Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3170 Floating Island (Part 2)

When the Sun King was still a child, he was already proficient in various etiquette.

As a child, he had free access to the palace of the regent Queen Anne of Austria, but he did not enjoy a happy childhood like ordinary children, although he was born a real prince.

He has known the high-ranking officials in the country so well since he was a child that whenever they have any major life events, he will be at the scene. He has presided over weddings since he was 4 years old.

Since childhood, he has been the godfather to other noble children. At first, adults thought it was some kind of children's game he invented. But by the age of 5, he began to accept the oath of allegiance to him from the heirs of the highest-ranking officials.

Even for a child's game, this was a bit too serious. Then on May 18, 1643, he held his first "King's Prayer Assembly" in the chapel in Saint-Louis where the Crown of Thorns was stored.

At that time, the royal palace was still on the Île de la Cité, and Versailles was still his father's hunting palace. After he moved Fouquet, he began to prepare to build a new palace outside Paris. Many artists came after hearing the news.

The sun pattern has actually been used by many European monarchs since the 16th century, but it was not until Louis XIV that it became the central pattern of the king's emblem.

Among the many water conservancy projects in the Palace of Versailles, there is a fountain called "Thetis Cave". At night, Thetis would let Apollo, who had been driving the chariot for a day, rest here. The sculptures in the Apollo Fountain show The scene of the sun god setting out in the early morning. Four horses pull the carriage that is mostly submerged in water. The splashing water around it seems to indicate that it is about to break out of the water and fly into the sky.

Of course, etiquette is inevitable when you have such a beautiful palace. You can't just throw the leftover bones to the waiting hounds like the table manners in the Middle Ages.

People in the Middle Ages believed that eating was a public matter and that private food could not be enjoyed secretly but had to be eaten in the hall. The Great Hall like Hogwarts maintained medieval habits.

Wealthy owners sometimes retreated with their spouses to private rooms to enjoy fine meals, and so-called privacy did not exist at Versailles.

The Hall of Mirrors connects the king's and queen's bedrooms, with a series of dormitories in the middle, almost all of which are semi-open. The Hall of Mirrors is the "main road" of Versailles, which means that you will pass by if you go to the toilet in your room. People see.

The king even ritualized getting up. Ordinary people got up. The king's getting up ceremony was like Apollo in the fountain about to drive his chariot. The originally dark sky suddenly "brightened". When Descartes died, There was still controversy between the heliocentric theory and the geocentric theory. Louis XIV was already in his teens at the time.

If you finish the meal according to French cuisine, no, it's court etiquette, it's basically bedtime.

Napoleon wasted little time eating, and when he ate he wolfed it down, and he never listened to Josephine's orders to eat slower and to stay at the table longer.

But the "reception banquet" is another matter. In the past, when he came back from a victorious battle, the Directory would also hold a reception ceremony for him, although Georgiana's actions were defined as "little things."

This also brought an end to the journey. Even though the atmosphere was warm and most senior officials maintained aristocratic etiquette, toasts were still unavoidable.

At this time, the role of the adjutant appeared. Bonaparte barely touched any wine, and all the wine was drank by the adjutant. When he was almost finished eating, he stood up with the cup, gave a speech and drank the wine in one gulp.

When he got up and left, if Georgiana was still here, it meant that the party was not over yet. If someone has something to report, they can leave the meeting early and just bow to her and say hello.

However, no matter how long the banquet was, it would come to an end. When Georgiana was led by the valet to her suite, Margaret was instructing the maid to light the fireplace. The blond French girl saw her appearance and ran away happily. Come and salute, although doing so is still against the rules of the palace.

When the queen got up, there were a lot of duchess surrounding her. They didn't need to move their feet, they just passed the clothes with their hands. Even if the queen had already taken off her clothes and was shivering with cold, they still had to wait for them to pass slowly. .

Can't we wait until the clothes are passed around before asking the queen to take off her clothes? That's not okay, it's not in line with the rules, this is what the Sun King did to wake up.

After the Revolution, some red tape was abolished, but some etiquette was restored under the ruling government, such as getting up, but he only did it in the Tuileries Palace. When he returned to Malmaison, he and Josephine slept in the same house as a normal couple. On the same bed, they had separate rooms in the Tuileries.

