridge" will merge and strengthen near Bari, Italy. If you are unlucky, you will encounter a whirlpool, and the seawater on the sea surface will be sucked into the seabed.

But if you know how to use the ocean current, such as finding identification objects, and immediately turning from west to east after seeing the temple of Paraglula Island, you can use the Adriatic current to sail a long distance, and the paddlers will save a lot of effort.

However, when and how to turn is a test of the captain's experience and courage, because the closer to the "island bridge" the coast, the faster the current, and the return journey will be "relatively" much easier in comparison.

The Romans conquered Athens because of the Illyrian pirates, who also used the ocean currents to sail from the present-day Bay of Corto to the Italian coast. The ocean currents from the "Island Bridge" and the Oenian Ocean Current are strengthened here, and they cannot be stopped by manpower. At this time, either hand over the goods or prepare for battle.

This "critical point" is located on the island of Paragrula. The ancient Romans demolished the Greek temples and built an outpost, which was abandoned as Rome declined.

There are several islands on the "Island Bridge", such as Tremiti and Susak, but if you use a compass with Paragrula Island as the center and a radius of 50 kilometers, all these islands are within its range, even including the distance between the "Spurs" and the Bay of Corto in Dalmatia.

In ancient times, sailors crossing the Adriatic Sea would land on the island of Paragrula. Although there are many rocks and shoals near the island, strong winds and changing ocean currents, it is not easy to go ashore, but as long as you wait until the wind is calm, it is still safe to land. In addition to the temple, there are also reservoirs on the island to collect rainwater and provide fresh water for passing ships.

The temperature in the 19th century was lower than that in ancient Greece and Rome, which led to a relatively low sea level and more rocks exposed above the sea.

Although it is impossible to drive stakes into the lagoon like Venice, you can try to drive them into these rocks. This area is a karst terrain. There is a kind of blue algae in the sea that will form new land, and the rocks will also be eroded by sea water.

The Habsburg family's control over Dalmatia is probably north of Rijeka. During the Turkish occupation, the Habsburg family also used the Uskok people in this area as irregular troops to fight against the Ottoman Empire. These Uskok people were pirates and land robbers. The area they ruled was in the karst landform area south of Rijeka.

These Uskok people were not born to be robbers. In order to have a place to stay, they were willing to use military service to become vassals of the Holy Roman Emperor, but the emperor did not give them any support at all, so they had to "be self-sufficient".

For a while, they only plundered Ottoman ships. Later, Venice had a favorite concubine of the Sultan, Cecilia. With this relationship, the Ottoman Sultan not only favored Venice in the competition with Venice and Genoa, but the Ottomans also loaded goods on Venice's ships.

Although the Uskoks were vassals of the emperor, they were not regular troops after all, and could not be checked on board like regular navies.

There was no other way, so they robbed together, and then the Uskoks became the target of the Venetian navy.

The Holy Roman Emperor needed the Uskoks again, and then the relationship between Venice and the Holy Roman Empire deteriorated. Venice allied with France. When Richelieu was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Venice and the Holy Roman Empire had a conflict. Venice recruited a group of Swiss mercenaries and needed to take the route to Venice, and this road was not accessible to any army except the French army.

This time the conflict was not that Venice wanted to fight the Uskoks. They wanted to make peace with the Uskoks through diplomatic means, but the Habsburgs disagreed, saying that it would interfere with the freedom of navigation of the empire.

This was said by Napoleon, who loved to make up stories. He also said that a favorite concubine of the Sultan was kidnapped on the way to the West Indies.

The Barbary pirates only operated near North Africa. Compared with the Alps, the foot of the Atlas Mountains is much drier. Being close to the sea does not necessarily mean more rainfall. The subtropical Mediterranean climate is high temperature with little rain, low temperature with more rain, and the rainy winter Mediterranean is controlled by the westerly belt, and the cumulonimbus clouds all go to the Alps. Venice has floods in winter, while Cairo has no rain at all.

Floods will wash down the sediments of the Alps, which leads to the shallower seabed of the northwest Adriatic Sea.

Once Josephine went to the spa. She saw a dog on the second-floor balcony and thought it was cute, so she played with the dog on the balcony. Her actions attracted the attention of three other people, and they also came to the balcony. Unexpectedly, the balcony could not bear the weight of four adults, and it collapsed. Josephine fell from a height of 20 feet. Fortunately, she did not die, but her spine and pelvis were injured. It took her a long time to recover.

A good interior designer will always find a way to expand the space outward, not to mention that Paragullula Island has ridges like Gibraltar.

With the industrial depression, many old factories and warehouses were idle. Some artists transformed them into a duplex apartment with living areas on the upper floor and studios on the lower floor.

The real estate agent in Venice did not take them to see that apartment, but the company posted a lot of decoration renderings of this apartment.

Anyway, the solution was thought out. Gibraltar cannot grow food by itself and must rely on external transportation. Doesn’t Malta transport food from Sicily?

Fredley’s eyes were straight.

“I think it’s not difficult to occupy this island. When the fishermen don’t live in the island huts, only fugitives are on the island. Does it need the navy to mobilize so many troops?” Chikonyala said.

Corfu Island.

Georgiana thought to herself.

“I don’t participate in military operations.” Bougainville looked at Georgiana and said, “Are there sea monsters in this area? Like the sea monsters in the Bahamas?”

What should she say?

"I remembered something." Chikonyara walked to the northeast of the Adriatic Sea on the map, near Trieste. "Have you heard of the Battle of Coldwater?"

"Why do you have so many questions?" Fredley said in a bad mood.

"Napoleon said that he was Attila of Venice. This is of course related to Attila." Chikonyara said, "If the Eastern and Western Roman emperors had not fought here, resulting in heavy losses on both sides, would Attila become the 'scourge of God'?"

"I haven't heard of it." Georgiana said immediately, "How about telling me about it?"

"Aren't you afraid of missing the 'news'?" Fredley looked at the sky and said.

"The people in the Vatican made a mistake last time." Georgiana also looked at the starry sky and murmured, "God's will is unpredictable..."

"Do you think this is reliable?" Fredley asked.

She was actually not sure.

"Of course." Bougainville said, "We are at sea and need to rely on the stars to guide our position and direction."

"Tell your story quickly." Fredley yawned, "We can't wait."

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