Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3397 The troublemaker (Part 2)

In the Viking world, wealth is not the passive accumulation of gold and silver buried deep underground or hidden at the bottom of a box, but social status, allies and connections.

Lucius Malfoy does not look like a Viking, but he is a descendant of the Normans. He came to England with William the Conqueror and always had a condescending expression on his face.

Draco was the same as him at a young age. After coming to Hogwarts, he wanted to make friends with Harry, but Harry wanted friends.

The Huns had contact with Europe very early. At least the Hun king before Attila had signed the "Magus Trade Treaty" with the Eastern Roman Emperor. The treaty stipulated that the Eastern Roman Empire had to pay 350 pounds of gold to the Hun Kingdom every year, open border trade, and protect the safety of merchants.

A normal country would not sign such a treaty, but at that time the Eastern Roman Empire had to deal with the Vandals in North Africa, and there was also the threat of the Persians. In the spirit of making an ally, the Eastern Roman Empire signed this treaty. Considering the annual income of the Eastern Roman Empire in the fifth century, which was 270,000 pounds of gold, this money could at least buy peace for a nomadic people.

The Battle of the Cold River took place near the river valley and was also located near the via Gemina, along which the Eastern Roman emperor's army was advancing.

There are generally two routes to the karst region in the eastern part of the empire. Parallel to Gemina is the via Flavia, which starts from Trieste and extends along the coastline, while Gemina does not pass through Trieste and winds through the karst region.

Forests, valleys, and swamps are not suitable for cavalry combat, not to mention the karst terrain. This rule also applies to the ambushed Western Roman legions, so they chose the relatively flat mountain road exit for a decisive battle.

The result of this war was that the military forces of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires were seriously depleted. At the same time, the Eastern and Western Roman Empires achieved unification for the last time. The Western Roman Empire practiced polytheism at that time, including Cybele, who was originally the earth mother in Asia Minor. The Greek immigrants who moved there learned the worship of Cybele and brought it back to Greece. She merged with the earth mother Gaia and Demeter. After the Romans conquered Greece, the worship of Cybele still existed in Sicily because they believed that she was a Trojan goddess.

However, in 450 AD, the worst famine in history swept Italy. After the death of the previous Hun king, his throne was inherited by Attila and his brother. The Huns took the opportunity to double the tribute because they had two kings.

Their request was ignored by Theodosius II. Later, Attila found the right time to kill his brother, and his followers ran to the Eastern Roman Empire. Attila demanded the surrender of the exiles, and after the Battle of Constantinople, the Treaty of Aratonius was signed. This time there were no two kings, and the tribute had to be paid double.

When Theodosius II fell off his horse and died, his successor refused to pay Attila the money, and then Attila launched a war.

Attila first led his troops to Italy, but he did not take the Roman Road that Theodosius I took, although he once threatened to destroy Illyria and sweep across the Balkans.

The route map of the Roman Road is engraved on the marble on the exterior wall of the building, and anyone can copy it. Attila came to Italy, which should have been rich, but found that it had not recovered from the great famine, so he turned around and went to Gaul.

At that time, it was the Italians who guarded the road to Gaul, and the Italians were not very enthusiastic about protecting Gaul.

There is another legend that Attila suddenly withdrew his troops because he heard a prophet's prophecy that if he attacked Rome, he would die suddenly like the Visigoth king. This story was also painted into a mural by Raphael, and it became St. Paul and St. Peter protecting the Pope.

Attila's arrival accelerated the decline of Rome like a catalyst, and it was already shaky. However, after the Huns left, the Lombards came again. There was a long period of blankness in the history of the northern Adriatic Sea. The Byzantine navy rarely appeared in the Adriatic Sea around the 8th century.

After the signing of the Treaty of Vienna in 1606, Austria, the Ottoman Empire and Venice were finally able to coexist peacefully, but the Uskoks became a "burden".

Unlike mercenaries, they were "guerrillas who could fight without declaration". They were not even as good as the Kurucs in northeastern Hungary.

Later, the Uskok War took place. After the war, the Uskoks were disbanded, and the pirates and their families were transported inland, that is, to the Slovenian region.

Hungarian patriotic writers made Kurucs into heroes. These Uskoks are also famous in Slovenia and Croatia, representing the power and pride of admirable heroes.

