Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3182 Giant Whale and Elephant (6)

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Pomona said.

Then the door opened and Cedric walked in.

"Look for me, Dean." The rosy-cheeked Cedric said with a smile.

"Please take a seat," Pomona said to the Quidditch captain, pointing to the chair opposite the desk.

Cedric sat down obediently.

"I think you should know that Gryffindor's Seeker has got a new 'secret weapon'." Pomona said.

"I don't think that's a 'secret' weapon," Cedric said with a laugh.

"Doesn't that make you sad?" Pomona asked.

"No, Harry's broom broke and he bought a new one, that's all for me." Cedric was still smiling.

She couldn't tell whether the child really thought that or said it deliberately and thoughtfully.

"Is that what you want to say? Dean," Cedric said.

"No." Pomona handed the book he had prepared to Cedric. "Look at this and write a report to me."

Cedric took the book and started flipping through it.

"This is a Muggle book." Cedric frowned in confusion.

"To be precise, it is the transcript of a lecture at the University of Edinburgh." Pomona read the content of the book to Cedric. "The value and meaning of life in evolution depend on its interaction with the whole. The principle of this interaction is through natural selection." Achieved by the shaping process, living matter has any properties required by the process of natural selection."

Cedric looked at Pomona with even more confusion.

"Have you read Darwin's Theory of Evolution?" Pomona asked.

"Seen it," Cedric said.

"The Galapatos Islands where he is located can be understood as a 'realm'. The organisms living in this system were generally coherent until Darwin, a human being, appeared." Pomona said while pouring himself a glass of wine. A cup of tea "This system is self-sufficient, and Darwin did not destroy the island. He was just a bystander, describing the natural selection of the island's residents, and he did not enter the system himself. He later returned to the system in which he lived."

Cedric thought vaguely.

"There are two kinds of land iguanas and marine iguanas on the island. The land iguanas are earthy in color. In order to adapt to the sand and rocks, they feed on cacti. The marine iguanas are dark in color and they will dive into the sea to find food. , except that they look very similar in other aspects, so some people speculate that they are the same ancestor and evolved into what they are now in order to survive.”

"But they don't compete," Cedric said confusedly.

"I'm not talking to you about competition. I'm telling you how to be an observer and recorder." Pomona took a sip of tea. "Stay objective, but don't forget to interact with the whole. I'm telling you. 's paper deals with the shaping of living matter and soul, which can be a bit difficult."

"I'll ask someone for advice." Cedric said immediately.

"Minerva is an expert in transfiguration, you can ask her," Pomona said.

"I heard that you and she were classmates, and that your transfiguration was as good as hers?" Cedric asked.

"No, I can't animagus transform, and I suggest you don't try it," Pomona said.

"Why?" Cedric asked.

"Same reason as Harry," Pomona said.

Cedric didn't understand even more.

"Go ahead," she said with a smile.

Cedric scratched his hair and opened the door of her office with the book, only to see Old Bat as soon as he opened the door.

"Hello, Professor," Cedric said to Snape, and walked away as if he had seen a ghost.

After Cedric left, Snape walked in. Her office was originally semi-underground, but it sank into the ground as soon as he entered.

"I didn't know you could animagus transform," he said almost teasingly.

"Just theory," Pomona said, pouring tea into another cup.

"Tell me what Digory and Potter have in common," Snape said provocatively.

"Why don't I tell you the difference between Harry and Malfoy." Pomona pushed the cup in front of him. "Harry and Buckbeak interacted, did Malfoy do it?"

He turned his head dissatisfied, as if trying to avoid the question.

In terms of "not being influenced by the outside world", these people are quite similar.

she thought to herself.

"In the process of interacting with people, the soul will encounter conflicts, destruction and reconstruction processes, and reconstruction will inevitably tend to weaken the original natural endowment of the self. Many people try to transform into animagus. It is easy to become an animal, but it is difficult to It's about changing back, you know, James..."

She glanced at his face. He was listening carefully and calmly.

"He has a stubbornness, and his insistence on justice forms the basis of his self, so he became a successful Animagus."

"What about Black?" Snape asked. "What animal can he turn into?"

