Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3169 Floating Island (Part 1)

Although Hera is recognized as the queen of heaven, she is actually the seventh wife of Zeus.

As Georgiana floated down the river and looked at the Baroque palaces getting closer and closer, she couldn't help but think of the Louis XIV Palace she saw in Brussels, the exterior wall of the palace where he had never lived for a day. There is a gilded relief of Apollo driving his chariot.

Apollo and Artemis were born to Zeus and his sixth wife Leto. In fact, Leto and Zeus were together before Hera. However, when Hera learned of Leto's existence, she immediately became furious and forced Leto to You can only hide in Tibet.

Leto finally gave birth to Artemis and Apollo on a floating island, but Hera sent a giant snake to assassinate them.

The giant snake was discovered by Poseidon when it was crossing the sea, so the God of Earthquake raised wind and waves, blocking the way of the giant snake, so that Leto and his son were protected from harm.

Even though Leto's experience was much better than that of Zeus's first wife.

Cronus, the father of Zeus, swallowed all his children as soon as they were born because he heard a prophecy that he would be overthrown by his own children.

Zeus survived because of Gaia's help. When he grew up, he overthrew Cronus and the Titans led by him and rescued his brothers and sisters.

Metis is the goddess of the sea and the original goddess of wisdom. Hesiod calls her the wisest of all gods and humans. After she married Zeus, Zeus also heard a prophecy that Metis would give birth to a child stronger than himself and devour him.

At this time, she was already pregnant with Athena. Zeus gave birth to Athena from his head, while Metis remained in Zeus's belly.

His second wife Themis was very disgusted with Zeus' behavior of eating his wife, so she created the law of marriage and the concept of family, and determined the obligations between men and women to bind Zeus.

Zeus, who gathers clouds, drops rain from the sky to the earth, giving birth to various plants, which represents a kind of fertility law.

He was paired with Hera, and Zeus continued the family line in the usual form of marriage.

His union with Themis also determined the seasonal sequence of nature, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, which is irreversible, just like the law of fate.

Apollo drove his chariot every day, rising from the east and setting from the west, and he followed this rule.

In the court of Louis XIV, there were also people who studied classical mythology and history. Early French Academy scholars were required to accompany the king.

One scholar records that Apollo shared the title patroos with Zeus, which is now understood as patron, but could also be understood as "ancestor".

In Homer's epic poem, there is the temple of Zeus in Dodona, where several old women guard it and listen to the rustling of oak trees to record the oracle.

However, the ancient Greek world is more famous for the Temple of Delphi, where Apollo read the oracle. It was even regarded as the "center of the world" for a time.

Zeus did not create everything in the world and is the father of gods and humans, but he exercises absolute power over everyone, similar to the "head of the family", or in other words, he is respected as a leader. The gods and the god-king who distributes power "should respect him as a father even if he is not his son."

In Aristotle's notes, he recorded the concept of political community, in which people would gather together for various specific interests. Sailors would go to sea together, fight as soldiers, or simply for entertainment, such as for sacrifices and Banquets held for social purposes, they are not concerned about current interests, but the overall interests of life.

Aristotle is unlike Plato. In his idealism, "life" involves desire, and desire is an important part of life. He does not advocate opposition to desire, or even abstinence or abstinence. Therefore, he did not advocate piety to bring the city-state together. In Thucydides's records, the Spartans often misinterpreted oracles. This kind of gods that served politics not only destroyed divinity but also destroyed the city-state.

Instead he refers to factors that have no connection with divinity—that proper repayment would hold the city together and that favors as recompense were indispensable to the city.

This is quite contradictory, because he has said elsewhere that favor is a kind of giving, without thinking of repayment, even in the form of gratitude.

Giving = honor, this relationship exists between citizens and the city-state, not between gods and humans.

The goddess of grace is not like Mars or Apollo, who reminds the existence of gods, but reminds the citizens of the city-state that granting honor is a just part of the city-state.

Heroes who gave their lives to protect the city are worth remembering, rather than giving honor to those who don't deserve it.

Generous people give to the right people in the right way, in the right amount, and at the right time. Spending is not feeling happy about the pleasant things, not feeling the pain in the painful things, extravagant and wasteful, without any noble purpose, only pursuing one's own pleasure.

Being a soldier in France is very difficult, but in the past there was no hope for being a soldier, and the nobility even regarded non-military service as a privilege.

