Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3192 Titi and Meiwei (Part 2)

There is a "Water Palace" underground in Istanbul, which was built on the order of Emperor Justinian. It is said that it was feared that the city would be besieged and cause water supply difficulties.

Pomona flipped through the travel magazine. The next two pages of the book were photos taken. They looked mysterious and dark, as if there was some kind of monster hiding inside.

In fact, the stone pillars here do have the head of Medusa carved on them, and some of the pillars are also engraved with runes. It doesn't look like the "Water Temple".

She put down the travel magazine in her hand and opened another one, which introduced Paris, France. There is a place called Montsouri Park. There is a reservoir not far from the park, which was built under the order of Justinian. Like the reservoir, it is to provide drinking water to the people of the whole city.

The Montsuri Reservoir also has many arched pillars. Perhaps because of the light coming in, the reservoir does not look eerie. The French regard the underground waterway as a tourist project and can visit it by boat.

Then she put the French book aside and continued to read the "Water Palace" that Justinian ordered to build.

This "Water Palace" was built in 542. Ten years ago, the Nika riot broke out in Constantinople. The Gorgon Medusa originally lived on the other side where the Land of Night connects.

Then she opened the book to the front again, which introduced a spa in Budapest. Its name was Gellert, the same name as the famous Dark Lord.

It was an ancient Roman-style bathhouse. The water could not only be used for drinking, but also for bathing. Wherever the Romans visited, Roman-style life was also spread there.

Hungary is home to the most dangerous fire dragons, and Romania has a fire dragon sanctuary, but factors affecting the area go far beyond the Crimean War.

After World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated. During a meeting at the Palace of Versailles, the Allied Powers promised the King of Romania that as long as Romania joined the Allied Powers and sent troops to attack Bulgaria and Austria, they would allocate Transylvania to Romania.

Romania completed the attack mission in compliance with the intentions of the Allies and captured Transylvania. Since Hungary was a defeated country, Romania not only occupied the Transylvania region, but also classified more than 10 million Hungarians as Romania.

During the Habsburg rule, the Romanians were also the main population in Transylvania, but they were ruled by a parliament composed of a small number of people such as the Magyars, Sassians, and Secuys. Announce resolutions and promulgate laws.

Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II visited this area many times and was deeply sympathetic to the plight of the Romanians, who were considered descendants of the Romans.

He tried to improve the lot of the Romanians and abolished the medieval privileges of other peoples, but after his death the nobility abolished all his reforms.

What privileges the Romans once enjoyed seemed to be reversed after the fall of Rome. According to Montesquieu in "The Spirit of the Laws", "Expansion is the goal of the Romans, war is the goal of the Spartans, and the goal of barbarian governance is natural freedom."

However, the Roman slavery system deprived the barbarians of their freedom. It was stipulated in the barbarian code that the king's vassals did not need to appear in court or obey the judge's orders. Ordinary people involved in the case had to go through the boiling water test to obtain evidence, no matter how small the case was. , The king's vassals do not have to be like this, even if the owner of the favor is unwilling to join the army, he only needs to abstain from wine and meat during this period.

Is it conceivable under Roman rule that a Frank, "especially a Roman", who had not become a vassal of the king, would do everything he could for this position?

Patsy and Fudge had hoped to introduce a law abolishing dueling, but Transylvania's Minister of Magic ignored them at all. After all, they had never left England...

"Guess who I met?"

Pomona looked up as Severus walked in with a weird smile, as if the business of selling silver bullets brought him more than just the pleasure of profit.

"Who did you meet?" Pomona said smoothly.

"Your Gerald," he said sarcastically, pouring himself a glass of water.

"My what?" Pomona asked confused.

He raised his neck to drink water, revealing the hideous scars on his neck.

"He doesn't seem to recognize me anymore." Severus said after drinking the water, "But he hasn't changed much."

Pomona looked at the fire salamander ring on his hand, and the salamander's jeweled eyes stirred her memory.

