Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3388 Lynx Eye (Part 3)

Dumbledore shook the contents of the Pensieve, like a gold miner sifting for gold, and a burning old wardrobe emerged from the swirling silvery objects.

A handsome young man jumped up from the edge of the bed, roaring with horror and rage as if all his possessions were in that closet.

"What's in here?" Pomona asked.

"Things that are worthless to him but are treasures to others." Dumbledore said, shaking the pensieve again. The fire in the closet had been extinguished, and he saw only a pile of ordinary things, among which There was a yo-yo, a silver thimble, a tarnished harmonica.

"What does he want these for?" Pomona asked curiously.

Dumbledore let go of the pensieve and touched his crooked nose with his hand, as if it felt itchy.

"After seeing magic, Tom also wanted a wand." Dumbledore put down his hand and put it on his long white beard. "I told him that everyone would have one, and he quickly understood The contents of the cupboard have lost interest."

"Did he give it back to them?" Pomona asked.

"I think he quickly realized that the stolen goods were worthless and he needed money." Dumbledore said expressionlessly. "I gave him a bag of gold coins."

"So you don't know if he gave it back?" Pomona asked.

"He showed greed when he looked at the wand, but not when he saw the gold galleons." Dumbledore said complacently, "He doesn't need help that much... except that he wants to escape from that place. A place where he felt ordinary."

Dumbledore shook the pensieve again, and what appeared in the basin was Tom Riddle, wearing Hogwarts school robes. He looked like he was begging for something.

"What happened to him?" Pomona asked sympathetically.

"Detention." Dumbledore said. "It's summer vacation and he doesn't want to go back to the orphanage."

"But you can't stay at Hogwarts during the summer vacation..."

Before Pomona could finish speaking, Dumbledore turned to look at her.

"Do you think it will change if you let him stay?" Dumbledore asked.

"What change?" she asked confused.

Dumbledore looked at the pensieve again.

"When Sirius Black left home, the Potters took him in. They not only gave him a place to live." Dumbledore brushed the pensieve with his hand, and the man inside turned into a roaring Sirius. He looked like It seems crazy. "I remember that the Potter family had an invisibility cloak. James was using it until the day of the accident. It should still be in the ruins of Godric's Hollow. Can you help me find it?"

"But people from the Ministry of Magic have already been to the scene." Pomona said subconsciously.

"They can't find something that they don't know exists and turns itself invisible, but you've seen it, right?" Dumbledore looked at Pomona. "You and Black found it together."

The old Potters passed away very suddenly, just like old Malfoy. No one expected that dragon pox would suddenly become an epidemic. Many elderly people died in this epidemic.

James was immersed in grief. Sirius and Peter helped him a lot. It was Dumbledore who told Pomona that James' family had such an invisibility cloak. After a long search, they found it in a dusty closet in the attic.

"Yes, Principal." Pomona said subconsciously, feeling like the deaconess at the orphanage who agreed despite looking at a blank piece of paper.

Appare vestigium can reveal footprints obscured by dust and snow, and she found it by following the footsteps of the old Porters in the attic.

But the villa in Godric's Hollow is full of James and Lily's footprints. How will she find clues?


With a "bang", the performer who had "disappeared" in the magic just jumped out of the cake, shocking many people.

This kind of magic of "transforming a person into a living person" was very old-fashioned in the 20th century, but it was very novel in the early 19th century and attracted a lot of applause.

Georgiana was clapping too, but her mind was on something else.

The mysterious man "disappeared" on Halloween, and he did not use an invisibility cloak to "disappear".

After she began to live in seclusion, Pomona once looked through the notes that Severus had read. They were actually research materials left by Dumbledore, including the spell bedazzling hex, with a cloak drawn underneath. At first she didn't Understand its meaning.

If a person was born with everything like Prince Paris, what would he feel he lacked?

When Ms. Chanel appeared at the Paris Opera House and saw people wearing colorful clothes in the gorgeous opera house, she thought of black, which was the color of the clothes worn by the nuns in the convent where she stayed. The color of mourning clothes.

Hercules was with the king's 49 daughters, but he suddenly went crazy and killed three of his children. Then he left the island to complete the impossible task.

James's background was not as good as Sirius's, but he was also pampered and raised by the Potters. He wanted whatever he wanted until he met love.

Even the Marquis de Sade occasionally wrote famous quotes - virtue can only bring imaginary happiness, real pleasure only lies in the satisfaction of the senses, and virtue cannot satisfy any sensual desires.

In Wagner's story, Tannhäuser left the Cave of Venus to find Elisabeth.

Bedazzling means dazzling and confusing, which means that Dumbledore believes that what makes the cloak invisible is not invisibility magic, but something similar to a confusion spell.

The Mirror of Erised can see what people desire most, and Harry also spent time in front of the Mirror of Erised.

