Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3392 Lynx Eye (VII)

If you look directly into the eyes of a basilisk, it will be fatal.

However, if you see the basilisk through a mirror, water surface, or even through a ghost, it will not lead to death, but petrification.

If the reflections in the mirror and water surface are all "copies" according to the theory of Muggle science, then what about the basilisk seen through a ghost?

Pomona couldn't figure it out, and what he didn't understand was how someone could copy the three-headed dog of hell.

Hagrid found the young Fluffy in a tent in the Forbidden Forest. The owner of the tent didn't look like he left peacefully, and there were horse hoof prints everywhere on the ground.

He kept it for a year, and was reported by someone unknown. The Ministry of Magic originally planned to use it to guard the underground vault of Gringotts, but an "old friend" found a way to replace Fluffy with a dragon that had made a mistake.

According to what Dumbledore found, the earliest record of copying the three-headed dog of hell was in the 15th century, by a man named Argus Pyrite, a name that looked like a pseudonym.

There were never many people in the alchemy area of ​​the Hogwarts library. After all, this course no longer existed. The entrance to the original alchemy classroom was hidden behind the sculpture of "Sleeping Dragons".

Severus did not have the habit of carrying food with him. He might have something dangerous in his pocket. Pomona was used to carrying food. Buckbeak was distracted by the sight of the dead mink. All animals were like this.

The basilisk was always crying out for hunger. How could it be full of mice with its size? But even if it could eat any human child, it did not attack the "fresh meat".

"What are you looking for?"

Pomona was startled because it was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who appeared from the other end of the bookshelf.

"What are you doing?" Pomona asked angrily.

"Like you, looking up information." Remus held a book in his hand - "How to Go to Hogsmeade Without a Guarantor".

"I didn't expect such a book to exist." Pomona said, looking at the title.

"I have a friend who, like Harry Potter, doesn't have a parent's signature." Remus smiled gently, "He found this book in the library."

Of course, Sirius can go to Hogsmeade through the secret passage without his parents' signature, but Remus, who has his parents' signature, rarely goes to Hogsmeade.

"Thanks to you, otherwise I don't know what the Dementors would do." Pomona said.

"I don't think they dare to attack wizards." Remus said seriously.

Pomona is not as confident as Remus. What can't those Dementors do?


There are many floating candles in Remus' office. Unlike the candles in the Hogwarts Great Hall, they all have the shape of a spine.

Snape's improved burn ointment uses the mucus of small slugs. It is said that the healing effect is better.

Children recover faster than adults. They are in the period of growth and their metabolism rate will be faster.

At the same time, if they have bad postures, such as long-term bending, their spine will bend and hunchback. It is not easy to correct it because it is formed over a long period of time.

On the dark streets of Milan, two carriages, one in front and one behind, moved towards the Milan Observatory.

She heard from Matilda, who was inquisitive, that once there was a dinner party in the palace, several female guests wore translucent clothes, and Bonaparte threw several pieces of wood into the stove in a rage to make the fire burn more vigorously.

Ségur asked him what he was doing, and he said he was afraid that the guests would feel cold.

People in heaven will not think about issues related to hell. If it weren't for Severus' leg pain, she would not have paid attention to the problem of the three-headed dog of hell.

He applied the ointment, shouldn't the medicine cure the disease?

The potion is very strange, and the bones that have disappeared can also grow back, but the black magic will cause irreversible damage. George's ear will never grow back.

This would allow Molly to distinguish who was George and who was Fred at a glance, but Molly would rather George not be hurt than to distinguish between the two of them.

Medea gave so much for Jason, but what did she get?

So people should still think about themselves and not lose themselves in love.

When Pomona first heard that Severus really loved Lily, she didn't have time to react, and the person who was said to be dead appeared in front of her. The joy of regaining what she had lost made her forget everything.

She felt that she had experienced some things, but she still couldn't forget him, so she could fully understand the fact that he still loved Lily after so many years.

The last time she went to school, it had returned to its pre-war appearance.

However, she felt that she could no longer stand on the podium, and she might not even be able to return to England.

The carriage stopped quickly, and they had arrived at the Brera Palace.

At least the ambassador was right, the Brera Palace had many military secrets, so she got off the car and walked towards the observatory.

Galileo not only built a telescope that could see the moon, but when he joined the "Lynx Eye", he also made a microscope that could observe the subtle world. However, it did not cause much response at the time, and it took a century for the application of microscopes to become more common.

She suddenly stopped.

"Any questions?" Frederick asked in French not far away, with the charioteers in between.

"What did you call your father?" asked Georgiana.

"I call him father," Fredley said.

"Have you ever tried to call him by his name?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't think that's appropriate," Fredley said after hesitating for a moment.

She nodded secretly.

Indeed, Harry would only call his godfather by his name, and he would call James Potter "dad."

"Once in class, Mr. Smith asked a student to call him 'sir', and then he wanted to correct some of the student's wrong views." Georgiana said, "But the student resisted him. What do you think the student did?" Is it right?"

"The relationship between me and my father is not that bad. He loves my mother so much." Fredly said self-deprecatingly, "I sometimes feel that she is superfluous in that family."

"I have a godson. When he gets into trouble, he always says, 'My dad will know.' But he still has problems, because it's a girl." Georgiana shook her head helplessly, "I thought he would never get into trouble." of."

"What's the problem?" Fredley asked.

"The younger generation can enjoy the wealth and glory of their recent or distant ancestors, but they must obey the authority of their parents. Even when they grow up, they have to compete with their father." She said slowly, "And my father is already old."

There was no sound for a long time, only the chirping of insects in the mountains could be heard.

"Zeus' father ate his children, but Zeus didn't want to follow the same path as his father, so he ate his wife who could give birth to children that threatened him." She sighed. "I think what Galileo wanted to overthrow was ancient times. The world holds, unquestionably handed down, spontaneous theories, like my godson saying to his father that he would rather not have an heir than marry that woman, which his father would never allow.”

"Did he marry for love?" said Fredley.

"I think he took after his godfather, you know I can't have children."

"But you treat Polina's child as your own." Fredly said, "Adopted children can also have the right to inherit."

"That's not what I discussed with you. Do you know why the people of Brela like Napoleon so much?" Georgiana looked at the observatory in the distance. It looked hazy under the not very bright starlight, but the weather was just right for stargazing. , no need to be affected by the brightness of the moon.

"He told the old men that surveying was supposed to be subordinate to science, rather than science serving politics, but..."

"What he overturned was the theory of spontaneous generation held by the ancient world and passed down unquestionably." Fredley continued, "Is that why you work for him?"

"Not entirely," said Georgiana.

"Can I ask why?" Fredley asked.

"Salem," she said slowly, "and sugar."

Fredly may not have understood, but Georgiana no longer wanted to explain and continued walking forward.

It is a fallacy that gold always shines. Gold cannot shine, it can only reflect light.

And not just gold, "fool's gold" can also reflect similar light.

In a widely circulated anecdote, although Galileo signed a confession, he still insisted on saying "the earth is rotating."

If it is geocentric theory, the earth is the center of the universe, and the stars revolve around the earth, of course it does not move.

But who can’t rotate without the earth?

Get rid of tmd ergot

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