Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3184 Giant Whale and Elephant (8)

"Please come in."

Pomona opened the door and Minerva sat at the desk with a view of the Quidditch pitch and looked back.

"Look for me." Pomona closed the door.

"I know you're busy, but we need to talk," Minerva said, sitting down at another table used when talking to students.

"Are you going to give me career guidance, professor?" Pomona said jokingly.

"Actually, the principal asked me to talk to you. How did you tell Mr. Diggory about the 'Watcher'?" Minerva said.

Pomona glanced at the Firebolt placed in Minerva's office, and then at Minerva.

"Why do you say that when you could have enlightened him in other ways?" said Minerva.

"Otherwise, what do you want me to do?" Pomona said angrily, "You were the first to break the fairness."

"We have to look at the bigger picture," Minerva said in vain.

"You know what it feels like to be insulted?" Pomona said with some emotion. "It's so deep that it transcends our lives."

"It's just a Quidditch match." Minerva said slightly surprised. "Are you overreacting?"

Pomona couldn't explain it to Minerva.

Because Harry's Firebolt was given by Sirius, he told her just like that while lying on her sofa.

"Why does your place smell like dog?" Snape asked when he came to her office.

"Is it weird that I have a dog here?" Pomona said with a laugh.

He didn't answer, looking at her cautiously and suspiciously.

"In short, the Firebolt exceeded the limit. It is not Nimbus 2000." Pomona explained feebly.

"That's not what you want to say," Minerva said.

"Yes, you can't go too far in joking. Of course, I don't think you will listen." Pomona stood up and planned to leave Minerva's office.

"We let you play with James and the others for no other reason. You make yourself too lonely." Minerva said to her back, "You need more friends."

"Are you worried that I'm as crazy as Bridget Willock?" Pomona asked without looking back.

"We want you to be happy. I know that's the case with half-blood magical creatures." Minerva said. "Filius also lives in isolation, but you are not a Ravenclaw."

Yeah, who's ever seen a Hufflepuff who doesn't fit in so well?

Pomona made a face at Minerva, then opened the door and left.


"Dean." Cedric called to Pomona.

"What's the matter?" Pomona smiled and looked at the Hogwarts champion.

"Do you know what the first competition event is?" Cedric asked slightly nervously.

Pomona didn't know whether to say it or not.

"It's a dragon. How can I defeat a dragon?" Cedric said anxiously, walking around in the greenhouse.

"Who told you that?" Pomona asked.

"Harry Potter," Cedric said.

Pomona raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that the "fourth champion" would be the first to discover the secret of the project.

"Can I withdraw from the competition now? I heard that some people were injured or even died in the Triwizard Tournament." Cedric said out of breath.

There's nothing strange about this. A student who just turned 17 is dealing with a dragon? Fudge is completely crazy for the "game effect".

She also had to worry that Harry Potter was, as Minerva said, like a piece of "fresh meat" delivered to her door.

Luckily he had the Firebolt.

"Harry can deal with a basilisk at the age of 12, are you not as good as him?" Pomona asked.

"He's not like us, he's the 'chosen one,'" Cedric said.

"I think you were rewarded for what you did." Pomona said calmly, "When everyone else felt it was unfair and wore their badges to laugh at Harry."

Cedric frowned at her.

Yes, she had her tacit approval for all that. Hey, that's not what they're talking about now.

"Do you know what prize the winner of the Triwizard Tournament will get? Not only a generous bonus, but also a name in history." Pomona reminded, "You see Victor Krum is very prosperous now, but he You will only leave your name in the history of Quidditch. Do you think how many people in the school read the history of Quidditch?"

"There are still people watching." Cedric replied hesitantly.

"If you succeed, Cedric, it will be an honor for all of us." Pomona encouraged. "When you became the champion of the Triwizard Tournament, people in other colleges simply couldn't believe it."

She paused after saying this. Generally speaking, men would not refuse the temptation of leaving their names in history, including Albus Dumbledore, but currently the only person who has written a biography of him is his aunt Bathilda Shabat. .

After all, why doesn't Hufflepuff have any dark wizards?

What is your greatest ambition? Be a big eater?

"We've been laughed at for years, Cedric, and this is our chance to impress them," Pomona said.

Cedric fell into serious thought.

"Of course, if you feel like you can't do it, I understand, life is important..."

"I will continue to participate," Cedric interrupted Pomona. "For Hufflepuff's honor."

"Thank you." Pomona breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to say thank you, Dean." Cedric said calmly, "You should say 'come on'."

"Come on, Cedric!" Pomona said, smiling at him.

Cedric opened his arms and embraced her.

"I'm going, Dean." Cedric let go of his hand and took a half step back.