If you are no longer confused, will you still be "confused" by the invisibility cloak known as the Deathly Hallows when you look at it again?

Bystanders can see "very clearly", but what the authorities need is not "sobriety".

Sirius was very happy after leaving home. He was free, but he still had the habit of spending money lavishly. Wasn't the Gaunt family also famous in the past?

When Sirius lost everything, there was someone who "caught" him. This was Pomona's understanding of the friendship between Sirius and James. Likewise, when James decided to marry Lily, neither Sirius nor Pomona objected. , why should they object?

Lily didn't marry James because she loved him. She needed a life, but neither the Ministry of Magic nor the school gave her a chance. What could she do with a Hogwarts diploma when she returned to the Muggle world? Who believes in magic schools?

James had changed a lot and sacrificed a lot for her. When it came to loving and being loved, Lily chose to be loved, which was obviously a wiser choice.

Sirius hated Lily because she "stole" James. After getting married, James couldn't do what he did when he was single. He turned into a deer and ran around with them.

The Marquis de Sade also said that ignorance and fear are the twin foundations of every religion.

Pomona was afraid of being alone, and unlike Fleur, she was a common nuisance to the girls.

Lily was also lonely. Not only did she not hide her intelligence and beauty, she also maintained a friendship with Snape, who wore a Slytherin robe.

Even ignoring his robes, Snape was a loser when he was studying... "Gorgon" thought she could meet a friend of the same sex.

If the head and body were separated and put back together, she wouldn't say anything. Chanel is expensive, as is Michelangelo.

The wizard who went to the guillotine hid his neck with a hiding spell. If the executioner was thinking normally, he clearly did not chop off the wizard's head. How could the neck and head be separated?

But "Monsieur Paris" executed the king, Danton, and Robespierre. He played the violin every night to calm himself. Later, he fell in love with a woman. She brought him peace, but soon she also fell in love with him. guillotine.

People will do some incredible things when they are not normal. After the wizard escaped the death penalty, he never came back from England.

She understood that Lily was too ordinary compared to the talented Snape.

But it is not easy for Animagus to transform. Snape also told her that he wanted a family like Malfoy, where everyone sat at the table and ate quietly instead of shouting loudly.

However, Pomona doesn't like that cold family model. She hopes that everyone can talk while eating, otherwise in such a big house, you can hear the echo when a table knife falls to the ground...

"I heard that Bonaparte has a new love." In the midst of the crowd, Fredly said, "You know that woman, she went to Belgium with you."

"There are so many women who have been to Belgium with me, how do I know which one?" she said expressionlessly.

"That's the one who asked for the brooch from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Fredley looked at her face and said, "She also hosted a party, and someone was poisoned to death."

Georgiana remembered who she was.

A lady-in-waiting whom she felt was very suitable to be the spokesperson, she was sent by Josephine.

"I know you like fans very much, but she seems to be leading this fashion." Fredley said, "She wants to completely replace you."

Georgiana laughed.

"What's so funny?" Fredley asked.

Because even when she was most unconscious, she never thought about replacing Josephine.

she thought to herself.

"Do you know why fans are not popular in France?" said Georgiana with a smile.

Frederic looked at her silently.

"I am of use to him, just as Josephine is of use to him, and now she is the same. When we are no longer of use, he will find someone else who is of use to him."

"You don't care about being used?" Fredley asked.

She looked at Fredley and said, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"I'm thinking, Mr. Smith did something wrong." Fredley sighed. "If you want to take revenge on him like this, you know what kind of person you are dealing with. He is a devil and an executioner, and the blood debt he owes will go to hell." It’s not enough, no matter what kind of punishment he receives, he deserves it.”

"That's right." She said suddenly.

"Right to what?" Fredly asked in surprise.

"Everyone is waiting for him in hell. What if he doesn't come?" she said calmly.

Fredley's eyes widened.

She smiled at Fredly, "Do you think fun is more important, or peace and tranquility?"

Seeing that Fredly was about to answer, she quickly stopped what he blurted out.

"Peace brings boredom. Look around you." Georgiana said, "Don't you think it's lively and happy?"

Fredley didn't say she was crazy.

"Do you think we are in hell?" he asked tentatively.

Georgiana looked at the table full of delicious food and the happy crowd. Whose hell looks like this?

"At least there is a bottom in hell." She said indifferently, "It's much better than the abyss, where you will keep falling and falling, as if there is no end."

Then she took a sip of champagne.

"Mr. Smith did nothing wrong. He is a saint. His treasure is not here. Don't involve him in this hell game."

"I think it is not up to you and me to decide whether to participate." Fredley smiled and said, "We will cooperate often in the future, Linda."

She looked at this diplomat who was completely different from Sir Merry.

He didn't say vague words, but he was equally puzzling.

At this time, the set crew carried the canvas out, and a new show was about to begin.

The golden spell that Newt used in Paris

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