Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3191 Titi and Meiwei (Part 1)

Amalfi is a city by the sea. Like Pisa, it was once a trading-based republic until a tsunami in 1343 almost destroyed the entire city.

The great plague of 1348 wiped out a large part of the population here. Since then, the city has declined and is now only the size of a small town.

But it was a very prosperous city during the Crusades, and therefore there is the earliest manuscript of the "Compilation of Doctrine" in Europe in this city.

This version of the manuscript, known as the "original", was preserved in the city of Amalfi until the 12th century. Its "palimpsest" appeared in southern Italy and became known in northern Italy a few years later.

It can be said that without this book, Roman law would not have been resurrected in medieval Europe, and this "Collection of Doctrine" was the only book on Roman law that medieval law students could access.

Many of the extant "Collections of Doctrine" are from the Bologna and Florentine manuscripts. Both versions are incomplete and deleted. The Florentine version has a total of two volumes and the Bologna edition has three volumes.

There was a saying in Bologna at that time: anything that is not recognized by the commentary will not be recognized by the court.

There is also a "Grand Lectures", which was a must-have for judges at that time, so this version is called the "Popular Edition" and contains many notes.

Even with the advent of printing, Florentines still prefer handwritten books, which have more exquisite bindings and more illustrations. Compared with "popular books", they are more suitable as Christmas gifts for girls.

In fact, according to Georgiana's opinion, she prefers "entry-level" readings such as "The Ladder of Law" rather than "Collections of Problems", not to mention that the so-called "Florence Codex" should actually be called the "Pisa Codex". It was a spoil of war after Florence captured Pisa in 1406. It was stored in the Medici private library in Florence. The Pisa people obtained this codex, which was also looted from the city of Amalfi in 1135, when the city was still in the Byzantine Empire. under the rule of

"Do you like it?" asked Bonaparte.

"Is this the one Lorenzo read?" Georgiana asked, holding the book in her hand.

"You can write to them and ask them," he said lightly.

If so, that would be interesting.

Georgiana looked at the book in her hand and wondered whether to cover it with a glass cover.

At this time, there was an unpleasant sound of birds chirping.

"What's that sound?" he asked with a frown.

"Mango." Georgiana said helplessly, "It looks good, but its sound is not good."

"Let me test you, if someone plants someone else's plant on his own land, to whom does the plant belong?" Bonaparte asked.

"Gah~" Mango shouted again.

"Phylli, take it away!" Georgiana shouted outside.

After a while, Philiel from Greece ran into the study like a whirlwind, carrying the cage of the bird of paradise, and disappeared like a whirlwind.

"It depends on whether the plant has roots." Georgiana squinted at him. "If someone else's plant takes root on your own land, the ownership will change."

He laughed.

"The book you gave me is too difficult." She complained softly.

He was in a good mood and sat down on the chair, letting her sit on his lap.

"You are so beautiful." He looked at her contentedly and said, like a miser counting money.

She didn't say that if she wasn't good-looking, he would still dislike her.

Beauty is the premise of all this, who cares what an old lady living alone is thinking.

She fell into his arms very gently, wanting to take a rest.

According to Justinian, if Titi's territory is close to a neighbor's tree and the tree's roots grow into Titi's land, the tree belongs to Titi, because "reason" does not allow trees to be considered to belong to the land where the tree takes root. Someone other than a person.

"I have other gifts for you when you get back." He said in her ear.

"What gift?" she said casually.

"Have you read my letter?" he said seriously.

She hated Faron, why did he rescue the letter?

"I give you a family tree, and it will flourish."

"What family tree?" Georgiana said, looking at him.

"It's made of gold, silver and coral, and you can put pictures on it."

"How much does it cost?"

He laughed again, as if he thought her question was funny.

He could say he had everything now, but the ring he gave to Josephine when he was young, even if he spent everything on it, it still only had a small diamond.

But persuasion was useless. A new map hung in the map room outside. This "new map" depicted the current boundaries of the French Republic. Virgil, who traveled with Dante, once said, "I will not impose any force on the Romans." Any limitations in space or time, I have given them unlimited dominion.”

Expanding and restoring the glory of Rome is the dream of every ambitious emperor, although Napoleon has not yet proclaimed himself emperor.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Cicero," she said softly. "Besides On Friendship, what else have you read?"

"You just want friendship?" he asked.

"I'm not a Platonist." She jumped off his lap, "I'm really angry this time, Li Ang, you have to give me some time."

He was clearly running out of patience.

The rooting situation of plants mentioned by Justinian does not include trees on the boundary. If they are trees growing on the boundary, they are shared.

It's a pity that she is not a tree. People can run if they have legs.

"I want to go to Siberia." She said calmly. "I will go when summer comes."

He got angry.

"Even the Scots only dare to go to Siberia in the summer. I want to investigate there." She said without giving up.

"You don't want to go anywhere." He stood up and gathered the documents on the table.

"If I don't go, I have to send someone." She came to the opposite side of the desk. "Do you know about the permafrost?"

He stopped fiddling with the papers.

"I need to know what magic makes the tree roots pry open the permafrost." She said seriously, "Otherwise, let me go to Spain. I want to go to the library there."

"I can borrow any books you want."

"It's a book about star magic."

"What do you want to do, summon meteors?" He smiled sarcastically.

She still looked at him seriously.

"Can you really summon meteors?" he asked in surprise.

"I can move a mountain, let alone a 'little meteor'." She said lightly.

He stared at her cautiously.

"I don't need you to summon the shooting stars now. Please stay with Pauline."

Only then did she remember that Polina was back, alone, and with Leclerc's body.

"Delmid is also waiting for you at home. Why are you going out at this time?" he said coldly.

That's not my home.

she thought.

But her "home" seems to be gone.

It would be great if he could stop thinking about Mrs. Potter and live a good life with her.

However, Harry Potter did not believe in Dumbledore's murderer. Apart from this reason, what else could make Harry believe in Snape?

"Do you believe in hell?" she asked.

"Not only do I believe it, I've also been there." He slapped the table and said, "Get out!"

She obeyed and left, taking the "Christmas gift" before leaving.

What is the difference between hell and purgatory apart from time limit and no time limit?

She looked at the book in her hand, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Who would give a girl a codex for Christmas.

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