Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3390 Lynx Eye (V)

Severus rolled up his trousers, revealing the scar left by Lu Wei's bite.

"How's it going?" he asked, sitting on the chair.

"It looks fine on the outside." Pomona looked at the wound and said, then squatted down to check it carefully and pressed it with his finger. "Do you want to go to St. Mungo's to see a doctor?"

"Those 'doctors' were all taught by me." He frowned and said, not forgetting the sarcasm even at this time.

"Why is it still hurting after so long?" She looked at the wound and said sadly.

Not all dogs with three heads are hellhounds. However, Lu Wei grew bigger and bigger and had a bad temper. Two years ago, Dumbledore asked him to guard the trap door. When the troll entered the school, Severus was bitten by it during the Halloween party.

Although you don't have to worry about turning into a werewolf if bitten by it, but...

She slowly raised her head and found Severus staring at her chest. She lowered her head and quickly covered her collar.

He came to see her before going to bed. He was responsible for patrolling the castle tonight. The effects of the polyjuice potion had worn off and his nightgown was looser than usual.

"Is there any fresh food?" He still frowned and looked away.

"Wait a minute." She stood up and looked for a bottle of fresh liquid from the medicine cabinet.

In mythology, the job of the three-headed dog of hell is to guard the entrance to the underworld, preventing the dead from leaving and the living from entering.

Most people would not think of going to the underworld unless they are tired of living, but there will always be people who want to challenge, such as Theseus who made a bet with the young man that they are going to snatch the queen of the underworld.

In addition, Aeneas in Virgil's "The Aeneid" wanted to go to the underworld to find a prophet to predict for him, as if no living prophet could predict for him.

People's curiosity about their own destiny sometimes leads to "accidents" happening.

She turned back to glare at the man sitting in the chair, who was looking at her with undisguised eyes.

"The white fresh food you want." She floated the bottle she found in front of him, and he only had to raise his hand to get it.

"You apply it for me." He said in a low voice, as if he was bewitching her.

"Someone will see it." She whispered. "The lounge is next door, and the child may come to me in the middle of the night."

He raised his wand and locked the door.

"Don't worry now." He smiled slickly.

She hesitated for a moment, walked over slowly, and then squatted down.

He caught the white fresh food in mid-air and handed it to her, asking her to apply it on her injured foot.

In fact, Bai Xian is effective for trauma, and his trauma has already healed.

But she still took it and rolled up his trouser legs higher to make it easier for her to operate.

He suddenly moved the wand along her collar and into her back, and the cold wand "crawled" along her spine.

"What are you doing?" she said in panic, but she didn't dare to move, as if there was really a poisonous snake behind her.

"Here's a favor for you." He said as if he was delirious. "This way the collar won't fall down."

She really wanted to ask him if he even realized what he was saying?

But she still applied Bai Xian on her hands and helped him massage the bitten leg.

She didn't even dare to look up because his breathing was so heavy, as if he was enduring pain.

When she felt her hands were a little sore, his breathing gradually returned to normal.

"How about I patrol for you tomorrow?" He said in a consulting tone, with the wand still in her clothes.

"Why?" Pomona asked.

"I volunteered." He said in a relaxed tone, "How could I let the girl deal with that mad dog."

She slapped his calf hard with her hand and stood up the moment he took the wand away in pain.

"When it's okay, go out, I'm going to sleep!" she said viciously.

Then I went to the bathroom to find water to wash my hands.

While she was rinsing, he walked to the door.

"Do you believe in hell?" he asked.

"I believe it." She said without hesitation. "Azkaban is such a hell."

He was silent for a moment, then there was the sound of heavy footsteps and he completely merged into the darkness.

Pomona looked at her hands. No venom oozed from the wounds bitten by the hellhound. Why did she feel that her hands were still burning?


Rohart loses touch with his true self in order to please others, and he cannot live according to norms that do not fit his own image.

