Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3168 Withered Flower

Everyone was riding on broomsticks, flying in the direction of Compiègne.

Arriving in Compiègne is equivalent to arriving in France. Although Belgium has been ceded to France according to the treaty, Napoleon seemed to remember that it was a "foreign country", so he reminded her to resettle the captives in the same way as exiles, and also said "voluntarily" Return home".

The snow has stopped, and although the sun is not shining, the visibility has improved a lot. From a high altitude, you can see the Oise River passing through the city, as well as the palace built on the riverside.

For Pomona, who lived in the 20th century, the memory of Compiègne was the First and Second World Wars. There was a box on the Grand Magic Express that was a replica of the letter of surrender from the First World War. Arranged like that.

During the Second World War, Hitler deliberately chose to accept the surrender of France in the Compiègne Forest. He also specifically ordered the museum where the carriages were stored to be demolished, dragged out the special train signed by that year, parked it in the open space where the signature was signed, and sat on Foch's seat. In the seat where the marshal had been sitting, someone asked the French representative to come in.

When Georgiana saw the geometric garden like the Palace of Versailles, she thought of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. It is said that it was here that they first met.

It was a "diplomatic revolution". If all goes well, the years of disputes between the two countries will be replaced by peace.

Georgiana raised her hand to signal everyone to land, and then she found a place to land in a forest some distance away from the city.

"What's wrong?" Carolan came over and asked.

"I can't go see him like this." Georgiana walked to the river that was not completely frozen. She was wearing men's clothes to facilitate movement. Her hair was messy in the wind, similar to James' hairstyle just after he got off the broom. There is a fight.

"I understand." Carolan said with an ambiguous smile, and then called over another witch, and they helped Georgiana dress up together.

Other wizards floated a huge piece of cloth, blocking the view on both sides.

The wind blowing by the river was a bit cold, but... Georgiana gritted her teeth and could only endure it at this time.

Unlike the three goddesses who were instigated by the goddess of strife and fought openly and secretly with each other for the "most beautiful goddess", the goddesses of Meihui are "harmonious" among themselves. They are not fighting for "first", "most beautiful", "best" and so on. A battle for titles, whether glory is better or happiness is better.

The Latin word for fraternity in liberty (liberté), equality (égalité), and fraternity (fraternité) is fraternus, which means "brotherly". At that time, no matter whether it was the first, second or third estate, they all hated Marie-Antoine. Nate, similar feelings bring people together easily.

But Pomona remembered someone else.

In the Order of the Phoenix, there are all kinds of people, but compared to the werewolf Lupin and "Mad-Eye" Moody, Mongoston and the former Death Eater Snape are more disturbing.

They were not trusted, and some of their values ​​were different from others, but Dumbledore reconciled the discord among himself and the other members, allowing everyone to work towards a common goal.

The unity of a city-state requires a broad mind. Harmony does not just require everyone to desire and think about the same things.

In Aristotle's words, there is a certain kind of justice and friendship in every community, just like fellow travelers in the same ship or fellow soldiers.

Napoleon brought the old aristocracy, the new aristocracy, and all kinds of people into his fold, and reunited France, which had been divided into sand.

Lily was only in her 20s when she died, and she was still at an age where her understanding of the world was black and white. And Fitzgerald, hanging on the wall of the principal's office at Hogwarts, said that light and darkness go together, and there is no shadow without light, and vice versa. She lived during the Renaissance, when even paintings of heaven had a dark presence.

Lily and Snape each hope that the other will change, accept darkness or "return to evil". If the Blackstone family cannot accept a child who is a squib without magic, can Lily and James accept a child who is sorted into Slytherin? ?

Which house you are sorted into is determined by the Sorting Hat and cannot be changed. However, so far, I have not heard of a child from a Gryffindor family being sorted into Slytherin. On the Ravenclaw side, some families have been Ravenclaws for generations, and they never thought that their children would be sorted into Slytherin.

Calls such as "murderer", "dark wizard" and "bad guy" were not heard, but according to Ravenclaw's usual style, they completely turned a deaf ear. They don't have to worry about employment after graduation. After all, their families will protect them. As for Muggles, it is impossible for them to be sorted into Slytherin House. Even if Potter's children are sorted into it, it will not be their turn. .

Pomona is not worried about Harry. He is a child with a broad mind. Even if his child is really sorted into an academy where "bad guys gather together", he will accept him. It was also around Harry that people from so many colleges united, and he formed Dumbledore's Army when he was in school.

People joining the army come from all over the world and from all walks of life, including sons of nobles and farmers. However, after entering the melting pot of the army, the past values ​​were replaced by another behavioral rule. This rule is violent, coercive and uniform. .

When Dumbledore was the principal, everyone could choose their favorite tune to sing the school song. Normally, forget it, since they are all sung behind closed doors anyway, but what if outsiders, such as Beauxbatons and Durmstrang who participated in the Triwizard Tournament, heard such "singing"?

The Dursley family could not accept Harry and treated him badly. Harry couldn't wait to leave that family and go to a magic school that accepted him and was friendly to him.

He doesn't really like going to school. If there are more fun things to do, such as watching the Quidditch World Cup, he will hate going to school just like ordinary children.

He was well aware of his shortcomings and did not accept the position of Minister of Magic offered to him by the wizarding world, giving it to Kingsley Shacklebolt.

There was a "celebrity" who felt that she was different from the Death Eaters. She had no prejudice against Muggles and would not use magic to harm others, so she used magic in public.

In order to solve the trouble she caused, the Ministry of Magic was dispatched many times, and her guilt and sentencing did not mean that she would be imprisoned in Azkaban. Even if she was imprisoned in Azkaban, there would be no Dementors now.

It's hard enough to keep certain magical citizens from violating the International Statute of Secrecy. The last time Pomona saw him, his hair was turning white...

"Okay." Carolan said happily.

Georgiana looked at the pretty girl, who looked at her as if she were admiring a masterpiece.

She did not look at her reflection in the water. Before meeting the King of Sparta, the goddess of love gave Helen more beauty so that she could avoid punishment.

She hoped the same trick would work now.

At this time, the floating cloth slowly fell down, just like the curtain falling in an opera house.

She did not see the "Pumpkin Carriage", but instead there was a small boat docked on the shore, and Rabastan Lestrange looked at her with a fatherly smile.

"Let's go back," Rabastan said.

Georgiana lowered her head, walked over meekly, handed her hand to Rabastan, and got on the boat lightly with his help.

When she got on the boat and looked back, everyone was staring at her.

The boatman touched the shore with his oar, and the boat slowly sailed toward the center of the river. These people were getting further and further away from her.

She had an inexplicable feeling of reluctance, as if her daughter, who was married far away, was about to leave her relatives.

After they disappeared from sight, she looked up at the French palace not far away. It had not been damaged in any way during the Revolution, and it still looked the same as in the old times.

In fact, women's dressing up is affected by men's gaze. What women think looks good, men don't think looks good, especially if the king thinks so, then she will change herself to suit him.

Georgiana cut a small cut on her finger and smeared the blood on her cheek.

The color of the blood is similar to rouge made from roses. I hope he will like this color.

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