Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3193 Flashing Mosaic (1)

Emeralds are very fragile. If the ground is hard enough, the emerald will break if it falls to the ground. Therefore, the most common shape of ancient emeralds is egg noodles.

However, in order to reflect the fire of the gemstone, the egg-faced emerald was not suitable. Later, the craftsmen invented a cutting technique, which even has the special term "emerald cut".

At the Royal Jewelry Exhibition, there is a set of emerald crowns, necklaces and earrings. Sometimes the Queen will wear the crown to attend important events.

The Queen said she could not bow her head because the crown would fall off if it was too heavy and would break if it were an emerald.

However, for some reason, it was possible that a careless intern accidentally broke one of the earrings while carrying the jewelry. In short, in order to make everything look "no problem", Gerald used other " "Gem" is replaced.

The new gem looked so perfect, no different from the original one, but he still carefully kept the secret until he "accidentally" let it slip when he was dating "Molly".

In order to keep this "shared secret", Severus and Gerald became "allies". Together they forged a jewel thief named Yaroslav. If necessary, they could steal the stolen jewel. The emerald was handed over as "evidence".

Buckingham Palace security personnel then concluded that Yaroslav's purpose in scribbling on the wall was to cause chaos in the palace and then steal a certain treasure.

Several rulers of the Romanov dynasty liked to collect jewelry, especially Peter the Great and Queen Catherine, who were both avid diamond lovers. However, Severus "speculated" that Yaroslav's target was an Easter egg.

The vast majority of Tsarist eggs were made by Fabergé, so Tsarist eggs are also called Fabergé eggs, but in fact not all eggs were made by Fabergé, such as the 1903 Peter the Great egg. , made by Michael Pelchin, a craftsman in the Faberge workshop at that time, the Easter egg was just a project of the Faberge company. They also dealt in cigarette boxes, ornaments, mantel clocks, etc.

It is these works of art that made Faberge famous among royal families throughout Europe. Faberge's snuff boxes were once diplomatic gifts from Tsarist Russia.

After Faberge's sons took over the jewelry studio, the scale of the industry grew rapidly, so the brothers hired many skilled goldsmiths. Michael was especially good at the Rococo style. He also made a hat with multi-color gold and enamel. A Louis XVI style sedan chair.

Anyway, Pomona didn't know what happened next. Snape was like an ordinary civil servant, going to and from get off work every day. She would cook for him in the apartment, and then go back to Hogwarts to sleep at night, until one day he Wake her up early in the morning with a double-sided mirror to watch him working in Buckingham Palace.

Sleeping was her hobby, but he was in such a good mood at the time that he didn't feel her anger at all.

His memory is very good, let alone more than ten years ago, he can clearly remember even the grudges from twenty years ago. Harry Potter understands this very well.

All in all, Talleyrand's purpose was simple. He gave Georgiana a Christmas gift, and Georgiana should also give him a Christmas gift. He had been interested in a famous painting in the Louvre for a long time, but he did not want to auction it, but " Obtained by exchanging gifts.

What he gave to Georgiana was a pair of black pearl earrings. Below the pearls were three-color tassels composed of red, emerald and diamonds. They looked full of exotic style and matched her new pearl necklace.

It is said in The Prince that a person who is not friendly to you will seek your neutrality, while a person who is friendly to you will ask you to take up arms and express your position. In order to escape the current danger, an indecisive monarch often adopts neutral measures. the way.

The example used by Machiavelli is that of the Antiochus envoy to the Achaeans, allies of the Romans, encouraging them to remain neutral, and the Romans, on the other hand, encouraging the Achaeans to take up arms and side with them. The Achaeans' choice was to remain neutral, and after Rome finished solving Macedonia, they would dissolve Achaia and merge it into a Roman province.

Russia was also an Allied power during World War I. If Romania remained neutral, they would block Russia's path forward. After Napoleon's death, Russia has longed to be the "patron saint" of Romania and Moldova. This is mainly because Napoleon ran back once after being imprisoned on the island. After it was determined that he could not run away, the Grand Duke of Romania returned to the country. However, the father of this Grand Duke was just a landowner in Moldova. He had studied in Paris for many years and received a civilized education. , easier to communicate with than the Magyars.

Even before World War I, the Magyar nobles were able to speak in Hungary. After the Mongols left, Hungary was left in a mess. Only a few castles were spared, and Hungary lost nearly half of its population. Bela IV refused to surrender and was surrounded and suppressed by the Mongols. He later fled to Austria, where the Mongolian troops were directed.

