Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3183 Giant Whale and Elephant (7)

In fact, when Remus turned into a werewolf, as long as James didn't take action, Severus probably wouldn't be safe even if he survived. In this way, he would have lost a "love rival".

Sirius would not betray him, not to mention that it was Sirius who came up with this idea. If the matter was exposed, the two of them were colluding, and the punishment they received would not be as simple as being suspended from school for a few days.

The human heart is like a pendulum swinging back and forth, constantly swinging back and forth between the "righteous" and the "criminal".

The world depends on me, and if the world I see is wrong, I have to correct it.

James saved Severus' life and exposed his secret.

Georgiana found an empty room to smoke, and the music was still playing outside the door, but she felt as if she was in another world.

In the paper he submitted, Cedric used fossils and living substances as his arguments. Fossils are formed after animals and plants lose their "life" and maintain their original shape.

At that time, Minerva and the Transfiguration Office were studying the working principle of people "petrified" by the basilisk. They came to a very strange point of view. The basilisk petrified the soul rather than the body. Nick, who was almost headless, was The basilisk was "petrified".

Cedric then went to explore the principle of conversion of living matter and non-living matter, forgetting about the "observer" that Pomona told him.

The observer walks through the jungle, but does not participate in the "game" in the jungle, even if he sees a cute little rabbit being cruelly eaten.

Australia is a continent and a huge island. Thylacines look like wolves, although they have tiger-like stripes. Because they are suspected of attacking sheep, they are hated and hunted by herders.

Godzilla is fictionally based on the marine iguana of Galapatos. If you look at it from the outside, the iguana does look terrifying.

But marine iguanas will not attack people at all. If people do not attack iguanas, they will not attack because they do not think humans are their natural enemies.

Napoleon, wearing the uniform of a French academician, looked gentle... He was taking over from someone else. Carlo used to be his teacher of surveying and mapping. He later went into exile and participated in the Fruity Moon coup. He was then killed in a bombardment, and his position as French academician was vacated.

There was a satirical poet who said that he was like a "chameleon"... There were some words that she would not have dared to say to him face to face, unless she also wanted to be locked up in a lunatic asylum and paid to visit.

After Napoleon returned from Egypt, he wanted to record everything that happened in Egypt in the history books, so he appointed a committee at the Academy to help corroborate his story.

Some people from the French Academy of Morals and Political Science refused to sign this "fabricated" "storybook". They mainly refused to admit the plot of Napoleon touching the body of a sick soldier with his hands to make him recover.

The last time she attended a lecture at the Collège de France, another person said that the ancient Greek sages did not discuss the piety and impiety of the Greeks, purity and filth, and the fear and reverence of the gods. Each god has a fixed function and a special responsibility. realm, they exist in the world and are part of it. Without a priesthood, without a church, men praised beauty, strength, eternal youth, and the splendor of life, and these beliefs were never punishable by the charge of impiety, forcing them everywhere to strictly obey certain truths.

When the political-religious agreement was passed, the MPs who had always been "indifferent to worldly affairs" and focused on academic research suddenly rebelled. Then he "purged" a large number of MPs and expelled Madame de Staël before restoring "order".

In fact, the captain of the Bounty was not that bad. He took Captain Cook as an example. He was not only good at drawing, but also had rich sailing experience. He could organize and manage the crew in the early stages of the voyage. The crew had hot food regularly and all their clothes were dried on the In the hallway, there was no fever, no flu, no sepsis, or fatal illness.

"Green food" is rich in vitamins. Women who were in the weight loss period in the 20th century loved to eat it and exercise to stay healthy. But sailors preferred hard liquor and sleep, which is why some developed sepsis even though they knew they would die if they didn't eat vegetables.

The captain of the Bounty is a perfectionist. He has high requirements for his men's expected goals and the means to achieve them. Therefore, the crew still has hot dishes to eat at sea, which used to be the captain's prerogative.

The captain did not ask the Tahitian chief to find the islanders who had stolen the iron pieces from the ship. Even Captain Cook severely dealt with the Polynesians who stole the ship, and this was not unconnected with his death in Hawaii.

However, when the mutinous crew members were arrested and brought to a British court-martial for trial, they all accused the captain of improper command.

Thanks to the French kings, even if a man in this era married a wife, as long as he did not have a mistress outside, even Frederick the Great would be suspected of having a problem.

While other crew members went to the port to drink and look for women, the captain kept his integrity, which led to misunderstandings.

The crew's evaluation of him changed from "calm and funny" to "pretentious", and whispers behind his back were inevitable.

When the carpenter publicly refused to carry out the order, the situation spiraled toward a "death spiral."

The captain found it increasingly difficult to control his temper, yelling at sailors who failed to live up to his expectations, and eventually whipping sailors for "disrespect and disobedience."