The location of Paragruza Island is not only due to the peculiar ocean currents, but also has rich marine fishery resources, among which sardines are particularly famous.

There are conflicts in this fishing ground every year, mainly between the islanders around Paragruza and the fishermen on the Adriatic coast. But they dared not stay on the island at night, because there were countless dead souls wandering on the island, and their cries were terrifying. They would only go to the island for refuge when they encountered force majeure such as storms.

If you want to calm the sea and stop the raging waves, why not build a temple for Poseidon instead of a temple for the human king?

Cikoniara felt that the Greeks viewed wind, waves and whirlpools as a challenge, a battle that was inescapable. Diomedes represents a kind of fanaticism, someone who will kneel down and surrender in the face of fear. Unlike Odysseus, Diomedes does not faint and charges in his chariot like a fierce lion.

"In 1796, the French crossed the Alps for the first time via the transportation line from Nice to Savona. They first transported the cannons to the Port of Vado by sea ships, but they did not raise the money well. Sally Celli ran to Genoa for a loan, but he failed, so he thought intimidation would be more effective, "Ciconiala said expressionlessly. "Then Massena came, but the Genoese were not afraid, but provoked them to swear to death. Austria was afraid of the determination to defend the Republic, even though Massena only sent a small brigade. "

"No one is talking about taking Venice," Georgiana whispered.

"Then are you willing to provide protection?" Chiconyara suddenly said, "Last time I introduced a person to you, his name is..."

"Zoisette, I remember." She said expressionlessly, "But do you think it's realistic? I am such a weak woman..."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Chiconyara said with excitement.

"I agree." Fredley said from the side, "How about giving it a try?"

She looked at everyone and they all looked at her.

"Just write a letter," Bougainville said.

"To whom?" she asked.

"General Murrah," said Fredley. "I heard he doesn't like to read maps."

She looked at Fredley.

But she didn't ask in detail. She sat at the table and thought about how to write a letter.

"Why do you suddenly think of the Battle of Cold River?" Fredly asked Chiconyara.

Chiconyara remained silent for a long time.

"Bottles thrown from Savona are always picked up in Wasser." Chiconyara said slowly. "I guess the current of the Ligurian Sea is in this direction, from Nice to Savona." There were hundreds of miles of communication lines, and any place could be a place for the navy to land. There were checkpoints at some distances on this road, and people were not allowed to pass at all, so some people swam across from the sea at night because it was summer. "

Chiconyara sighed silently. "Then these people will be picked up on the beaches of Wazell like drift bottles."

"Why didn't Nelson attack that line of communication?" Bougainville asked, "Whether it was 1796 or 1799."

"I'm just an ambassador, how do I know so much?" Fredley said.

"Did you go to Paris because you saw the 'Bottle'?" Georgiana looked up at Chiconyara.

In fact, Chiconyara did not need to ask Bonaparte. He would be safe in Paris anyway, and there would be no need to lose a precious sculpture.

"Also because I couldn't stand the atmosphere there, it was like the water was over my head." Chiconyara said with his eyes closed. "God is not there."

Georgiana looked at the map of Italy not far away. Because the focus was on the Adriatic Sea, Nice and the Principality of Monaco could not be seen.

Not only is life unfair, but also rainfall is unfair. For example, it is always rainy in the UK, but Egypt does not even need to repair its roof. It doesn’t rain a few times a year anyway.

But Napoleon still encountered heavy rain in Egypt, which even turned the desert into a swamp.

There are many rice fields around Mantua. They are just like the farmland just plowed during the Battle of the Golden Spur. They are not suitable for walking in them, so the soldiers can only travel on limited ridges.

Did she really do all this because she wanted him to win?

A girl's laughter came to her ears. When she turned around, she found a girl with short hair doing something.

And this river should be the Canal Saint-Martin.

"She looks like an angel, what do you think?" Dumbledore said beside her. "There is a kind of courage that does not need to be inspired, nor is it fanaticism. It just exists."

Pomona sat down, looked up at the sunlight shining through the shade of the trees, and then closed her eyes.

The river breeze is so comfortable. I don't feel the summer heat at all. It would be great if it could stay like this.

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