"You have changed a lot compared to more than ten years ago." Pomona looked down at the book in his hand.

"What changes have happened to me?" he asked casually.

Snape, who is in his 20s, looks very young. Although he is not handsome, he still looks like a decent person.

She peeked at the 40-year-old Snape. Not only did he look much older, but the scar on his neck made him look like a super villain. Who had he offended to slit his throat?

"Talk about it." He said with a smile and sat down on the sofa opposite her.

"You look like a gang boss." She curled her freshly styled hair. "How do I look?"

He put down the cup in his hand, stood up again, and pulled her up with him.

He took her to the bedroom, and when passing by a table, he took out the pink roses in the vase.

"It's daytime," she reminded him.

But he didn't listen to her reminder, and after letting her lie on the bed, he scattered those roses on her body.

He stood on the bedside looking down at her.

Inexplicably, she thought of the dead lying in coffins waiting to be buried, and people would place funerary objects beside them.

Ancient people would put gold, silver and jewelry, but this would attract the attention of tomb robbers and disturb the peace of the deceased.

Modern people will put flowers. Death surrounded by flowers looks very beautiful, but the flowers will wither along with the corpse.

"You want to keep watching like this?" Pomona asked.

But he didn't seem to hear what she was saying, as if he had fallen into some kind of crazy fantasy.

Not long after, he knelt on one knee on the bed, his face so close to hers that his noses almost touched hers.

"Can you imagine?" he whispered, "how beautiful it looks with silver hair and pink roses?

"I can't imagine, let me see," she said softly.

If you were a Muggle, you would probably take a photo.

But he used the mind-sharing spell to let her see his "daydream".

This is another kind of forbidden spell, usually a high-level one versus a low-level one, such as Aragog, the Spider King, versus Harry Potter, and Voldemort versus all the little wizards in Hogwarts. Two people who are not much different can do it. Bad thinking is like milk and black tea, mixed together and never separated.

But some people just love to drink milk tea. Black tea and milk alone are not as delicious as it.

When he dispersed the spell, the lingering ripples lingered on her body and did not dissipate.

"How is it?" he said in a nasal voice, smelling the rose scent on her body.

She couldn't make a sound for a long time.

"Fantastic," she said with a silly smile, as if she was under the Imperius Curse.

He smiled at her, then sat up and lit a cigarette with his back to her.

She remembered that last time, he had his back to her, and his back looked so skinny that his spine was protruding...


She heard a loud roar that startled her.

When she came to her senses, she found that she was still in the palace in Compiègne, and she could see a large forest from the window.

"I've been looking for you for a long time." Talleyrand came over on crutches.

"You're looking for me?" she asked.

"Merry Christmas." Talleyrand took a jewelry box from the attendant and handed it to her.

She looked at Talleyrand suspiciously.

"Open it and take a look." Talleyrand said with a smile, just like Satan tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

"What do you want?" Georgiana took the box but did not open it.

"It's Christmas, and I don't think anyone can blame Christmas for exchanging gifts," Talleyrand said with a false smile.

"What do you want?" Georgiana repeated.

"We'll talk as we walk." Talleyrand limped along on crutches.

Georgiana looked at him and remembered what Leila had said about "Lame Anderson". Would Leila have the same thought when she saw Talleyrand?

She looked up out the window again.

In the 20th century, there was a road leading to Vienna from Compiègne. It is said that Napoleon understood Queen Louise's homesickness and ordered the engineers to cut down the trees. As a result, there was a wide and flat road, which looks long in the photo. It was full of green grass, as if no one had taken care of it for many years.

If he didn't marry the Austrian princess, what excuse would he have to build a road leading to someone else's capital?

It happened that she saw a pink rose in the vase in the corridor, but she did not pin it on her head.

She personally prefers thorns. Originally, she was the witch who made Sleeping Beauty's castle surrounded by thorns.

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