This did not improve the situation. Even after he read two legal documents, the sailors still refused to obey. Since both the military court and the magistrate's court required officers, they found two candidate officers on the ship.

These two students, one is 15 years old and the other is 24 years old. The 15-year-old was assigned by the captain's father-in-law, but the sailors did not know this and thought that he and the 24-year-old candidate were both assigned by the army.

Because of the "internal response", the captain was able to escape the mutiny. Another 24-year-old candidate officer was not so lucky. He participated in the mutiny and died on the "Pandora".

Ever since she got the unburned letter, the warning of "Pandora's Box" has been lingering in her mind.

Why did Faron want to rescue it?

She was so upset that she smoked a cigarette. The red sparks burned the paper and tobacco of the cigarette, giving off a smell similar to burning paper.

The "Book of Glory" says that the judgment of sins in hell is to impose punishment on the criminals. However, the fire of hell is a fire that burns day and night, just like the criminals are heated by the fire of the foundation of sin. The criminals are like this in hell. Being burned in the fire, the soul undergoes a second long and painful death.

On the entrance to the gates of hell it is written: Through me, into the city of pain, Through me, into the pit of everlasting misery, Through me, among the people of eternal damnation, justice prompts the power of my exalted Creator, God, Supreme wisdom and supreme love, this trinity formed me.

Before me, there was nothing created except immortal things, and I am also immortal and will live forever.

Abandon all hope, you who enter through this.

Purgatory will cease to exist at the end of the world. This is good news and bad news. The good news is that suffering has an end. The bad news is that if the sins in the body are not washed away by fire before that day comes, then there is no way to heaven. The door will not be open.

In 1454, Duke Philip of Burgundy held the "Pheasant Feast". Was it as lively as the banquet organized by Talleyrand outside?

If she were to plan the banquet, there would be no such pomp and ceremony, even though the Hogwarts opening banquet looked very sumptuous to Ron.

She was very happy to see Ron eating well, which made her feel that food can bring happiness.

But now she doesn't feel that way.

The Taotie will also devour itself like the Ouroboros, but that is because it eats everything in the world and has nothing else to eat. The Ouroboros neither increases nor decreases, but keeps repeating the process of destruction and regeneration.

It seems unchanged, time will not accumulate on it, it will always remain as it was when it was first created.

Snakes also have the meaning of healing, but unfortunately that hateful snake refused to change, even if she reconstructed him.

He only remembered the person who sabotaged him, and it was she who made him seriously think about change.

How do you want to change? What does it become?

A broken stone can turn into a dog, a fly, or a toad, depending on the will of the caster...

After so many years, the stone has been warmed by her!

"I'm so angry!" she said in a rage. She wanted to destroy something, but she was afraid that the sound of a broken vase would attract people outside.

Then she became even more angry.

"Ma'am," Layla whispered.

She looked at little Layla angrily.

Then she reminded herself not to be like Voldemort and take out his anger on others with the Killing Curse.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana said softly.

"You look angry. What's bothering you?" Layla said softly.

What can a little girl understand?

"You are still young, but I hope you remember not to fall in love." She said with a tone of experience.

"But how to get married without love?" Leila asked.

She really didn't know how to answer this question.

"Do you think the longer you live, the happier you will be?" Georgiana said.

Layla thought for a moment and shook her head.

"I wish I were as old and lame as Cripple Anderson," Layla said.

"Who is Lame Anderson?" asked Georgiana.

"The lumberyard guard," Layla said.

Georgiana still didn’t know who Leila was talking about, and then said, “If a person gets as much happiness in one day as he gets in eternity, the rest of his life will be like being buried, or maybe a kind of happiness is perfect At this time, do the finite and infinite time still have meaning?”

"I see what you mean," Layla said.

She felt Layla didn't understand.

But she kind of understood why Dumbledore raised Harry that way.

"The son of Cronus never gave a life without pain to mortals, but happiness and sorrow, the wheel of time rolls to everyone." Georgiana stroked Leila's tight-skinned cheek, "Even like along the track The moving stars also die.”

Layla looked at her in fascination.

"Life is short, fall in love, girl, while your red lips have not faded and your blood has not cooled down. Tomorrow there will no longer be such a good time."

"Didn't you advise me not to fall in love?" Leila asked.

"Because happiness, sadness and time go together." Georgiana pinched Leila's nose. "If there is a perfect love, do you want to have a few more partners?"

Layla was stunned.

She smiled bitterly. The little girl must have been confused by her inconsistent words.

The pendulum swings back and forth, like a scale before it is "balanced."

Love is so complex, no wonder the door to its room is locked.

She thought impatiently and sank into the sofa without any sign of sitting down, no longer wanting to maintain the pretense of being dignified.

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