Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3391 Lynx Eye (VI)

Zippers rely on continuously arranged chain elements to merge or separate clothes, bags, and tents.

Snape, who came from the Muggle world, should know him. Even if he didn't know, seeing the students from the Muggle world wearing clothes with zippers, he also knew how unnecessary the dense row of buttons on his clothes was. .

A normal men's jacket only needs three buttons, and some even only need one button, so you don't have to worry about buttoning the wrong button.

Doesn't he find it troublesome to put on and take off clothes like that every day? If he tied a button wrong, he had to start over.

Pomona looked at the sky outside the greenhouse. It was already dark.

She patted the mud off her body, then took off her dragonhide gloves, and called the students who were in solitary confinement back to the castle for dinner.

Filch loved punishment and always made students who made mistakes do meaningless repetitive tasks, such as cleaning trophies in the trophy room.

Pomona allowed them to pick ripe fruits from the trees, and some were keen on using wands to remove pests, using them as objects for practicing spells.

In short, they were not so opposed to returning to the castle with Pomona. They also met Hagrid on the way. Ever since Buckbeak injured Draco, Hagrid's classes had become very boring. No matter which grade he was taking care of, he Ended snail.

He looked terribly depressed, probably because in addition to the class issues, Buckbeak was being sued by Malfoy.

So Pomona gave up asking Hagrid what medicine to use to treat Lu Wei's bite.

Many of the people who were punished with solitary confinement were Gryffindors. They bounced all the way without feeling the frustration of being punished with solitary confinement.

If one wanted to rank those in solitary confinement, Filch would be number one, and Snape would be number two. He always needed someone to squeeze the juice from slugs and leeches.

Think about it, the sunlight shines through the black lake into the dungeon at the bottom of the lake, changing from warm orange to eerie green. There is also a pale, hook-nosed former Death Eater who is said to love to use dark magic. In front of him There was a tank of leeches that had just been fed with blood - that's when they had more juice.

I don’t know when Muggles started making movies about serial killers. Of course, this doesn’t mean that Snape is a serial killer, but doesn’t that scene look like a serial killer’s “lair”?

In fact, the "Clown" is very pitiful. There is nothing good in his life. Even the love with his female neighbor is his own fantasy.

"I have nothing to lose," he told the talk show host.

So he got complete freedom, no one cared about him, and no one would blame him, he could do whatever he wanted.

At this time they returned to the Great Hall. Dumbledore came very early today and was sitting in his seat reading the newspaper.

No one said that the high-backed chair in the middle belonged to Dumbledore, but everyone consciously avoided that position. Pomona did not sit next to Sinista as usual, but came to the headmaster's side. .

"Good evening, Headmaster." Pomona said sweetly to Dumbledore after sitting down.

The principal, who was wearing half-moon glasses, moved his gaze from the newspaper to her.

"Good evening, Professor." Dumbledore asked alertly, "What do you want?"

She didn't think it would be good to ask so directly, but then Snape walked into the Great Hall, and his legs seemed to be a little lame.

"I have a question," Pomona said. "Can I ask?"

"I hope it's not a matter of whether the stew has been simmered for too long recently. I'm not too old to chew on it yet." Dumbledore said expressionlessly, putting down the newspaper in his hand. "I can still adapt to being young." taste.”

"Oh, really?" Pomona raised her voice unconsciously, "Like Tonks' pink hair?"

"As you can see, no one in the school has pink hair right now." Dumbledore said, looking at the academy's long table that was gradually filling up.

She felt that now was not the time to discuss this issue, so she subconsciously moved her stool.

"What's your problem?" Dumbledore asked.

She glanced at Severus, who was sitting at the other end of the long table.

"Do you remember the Halloween party in first year? There was a troll coming in," Pomona said.

"I guess it wasn't the first year..."

"Severus was bitten by a three-headed dog from hell. The place where he was bitten hurt yesterday." Pomona said hurriedly. "Do you have any extra phoenix tears? Can it detoxify the three-headed dog from hell?" ?”

"I don't think Fawkes is that crying. Have you tried any other methods?" Dumbledore asked.

"I suggested he go to St. Mungo's Hospital, and guess what he said to me, 'I taught those doctors.'" Pomona said, imitating Snape's tone perfectly.

"I think that's because Severus wants to keep it a secret. He doesn't want outsiders to know that there is a Cerberus in the school." Dumbledore said, "Even though it is just a replica."

"What?" Pomona asked in surprise, this time a little louder, attracting the attention of those around her.

"Calm down, Professor." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Replica?" Pomona asked in a low voice after the noise in the auditorium returned to normal.

"If it were a real three-headed dog from hell, do you think Severus would still be alive?" Dumbledore said with a smile.

Pomona didn't find this funny at all.

"Even the chess game is not difficult for the Dark Lord. The most difficult level is Lu Wei. He thought it was a real three-headed dog from hell." Dumbledore said easily, "And of course Severus , Hagrid has taken care of many magical animals..."