"I thought you wanted to ask what animal you would turn into." Pomona said with a smile, standing up and turning to the bookcase to avoid the question.

"He can also transform, right?" Snape said behind her. "He and Potter are good friends, and they share all secrets."

This was also what she couldn't understand, why Sirius, who was loyal to his core, would betray James and pursue Wormtail like crazy.

"Answer my question, Pomona!" Snape said louder.

"Have you ever mentioned to anyone that James is an illegal Animagus?" Pomona turned around and asked, "Whether it's a friend or a master."

He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

"Not to mention you, you are not even willing to correct yourself, even if you turn into an animal." Pomona took the book and sat back down.

"What do I need to change?" he said coldly.

She flipped through the book, not reading a single word.

He raised his hand, turned the book in her hand upside down, and then left with a cold air.

Pomona made a face at his back, then got up and went to the kitchen.


"Shaping of the soul" is different from the intellectual soul. "Response" is mentioned many times in the theory of evolution, which can be a physiological reaction or a carefully designed invention adapted to a special need.

When Bonaparte spoke from the rostrum, Georgiana heard not a word.

Heads of state always give speeches during the New Year. Last year, Jefferson even said at the New Year's banquet at the White House that he wanted to coexist peacefully with the "red men."

But he was speaking on January 1, which is the new starting point in the Gregorian calendar after the earth has made one revolution around the sun.

Christmas is just the traditional New Year. If he delivers a New Year's speech at this time, he will probably face doubts again when he goes back.

Although the Portuguese moon and the foggy moon are romantic and poetic, they are too difficult to remember. Even if children remember it, their parents are not so easy to change. Tell them that the fourth day of the Portuguese month is on the Gregorian calendar. Which day is that on the Gregorian calendar?

Poor communication can also lead to rejection, which has nothing to do with insults.

Georgiana sighed.

Harry didn't see the Thestral before his fifth grade. Death was actually a kind of "acceptance". He didn't really see James die. He only thought he was still alive in his third grade.

When he was a baby, although he had no memory, he witnessed the moment of his mother's death.

There was a gaping hole in his heart, like a scar on his forehead.

That scar couldn't be erased with magic ointment, even if the bones in his hand were healed by Rohart, it would have to grow back by drinking magic potion.

Georgiana took a sip of champagne.

She could feel the fiery gazes around her, but they were not from men.

Like Minerva, she had done the same useless work. If her youth and beauty were not publicized, when would they be?

Even though the potion she warned was poisonous.

Then she remembered that there were a lot of bison and Rem cattle in North America now, so maybe they could get some.

Logically speaking, she should think of protecting that species. Even if the "end of the world" really comes and the environment suitable for human survival disappears, it does not mean that other species on the earth will be destroyed together.

Dinosaurs also dominated the earth for many years, much longer than human civilization.

But the destruction of the world by humans is visible.

There is a bright light in the "future" shown by Grindelwald, and this light did not stop shining with the end of the war.

The harmony of life and environment is accidental and can unfortunately break down at any point.

The dinosaurs encountered an asteroid, and human civilization couldn't even resist a volcanic eruption.

Wizards feel that the "great victory" over Voldemort will not make a splash in human history. Even if the Muggle world is not mentioned, other intelligent races just classify it as a civil war among wizards. Waiting for the total population of wizards and representatives of the "future" "The number of students has decreased..."


She followed the sound and looked over.

"Your wine is gone. I'll refill it for you." Leila said, holding a swan-shaped wine flask in her hand.

Georgiana handed the cup over, and Layla immediately filled it.

Leila reminded Georgiana of the maid she was most satisfied with. What was her name?

Look at her terrible memory.

"Are you good at remembering names?" Georgiana asked.

"I remember a few, I don't know many people." Layla said obediently.

She was dressed very plainly, with only a pair of pearl earrings, but the youth of a girl was already the best cosmetics and jewelry.

So Georgiana "accepted" Leila to stay here, but refused to accept the cake that could only be seen but not eaten.

In order to strengthen the "architectural structure", something was added to the food, making it poisonous. Fortunately, this was in the provinces and not in Paris, otherwise people would have put stickers on the doors again.

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