Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3395 Lynx Eye (Ten)

In mythology, Prometheus, who created humans, stole fire and brought it to the world.

After humans discovered that fire could drive away wild beasts and eliminate fear and worries, they gradually consciously protected the source of fire.

Whether it was the sacred fire in the sanctuary of Apollo or the hearth fire in Rome, there was always someone guarding it to ensure that it would never go out.

In 1801, after Philippe Lebon created the so-called "thermolampe", it was soon exhibited in Paris, and even Georgiana saw it at the industrial exhibition. At that time, Fresnel created a more efficient lens than before, and the lamp used was provided by Philippe Lebon.

However, his invention was not taken seriously, because everyone was keen to design more "Egyptian-style" lamps at the time, but it was the German Windsor who discovered him.

Not every winemaker is good at sales, Watt and Felton are such partners, but as Birmingham gradually became the "holy land" of the industrial revolution, attracting countless talents, Soho Company attracted too much light like a lamp extinguisher.

And it is conceivable that once the lighting system is laid out across the country, it will be like Watt's steam engine, and everyone who uses Watt's steam engine will have to pay him a usage fee.

Under Windsor's lobbying, Parliament passed his patent, but soon someone discovered the relationship between Windsor and Philip Le Bon because he participated in the Industrial Exposition held in Paris.

In fact, after looking at the picture carefully, Georgiana felt that Philip Le Bon and the gas lamps used by the British were not the same thing.

Philip Le Bon cut the wood into chips and threw them into a half-bee red box, and then heated it with charcoal fire for the so-called "distillation".

Many people have such an experience when cooking. After the food is heated, the surface looks fine, but the food at the bottom of the pot is carbonized, so in order to heat the food evenly, it needs to be constantly stir-fried or stirred.

Philip Le Bon's device does not have such a thing, so this phenomenon may exist. The wood at the bottom is carbonized after heating, and carbon monoxide is formed due to incomplete combustion.

The wooden pipes mentioned by Fredley are used to transport water in the UK. They are mainly made of elm, and their lifespan is generally 15 years.

Soho used the gas released by coal. After the signing of the Treaty of Amiens, gun barrels were considered useless, so Soho's engineers used them to make pipes. On the day of the signing, Soho lit up the lights to celebrate the signing of the peace treaty.

But cast iron will rust as well. Plating a layer of anti-rust material can theoretically extend its life. However, there are also ceramic pipes that can be used for laying. Edgeworth, who also belongs to the Moonlight Society, also showed everyone the pipes produced by the Wedgwood Ceramic Factory. They are not only strong, but also make metallic sounds when they collide.

The Sun King naturally brought light. During the reign of Louis XIV, many street lights were installed in Paris to reduce the crime rate.

But these street lights later became gallows. During the Great Revolution, a mayor of a suburb of Paris was almost hanged on them by the people.

Child laborers during the Industrial Revolution worked 12 hours a day, and this was when the employers were kind. Excluding sleeping time and eating time, how much time did they have to study?

Under the cover of thick fog and darkness, it is very suitable for monsters to appear.

When Momoran appeared in New York, all the street lights were off. Those were electric lights.

In the story of "Golden Eye", a base appeared at the end of the plot. There was a big "pot cover" on the ground. It was believed to be an antenna that sent signals to satellite weapons in the universe.

It was actually a "telescope". Sinistra went to the telescope array in Australia to observe SN1987. It exploded, but no remains were left. She went there and got nothing.

Or to put it this way, many families are unwilling to install cable TV, so they installed a "satellite antenna", which has the same principle as the "base" of Golden Eye.

She really didn't understand what the female assistant saw in the "spy". Suppose at that time on the Cote d'Azur, the person sitting in the co-pilot seat was not a young female boss, but an old man with a full beard. If the trick of using male charm doesn't work, then what mission is he still participating in if he can't pass the "test"?

If it's just destruction, an orangutan can do it, and it can climb the antenna more agilely than Bond.

Oh, the "antenna" is hidden in the water. To release the water, it's like releasing water from a flush toilet. Is this the case with such a high-tech equipment that costs so much?

Fresnel refused to use his invention for war and even refused to join the army.

Knowledge is power, but power does not necessarily have to be used for war.

No matter what Bonaparte and his new mistresses want to do, she doesn't want to care, she doesn't plan to go back to Paris to fight for anything. The reason why she wants to find a loyal husband is to avoid this kind of drama, and she wants to spend her energy on something that is truly meaningful.

There is a French inventor who did not get the due compensation for his invention of bleach. Although many people got rich because of his invention, he lived in poverty.

There is also the inventor of the American cotton gin. Everyone is using his invention, but no patent fee is paid to him. He had to switch to producing guns to make a living.

Donating patents is a kind of generosity. However, when he was so poor that he didn't even have money to treat his wife, did he still care about others thanking him for his "generosity"?