After Genghis Khan died and the Mongols retreated, Bela IV immediately took the time to build bunkers. These bunkers did not prevent the Mongols, but they later came in handy in defending against the Ottoman invasion. Bela IV also received the title of "Reconstruction of His Hometown" "the nickname".

Because Bella IV married a Byzantine princess, their descendants intermarried with all existing European monarchs, and then all existing European royal families have Byzantine blood.

Georgiana is a mixed-blood Veela, and Veela can only give birth to females. If she really gives birth to Bonaparte's child, and she marries a European royal family, then the European royal family will have no male heirs in the future. This "curse" is worse than blood friends. The disease is still terrible.

She was so enthusiastic earlier that she forgot about this incident. If Bonaparte deposed Josephine and married her, she would only end up like Anne Boleyn. Giving birth to a boy is not difficult for Princess Louise, but not for her, a monster in human skin. What he wants is a male heir, even though France no longer uses the "Salic Law".

When Clovis I established the Frankish Kingdom, the Eastern Roman Empire was under the rule of Justinian.

This trip to Belgium shows how bad Georgiana's social and diplomatic skills are. Fortunately, there are so many "guardians" in the way. However, if she appeared in the accompanying team, Josephine would not go. Josephine thought that this time Napoleon would compromise as before.

He may have planned early in the morning to set off from Le Havre and take a boat along the French coastline and across the channel to Belgium.

Deposing a queen and divorce are two different things. The queen is just an accessory of the dynasty. Louis wanted to give birth to the King of Rome even if he risked his own life. Divorce denies the marriage relationship between the two people, and the children born in wedlock become illegitimate children. After Henry VIII divorced Queen Catherine, Mary became an illegitimate daughter. Henry VIII killed Anne Boleyn and married another woman, leaving Elizabeth an illegitimate daughter.

Montesquieu also talked about the issue of polygamy and monogamy. The polygamy system can avoid the problem of having no heirs because the wife is infertile.

First ignore the question of whether the "head of the family" can treat his wives and the children they have equally.

Many philosophers came to Persia during the Justinian period, and Persia practiced polygamy. The Franks are Germanic people. Some Germanic people practice polygamy and some practice monogamy. This is practiced according to their tribal customs.

Rome has always practiced monogamy, but both Caesar and Pompey regarded marriage as a tool to gain more benefits and divorced and married many times.

The church introduced a contractual relationship, and people could not divorce easily. No matter how much the husband prefers his wife's children, the illegitimate children will not get anything and will still have to go out and wander with the second sons.

On the contrary, the adopted son was legitimate, and Justinian himself succeeded his uncle. He and Theodora had no children, and the successor was also a nephew.

Justinian wrote monogamy into Roman law, and there was also an innovation in which women entered into marriages with men in their own names. In ancient Roman law, marriage was concluded with the consent of both parties, not the male and female parties, but the consent of both fathers.

In a patriarchal marriage, the husband can expel the woman if she is unable to have children or commits major negligence.

So Theodora, a comedic actress, was canonized as a saint.

"The purple robe is the most beautiful shroud." She not only preserved the Eastern Roman Empire. At the same time, it is also the Civil Code of Justinian, which stipulates that the union between men and women is a lifelong union, a combination of human law and divine law, changing the original "divorce is allowed in Roman law without any special reasons or procedures." "The current situation.

Talleyrand has no loyalty at all. He is like a wind-driven chicken. He will go wherever the wind blows. When the wind blows away from her, he will disappear.

In other words, his arrival was a good sign, and Georgiana was in luck.

But as luck would have it, she felt like she was facing a bloody disaster.

Now she thought of Albus and how wise he had been in letting her drink the potion.

Not long after, they came to the room that had been destroyed by Georgiana. It was in a mess, as if it had been a robbery.

The palace of Compiègne was not completely unscathed during the Revolution. The robbers set a fire when they left, but they did not burn all the rooms. They only burned the celebration hall where Louis XIV commemorated the victory of Flanders. Burned.

It is now a theater and stage, spacious enough for artists to perform.

If only Josephine would come, she would arrange everything perfectly, but no woman could stand such anger.

Georgiana picked up a piece of broken glass on the ground, which was about the same size as a mosaic.

If all the walls in the room were covered with mosaics like this, I don’t know what the effect would be. It might look like a disco.

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