Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3389 Lynx Eye (IV)

After nightfall, Hagrid's hut would emit a soft light at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, sometimes attracting hunters and gatherers in the Forbidden Forest to sit with him for a while. Hagrid would always open the door and generously receive friends - if this "friend" could chew the rock cookies he baked without breaking his teeth.

Pomona stood at the door of the greenhouse and looked out. During the day, she could see the black smoke coming out of the chimney of the hut. If there was any, it proved that Hagrid was at home, so she put down the herbs she was going to deliver and walked towards the hut.

Hagrid seemed to be in a good mood. She could hear him humming from a distance. It was the chamber music that Dumbledore loved to listen to. She raised her hand and knocked on the door, and the humming "song" inside the door stopped.

"Who is it?" Hagrid asked.

"It's me." Pomona said at the door, "Can I come in?"

There was a burst of sound from the door, and then Hagrid opened the door.

"Good afternoon, Professor." Hagrid said in a muffled voice. "What brings you here?"

"There is something I want to ask you." Pomona got stuck in the middle of her sentence.

How should she tell Hagrid if he has seen an invisible cloak?

"What is it?" Hagrid waited patiently for a long time, and when he saw Pomona didn't speak, he asked.

"Have you seen the Potter's invisible cloak?" Pomona asked directly. "I remember you went to Harry's house."

"Oh, of course, it's quite expensive." Hagrid said, and then turned back to the hut.

Pomona didn't know if Hagrid understood what she wanted. At this time, she saw a basket in the corner of the hut move, and the cloth covering it moved slightly, and a puppy's head poked out from it.

"You have a dog, Hagrid?" Pomona asked.

Hagrid subconsciously looked back at the basket, and when he saw the furry black dog's head poking out from it, he immediately covered the cloth in a panic.

"I'm going to look for it." Hagrid stammered.

Pomona looked at him suspiciously.

"What animal have you raised again?" Pomona asked.

Perhaps feeling that he could no longer hide it, Hagrid took the "puppy" out of the basket.

"I haven't named it yet." Hagrid put the dog on the table. "The Greeks told me to raise it for a while, and if I can't raise it well, send it back."

The puppy stood on the table and "roared" at Pomona.

Although its expression was very ferocious, how scary could a puppy be?

Even if it was a three-headed dog from hell.


Just when she thought that there was no underworld in the world and that the water of the Lethe River was obtained by squeezing and clarifying the sleepy beans, Hagrid's "pet" reminded her again.

The unfolded scenery showed a palace full of oriental atmosphere, and then the "Roman" in military uniform walked into the scenery and began to sing.

"It's Handel's Caesar in Egypt," Frederick said in Georgiana's ear, "Now we're singing a selection from it..."

"When you're hungry for prey, you should hide quietly," Georgiana said.

"Have you heard it?" Frederick asked.

"I heard a friend sing it," Georgiana said. She felt that she had heard this song before, because Hagrid hummed it.

When greed becomes prey, smart hunters must understand silence and hiding.

People who love evil don't like to show their conspiracies.

Traitors are shrewd and cunning, and will never let their prey wake up unless the trap is set.

This probably tells the story of Caesar's arrival in Egypt. Because he burned down the Library of Alexandria and came to Egypt for Pompey, the Egyptian king, nobles and generals were not so welcoming. Facing the tense "welcoming banquet" in the court, Caesar sang this aria calmly.

After singing this scene, the scenery suddenly changed, or rather, nothing changed, except that the lighting was moved from the front of the scenery to the back, and the Egyptian court became a harbor. Then Cleopatra came on stage and hugged Caesar excitedly.

Cleopatra sang "Returning in the Storm". Cleopatra needed Caesar's help to become the Queen of Egypt. Without his support, she was in despair. She was so happy when Caesar came.

Everyone was amazed at what they saw, as if they had seen it for the first time.

"We usually change the scenery after the curtain falls." Countess Fagnari said, "This is the first time to perform in front of the audience."

Georgiana felt that the story behind the scenes seemed more interesting than the story that had been performed countless times in front of the curtain.

"I haven't seen this technique before." Frederick said, "Is it a new invention?"

"I guess so." Countess Fagnari replied with a smile, "Faguer learned panoramic painting in Paris."

Georgiana thought of another painter who refused to return to France.

In that turbulent era, his innovation was not valued.

In the past, there were nobles with swords. The biggest difference between them and nobles with robes was that they served in the military.

At that time, no one would wear uniforms to attend social dances. Nobles with swords would change into men's suits and tie a ceremonial sword as exquisite as a work of art around their waists.

At the Royal Jewelry Exhibition in the 20th century, she saw George IV's "Sword of Dedication". Not only was the hilt made of gold, but it was also inlaid with gems. The salary of an artillery captain could not afford such a sword.

So Bonaparte applied uneven powder, wore a men's suit, and went to social events with nothing on his waist. The girls asked him where his sword was? He said that the cannon was his sword.

Later, he wore uniforms to attend social events. At one masquerade, Josephine thought he was wearing a costume.

Girls would agree to dance invitations not only because they liked the other person, but also because they were polite and the other person was a respectable person.

When uniforms represent nobility, integrity, and honor, people like Wickham can also be trusted.

Elizabeth easily believed what Wickham said about Mr. Darcy, and Lydia even eloped with him.

On the train to Hogwarts, James was determined to become a knight and go to a college full of "knights".

Although Hogwarts is a place to train wizards, knights had already declined in the era of Don Quixote, and became even rarer in the 20th century.

When the Fat Lady was attacked and all the portraits hid aside in fear, it was Knight Cadogan who replaced the Fat Lady.

At least James did not run away by himself, leaving Lily and the children to face the mysterious man. He died in battle.

Yusuf Kama's mother was taken away by the head of the Lestrange family with the Imperius Curse.

The lord's right of first night robbed the bride, and when the Kama family came to France, the Second French Empire had already fallen. Kama and Lestrange had no vassal relationship. Lestrange just bullied the weak with guns and bullied men and women.

Love does not necessarily bring protection. It can also bring destruction if Voldemort cannot touch Harry.

As long as Causus Lestrange is not dead, Yusuf Kama will not stop hunting him.

The old fool and the old madman like to talk about love, but love cannot maintain their blood oath not to hurt each other, and it finally broke.

Life is like a dream, like dew and like lightning.

Many of the astronomical observers in the Brera Palace are priests. The stars that make up the Lynx are all dark stars. In the 17th century, due to human observation technology, the gap in the sky was between the Ursa Major and Auriga. In order to "fill" this gap, humans exhausted their eyesight and discovered it.

"Speaking of gifts, I almost forgot."

When Georgiana was distracted, Fredley suddenly said.

"The king has a gift for you, Georgiana."

"The king gave me a gift?" she asked in disbelief.

"What is it? Take it out and let me see it." A female guest asked curiously.

Before Fredley could think of how to answer, a messenger appeared.

Everyone looked at him, and the atmosphere was solemn, as if everyone pricked up their ears, fearing that they would miss something.

"A letter from Paris." The bell on the messenger swayed slightly with his movements, making a slight sound.

Georgiana took the letter and smiled helplessly at Fredley.

"He urged me again, this is the third letter today."

"Haven't you finished writing your reply yet?" Paulina asked not far away.

Georgiana continued to smile at Fredley, and then went to find an empty room to read the letter.

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