Soldiers sacrificed their lives, and the city-state returned honor. On France’s Bastille Day, a commemorative ceremony for the unknown heroes will be held under the Arc de Triomphe. The city-state’s “reward” must be strong. When the Revolution broke out, many soldiers turned their guns around. Why did they turn around?

It is undeniable that the violence and bloodshed of the French Revolution allowed the surrounding countries to see the destructiveness of this revolutionary method, and they would rather not have equality and freedom, but maintain the existing order.

Not everyone can survive that kind of stormy change...

When she looked across the river, she seemed to see a thin, short officer with a telescope in his hand, looking in her direction.

This man reminded her of Napoleon during the Battle of Toulon. When the Jacobin commissioners arrived at the battlefield, they did everything else right. They first liquidated the noble officers in the army, but he only thought about how to attack "Little Gibraltar".

He even went beyond the level to react to the top Jacobin faction in Paris, and later received the support of Robespierre.

Although the current situation of the wizard is not urgent, it is by no means optimistic. The goblins may launch a bloody rebellion at any time, and the werewolves are eager to rescue their "Wolf King". If her theory is true, Voldemort will return.

Severus compared dark magic to a hydra. If you cut off one head, a new one will grow back.

Aristotle believed that "life" solves problems and creates new ones at the same time.

Because there is no one-and-done solution, we must strive for progress and do something instead of "inaction" as Lao Tzu said.

"Madam, look," the boatman said, looking ahead.

Georgiana looked in that direction and saw many people standing on the pier, as if they were welcoming someone important.

When the boat got closer, she saw Bonaparte wearing a colonel's uniform. He was standing in the crowd. Although he was not tall and could not "stand out from the crowd", the others consciously stood half a step away from him. .

His face was expressionless, even a little sulky, and the brim of his hat was very low, making him look very vicious.

She didn't feel scared when she made such a big noise in the mine...but then she felt confident.

In the midst of each other's glares, the ship docked. The First Consul stood still and someone helped her to the shore.

She stood before him for a moment, curtsying slowly, and he stopped her by raising the riding crop in his hand.

"It's been a hard two days." He said in a soothing tone, "Everything goes well."

"Everything went well." She replied politely.

"Although it's a small thing, if two people work together, they must have absolute trust. You can't leave without saying goodbye next time. I don't think this is a wise move."

"It happened suddenly...the other party didn't expect me to turn around." Georgiana said quickly.

"You considered the raid a success?" he said with a smile.

She didn't understand the current situation.

"It's such a cold day, don't stand outside, the party is ready." Edgeworth said.

Others also gathered around at this time, and surrounded them back to the palace.

Amid the din, they didn't feel embarrassed even if they didn't speak.

She looked at his back and felt that her efforts to stop dressing were in vain.

When he reached the steps in front of the palace, he suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand toward her.

His expression was complicated, and although he didn't say anything, she still gave him her hand.

"You like the trembling flower very much," he said, looking at her bracelet.

"I don't like it that much." She said calmly.

"Then what do you want?" he asked.

Would it be silly for her to say world peace now?

She smiled to herself and said.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat."

Then she took the lead up the steps.

"Have you learned to take the initiative?" he said strangely and angrily.

She glared back at him.

"Why did you calm down?" he asked lazily.

She thought of Hera's curse words.

"Wait until that dog tick dies."

Unexpectedly, when she said this, he laughed, and the tension in the people around him disappeared.

She didn't find anything funny, so she just shook off his hand and walked up.

When she saw the door, she really wanted to kick it open to relieve her anger.

But the palace attendant inside opened the splendid door.

Maybe the first time you see a Baroque-style building, you will feel it is magnificent, but after seeing it more often, you always feel that this style exudes the taste of a rich man.

In comparison, she still preferred the Trianon.

It was only now that she remembered that the Burgundy castle in Paris had been renovated by Josephine, and she would never go back to live in that place anyway.

"I changed my mind about where I want to live," she said, looking into his blue eyes.

"You can live wherever I live." He said with a charming smile.

She looked back at the senior French officials. Everyone looked very decent.

"You want me to reward you in public?" He said in a weird tone.

She really didn't have a place to live, but she didn't really want the reward.

Just then he came over and kissed her.

She didn't want to kiss this wolf-hearted man who had no attachment to her former patron, so she immediately pushed him away.

But he still looked very happy, not at all as steady as the First Consul.

"I will give you a reward. This is not only a personal commendation for you, but not right away. Aren't you hungry?" he said with a smile on his face.

She frowned, feeling that there was really no need to talk nonsense, and walked towards the banquet hall under the guidance of the attendant.

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