This involves the principle of "implied license". Severus cracked the secret recipes of other people's "resurrection agent" and "rejuvenation agent". He can use it himself, but he can't teach students how to make it in class.

This is the rule of the magical world. The conditions for the establishment of implied license in the Muggle world are very complicated. She thought she didn't need to learn it.

Coal is made of wood after millions of years, and the speed of wood turning into charcoal can be accelerated, but this creates a problem of efficiency, especially for municipal facilities, and may even be used for civilian use in the future and enter thousands of households.

Georgiana can remain silent. If Fredley doesn't tell her, she won't know who has stolen whose patent. She even worried that the French would be sued by the British for infringement if they installed gas street lights on the Pont des Arts.

Odysseus and his companions took a lot of supplies from the Cyclops' cave. He could turn around and leave without waiting for the Cyclops to come back to explain. His companions would not die, and his spoils would not sink because of the huge waves raised by Poseidon. He even took off the clothes Calypso had knitted for him, and arrived on a foreign island "alone".

This requires considering the principle of good faith (bona fides) in Roman law. Fides is another original god in Roman mythology. Roman merchants must swear to both Fides and Hermes.

The members of Parliament did not know that Windsor's patent came from France, or they did not ask, and Windsor did not say. There are so many street lights on the street, why was it not made public?

In short, it was passed, and it is not so easy to revoke it. There is no international court yet, and Philippe Le Bon has not yet protected the patent.

Maybe he thought Soho also had lights on, and the UK used Soho technology to lay street lights.

This area is "dark" and not "illuminated". Ciconiala did not expect that many of the people he invited to his home that day were members of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

It was just an oversight... Fortunately, Caroline seems to be fine now.

If Italy does not plan to install a lighting system, this matter has nothing to do with them.

Some people love peace, and some people love "honorable peace".

However, the lighting system must be repaired in peacetime, and it seems that a full-scale war is about to break out.

"What 'news' did you see?" Chikonyala asked Georgiana, who looked at the telescope for a long time after they stopped arguing.

She shook her head.

"She said there would be a meteor, and I told her what to do if there was a meteor shower?" Fredley said to Chikonyala as if he had found an ally.

Chikonyala fell into deep thought.

"I heard that there will be a meteor shower in the Lyra constellation every April." Chikonyala said, "But now Brera is busy with land surveying and has confirmed that this matter has been transferred to the Paris Observatory."

"What does this have to do with the current situation?" Fredley asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zabini suddenly stood up.

"Someone is coming." Zabini said.

Everyone looked at the door, and soon someone did come in, but it was Georgiana's guardian Bougainville.

"Why are you here?" Fredley asked. "Aren't you going to act with the navy?"

"My lady said I'm an explorer, so I should do what only I can do." Bougainville said, holding the map behind him in front of him. "That table is too small. Is there a bigger place?"

"Just spread it on the ground." Georgiana said. "Napoone likes to lie on the ground to read maps."

So Bougainville knelt on one knee and unfolded the map in his hand.

To be precise, it was not a map, but a sea chart of the Adriatic Sea, with the flying lion of Venice on it.

"This was found in the Venice Library. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't know there was this place." Bougainville said.

"What place?" Chikonyala said.

Bougainville looked at them, then pointed to an island the size of a wheat field on the map.

"Do you know where that is?" Fredley asked Chikonyala.

"I know." Chikonyala looked at Bougainville. "Is this the target of this operation?"

"What place is that?" Georgiana also asked.

"Have you heard of Diomedes?" Chikonyala said, "The Greeks built a temple for him here."

Diomedes was the king of Argos, not affiliated with Agamemnon, and was a good chariot driver.

In Iliad, he said, "Don't tell me whether I am afraid or not. It is not my character to escape from war or retreat cowardly. I will go to meet them on foot!"

Overall, he was a brave warrior, but after the Trojan War, he was framed by his wife and lover like Agamemnon, but he escaped and spent the rest of his life in Italy.

There was also a Thracian king with this name, which was related to the twelve challenges of Hercules.


"Escape." Chikonyala sighed, "Once you reach the island, you will be safe."

"It seems that you know it very well." Bougainville said, "Why don't you tell me."

"I only know history, but you are good at sailing." Chikonyala said, and then stood aside.

Bougainville found a thin wooden stick on the table and pointed it at the island.

"This island is called Paragruza. The temple the Count just mentioned no longer exists. There are only a few fishermen's huts. When the weather is fine, you can see it from both sides of the Adriatic Sea..."

Georgiana looked at its location, which was in the center of the Adriatic Sea.

She was about to ask how they found this place, but then she shut up when she saw the flying lion pattern of Venice.

This island is only 2,000 square meters in area, not even as big as the Ile de la Cité. What's the use of it?

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