"Go ahead," Pomona said.

Cedric straightened his back and left the greenhouse as she watched.

================================================== ========

Actually, come to think of it, it's no wonder she doesn't like the Iliad.

Georgiana put out her cigarette.

She had too much hope for Cedric, and he didn't want to disappoint everyone, so he reluctantly participated in the game that was not only difficult, but also extremely thrilling, and ended up costing his own life.

If Thetis really loves Achilles, she should not care about his honor after he withdraws from the war, because as long as he does not participate in the war, he can avoid his certain death.

Draco was actually as talented as Harry in Quidditch, and his family could afford a Firebolt, but Narcissa Malfoy only had one son.

The more a person has nothing, the more he can afford to lose. He has nothing to lose.

When Severus was in his 20s, he could easily tell Dumbledore anything because he had nothing.

But when he was 40 years old, he evaluated Napoleon and said that he was the first person to clearly realize that he had to be fully prepared for war when others were unprepared. If he didn't know where the cannon was, he wouldn't be able to implement this plan even if he had it.

If the soul is mortal, it can be destroyed in hell, or by fire and the fangs of the basilisk.

Why did Harry think the souls of his mother, father, Sirius and Remus appeared on the Resurrection Stone?

Albus Dumbledore is a famous master of illusions, why couldn't he be a liar?

This method is despicable, but it is better than no method at all. This is the "secret" of the "White Wizard" to defeat the two Dark Lords.

Lily lived a short life, but she enjoyed perfect happiness, much more happiness than she had!

When this kind of happiness is perfect, it will not be more perfect. She will always be so young and beautiful, and will not have to withstand the ravages of time and be lamented that heroes are short-lived and beauties are old.

Is there any basis to prove that living to the age of 80 will accumulate more happiness than the previous 20 years, instead of spending the remaining 60 years remembering the days of youth?

Albus Dumbledore spent more than 120 years remembering the "friendship" between him and Grindelwald, but he took this secret into the coffin.

And Lily didn't change herself. James changed it for her. She believed that black magic represented evil until her death.

When adults teach children 3+2=5, they wonder why they can’t even do something so simple.

Even when young people teach old people to operate new machines, they don’t think it’s that easy.

In fact, the simpler things are, the more difficult they are.

Isidora is very talented, and she did not use her magic power to create an army of death and conquer the world.

She thought there was no pain in this world, only happiness.

Of course she couldn't understand why Fitzgerald didn't want her to erase her pain.

It's hard to get it back after it's lost, so we have to avoid losing it.

How can Isidora wake up his father who is nothing but an empty shell?

Severus asked her if she could stop being so aloof and aloof, acting like she was staying out of it.

Fools are the least likely to be controlled by pride, but who is willing to be a fool?

After putting out the cigarette, she took out a tarot card - The Fool.

Although she avoids the happy life of banquets and carnivals, it does not mean that she cannot enjoy life.

The way to deal with fate is to travel light, treat everything you might lose as already lost, ignore everything else, and chase the "Golden Snitch" you want.

She lit the tarot card with flames, threw it away, and walked out of the small living room.

The ball will still be held with or without her, and the earth will turn around no matter who dies, whether you are a big shot or a little shot.

When she walked near the dance floor, she saw exactly what she expected.

She herself was chased by an old woman just now, and Bonaparte was now surrounded by young girls, whose bright eyes looked like wolves seeing fresh meat.

The lieutenants dutifully gathered around him. Perhaps they were missing Josephine and would form a "parapet" to surround the husband.

William III dug up sea walls and flooded the French, but where was she to find them now?

Georgiana took out a black fan, opened it with a "swish" sound, and used fan language to signal him.

Paris is a prince and handsome, so there must be no shortage of suitors. How could he think that love is not something he can meet every day?

He didn't see it, but there were quite a few men around him who could understand fan language and came closer.

"Madam, do you want to smoke?" One of the men with a mustache took out the cigarette case diligently.

She imitated the way Fleur looked at Ron, giving him a look and he walked away embarrassed.

If it weren't for Fleur Delacour, she wouldn't have known that a woman could live like this.

With these "flower protectors" around, she easily squeezed through the crowd and came to the "fresh meat".

"A person?" she said with a smile to the chosen "champion".

"I have a dance partner." He replied with a smile.

"Where is she?"

He held out his hand to her, but she ignored it and continued to "talk" in fan language.

An adjutant understood and whispered in his ear.

So he followed her.

There were angry and jealous eyes all around. If it were in the past...

"Where are you taking me?" he asked, holding her hand.

"A place where others won't disturb us." She turned around and smiled, then pulled him away from the dance venue.

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