"Strange animals." Pomona corrected, "Don't forget there are also thestrals and eight-eyed spiders."

"If he hadn't been so anxious that day, I think he might not have needed to be injured." Dumbledore said. "In addition to the harp, Lu Wei also likes to eat bread. The Dark Lord thought that he liked to eat meat, so he threw the poisoned meat to Lu Wei. Wei, it didn’t touch at all.”

This is the "wonderful place" of Hogwarts' magical animals, including the giant squid that loves to eat toast, and the three-headed hellhound that loves to eat bread.

"That's not the question, Professor, I'm asking about the antidote," Pomona said.

"How did you deal with it yesterday?" Dumbledore asked.

"I used fresh white wine and gave him a massage." Pomona answered honestly.

Dumbledore's eyes were on fire.

"I just massaged the area where he was bitten." She quickly said, "My hands were so hot afterwards."

"Try burn ointment." Dumbledore said, not looking at Severus, but at the Slytherin table, where Draco was showing Pansy his injured hand, which was covered with bandages. We’ll talk about the rest later.”


Later, doctors at St. Mungo's believed that Snape's pain was caused by "triggers", such as Sirius Black and Remus Lupine, and that his feet stopped hurting when they were out of his sight.

But they still made an ointment for him. After all, if it weren't for Snape's help, Malfoy would not have donated so much money to St. Mungo's, allowing them to have gold to expand the alchemy laboratory.

The bullied Spring also had his own column in the Daily Prophet, and he also became the attending physician in a treatment room. The other "doctors" Snape calls have also improved compared to when they were students, and in some fields are even more professional than Snape.

After Georgiana returned to the scene, people were playing a new game. They were surrounding a turntable. It was not the kind used for gambling. It was full of little people. As the turntable moved at high speed, the little people "moved" , looks like taking a dog for a walk.

This is actually a visual game. The image humans see will stay on the retina for a while and then be processed by the brain. When the next frame is seen, if the action is consistent with the previous one, the image seen will seem to be moving.

She recalled the Christmas of the Triwizard Tournament in her mind. Although the kiss was a bit beyond the boundaries of "friends", they were both in their 30s and there was a possibility that they would never get married in this life. Hagrid didn't date Madame Maxime until he was in his 60s, but he didn't seem to understand what a "girlfriend" was for.

It had been a risky endeavor until his waist moved like the waves.

She clung to him like a boat that was about to be capsized by the waves at any time. His breath smelled of alcohol, but it was not strong enough to prove that he was in a drunken state.

There are many couples in the school, including Ron and Lavender, but they will not become friends after they break up.

Friends can be "forever" and be there for him when he needs to be "caught". After what happened in fifth grade, Pomona sent Severus to learn fighting from centaurs.

When they met Sirius again, they were completely reversed. He could control the urge for revenge. Why couldn't he control this urge?

She seemed to be crying, but he didn't stop at all. Some of the things she worked hard to maintain were destroyed by him and could not be repaired with a repair spell.

What about time turners?

After Hermione was attacked by a troll, she did not choose to cry and pretended not to know anything. Instead she admitted that she had made a mistake and she was saved by Harry and Ron.

The sad bathroom was destroyed by a troll, but the friendship between the three was established.

Some people built new houses from the ruins, and some people found useful things in the ruins. She found the Invisibility Cloak in the house in Godric's Hollow and gave it to Dumbledore.

Strawberries are an attractive-looking fruit, and red represents danger in venomous snakes.

It is actually a very dirty fruit. Apples can at least be washed clean, but strawberries have a lot of bugs on them and need to be carefully washed in salt water.

But if you are careless when washing, you will eat the juicy fruits together.

So she ate the unclean fruit and left "Paradise" after Hogwarts fell into ruins.

If you want to stay in "paradise" you must follow the rules.

"Lynx Eyes" is named after Lyncus, one of the heroes on the Argos who searched for the Golden Fleece with Jason. It is said that he had the sharpest eyesight in the world and could even see Things from the underworld.

The ancient Romans established anti-sumptuary laws, and silk replaced wool and became the favorite of the Romans.

But that is of no use. For example, the Anti-Luxury Law will set a maximum consumption limit, but this limit keeps rising to adjust and adapt to "reality."

Polina was currently with her "father" who helped her pay off her gambling debt of 300,000 lire. Georgiana recalled what kind of person she was in the past, and where was her bottom line?

"Do you want to wait for news here, or go somewhere else?"

She followed the sound and looked over. Fredly was talking to her.

"I want to go to Brera, will you go?" Georgiana asked.

"That's a restricted military area." Fredly said with a smile.

"Do you want to accompany me or not?" she asked.

"Ladies first." Frederick said gentlemanly, and then the two of them left the scene together when no one was paying attention.

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