He is so brave and witty in the book...

The door to the room opened and Julian Uffral walked in, holding a letter and a gift box in his hand.

"Just a security check," Julian said, placing the box with the crown mark in front of Georgiana.

"Is there something wrong with the test?" she asked easily.

Julian pouted and looked at the letter in her hand.

"What did the letter say?" he asked as if casually.

"Did you know that Josephine had a pug?" asked Georgiana. "It was bitten to death by the Malmaison cook's dog."

Julian looked at her expressionlessly.

"The cook knew that his dog had killed Josephine's dog and was so frightened that he hid in the bushes. Bonaparte told the cook that the dog was more than ten years old and that he was tired of its daily attacks. He would not I don’t blame the dog, I don’t blame the cook,” said Georgiana. “I have a stray cat that ran away recently, and a bird named Mango, which is now in the Paris Botanical Garden.”

"That's all?" Julian asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

"I know what you are waiting for, but do you think Paris will get the news faster than us?"

Without Julian saying a word, Georgiana opened the box.

"What is this?" Julian asked, staring at the "gift" in the box.

"Isn't it written in the letter?" asked Georgiana.

"The Prince of Wales wrote to you. He thought you would like this gift." Julian handed the letter to Georgiana.

Hey, little one.

Others have told me that it is appropriate to give jewelry as a gift. There is no woman who doesn’t like jewelry, but I think you will like this gift more.

The whole letter is just one sentence, like a note.

"What is this?" Julian asked again.

"Copper liver." Georgiana took out the wand from the trembling flower and levitated it.

"What copper liver?" Julian said dumbfounded.

"You can understand it as a divination tool. The copper liver is modeled after a sheep's liver." Georgiana said. "It only has three pages."

Then she thought of Prometheus and the Anatomy Theater of Parma.

When medical students used to take an anatomy class, the teacher held up a piece of liver that had just been taken out from a corpse and said there were four pages on it, and the students wrote it down in their notes without hesitation.

Dumbledore seemed trustworthy, recognized as a great wizard, and possessed real knowledge.

People take note of what he says because he's basically right.

Pomona was submissive most of the time, not as rebellious as Severus.

Maybe it was because she spent too much time with Sirius's gang... If Snape hadn't complained that day, Pomona and Lily would have had the opportunity to take a photo with the Beatles backstage.

"I'm going out tonight to the Brera Observatory." Georgiana put the liver back into the box.

"Are you going to do divination?" Julian asked blankly.

"Of course not!" She glared at him, "Who told you that astronomy must be related to divination?"

He smiled stupidly.

She looked at him and shook his head, then read the letter Bonaparte had sent her.

She didn't know if Josephine would cry after her dog was bitten. Her tears were her weapons.

But if this kind of weapon is used too much, even if someone cares about her, it will lose its effectiveness.

"Is the Lynx Eye Academy in Rome still there?" Georgiana asked.

"What?" Julian asked again in surprise.

"Have you ever heard of Galileo?" Georgiana asked.

"I've heard of Galileo," Julian said carefully, "but I've never heard of the Eye of the Lynx."

She thought it would be better not to make things difficult for him.

"I'm going out tonight." She announced. Just as she was about to go out, she remembered Polina's roar.

Then she looked at the "note" from the Prince of Wales and wrote the same.

Otherwise, what should I write? A moment of silence for Josephine’s dog?

She didn't think she was emotionally rich to that extent, not to mention she had never seen the dog, but she had heard how it occupied Bonaparte's place on the wedding bed, and Josephine told him that unless he shared it with the dog , otherwise find somewhere else to sleep.

Josephine must have loved that dog very much, but if it were Georgiana, she would probably do the same.

After all, real dogs become loyal and obedient through training.

Then she remembered Fang, that scary-looking but actually timid dog who was burned down by Bella's fire in Hagrid's hut.

She suddenly became sad and actually mourned for Josephine's dog in the letter.

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