If it hadn't been for seeing Marie Antoinette pointing to her bed and asking Josephine why she was sleeping on the bed, Josephine would not have left the Tuileries and occasionally came to "catch rape".

Georgiana thought this was ridiculous.

Han Feizi once said that in a well-governed country, the best thing to do is to stop adultery.

This means that it is not about relying on people to do good deeds on their own initiative, but to create a situation where people do not dare to do bad things. It is very rare to rely solely on people to do good deeds on their own initiative.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian once established a charity warehouse. This is like the "donation" mentioned by Aristotle. Some "goodwill" must be given out first, and then it can be taken out when it is urgently needed.

However, charity warehouses later changed from voluntary to compulsory. Free warehouses are usually stored in state and county warehouses. People in cities benefit first, while farmers in rural areas have to transport grain from far away and wait until disaster relief is needed. They are just as troublesome there, which is restricted by ancient transportation methods.

It was originally something that was done voluntarily and voluntarily, but because of the trouble, people were unwilling to do it, and then it became a compulsory "tax collection".

Georgiana's proposal in Brussels to use beer taxes to raise war orphans also had problems during its implementation, causing a large-scale protest. Logically speaking, the "parade" representing victory should be joyful and smooth. Napoleon also encountered By the time of an assassination, he would have been furious.

Robespierre once made a speech, "We want to replace selfishness with virtue in this country, let integrity become the core of honor, replace habits with principles, etiquette with obligations, the tyranny of fashion with the power of reason, and the tyranny of fashion with the power of reason. Replace the contempt of the unfortunate with the contempt of evil, arrogance with pride, vanity with great souls, conspiracy with good deeds, genius with wisdom, truth with talent, the greatness of the common man with the mediocrity of the great, all the virtues of the republic. All evil deeds, and all foolish actions under monarchy. If in peacetime, the driving force of government is virtue, then in revolutionary times, the driving force of government is terror and virtue. Virtue without terror is weakness, and terror is swiftness, severity, and firmness. justice, therefore it is the product of virtue, manifesting itself in the form of terror.”

For this "idea", he began a reign of terror and created a situation where anyone who committed an offense would be guillotined.

She didn't know how Han Fei planned to promote his idea. Li Si killed this fellow disciple, and then the second generation of the Qin Dynasty died.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the people revolted due to famine. When the Li and Tang Dynasties took over the world, it is said that many granaries were still full.

Quina also thought that his theory could solve the problem of farmers' poverty, but what consequences did it have in the end?

Severus asked her if she had ever wanted to accomplish something, for no other reason than to prove that she could do it.

Now she felt really useless.

A breath smelling of alcohol appeared behind her, and then a pair of hands hugged her from behind.

She didn't need to look back to know who it was, the strong scent of perfume was too familiar to her.

In fact, she is essentially no different from those female celebrities, and is even worse than them.

At least they could get beautiful jewelry. Grassini filled her neck and wrists with diamonds, but what did she get?

"Where will I live when I go back?" she asked again.

"Don't go back," he said as if possessed by a ghost.

Her breath tickled her ears.

If she wasn't even beautiful, it would be really unattractive and more like a daydream.

"Really don't want to go back?" Maybe it was because she didn't reply, so he asked.

"I'm not dressed up well?" she asked weakly.

"How could it be?" He turned her around and held her shoulders with his hands. "You are beautiful."

The smile on his face was genuine.

"Then why didn't you react at all just now?" she said accusingly.

"Didn't I say it? Your raid was successful!" He covered his heart and said, "The God of Love shot my heart with an arrow."

She really didn't expect this to be what he meant by "raid".

"Didn't you say you were going to be rewarded? The reward is coming." He said with a weird smile.

She thought for a long time but didn't understand what he meant.

Then he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

She pushed him away in anger and almost slapped him.

This anger was real, he should have sensed it, and the playful smile on his face slowly disappeared.

"Don't you think this is a reward?" he asked coldly.

"That happened before," she said, suppressing her anger. "I'm not your ballerina."

He smiled sarcastically.

"Do you really think that or are you making excuses for yourself?"

Once again she didn't understand what he meant.

"Take a look at this." He said lazily, picked up a pile of information from the table nearby and handed it to her.

"What is this?" she said cautiously, not touching it.

"What have the British done recently?" He put the information back on the table.

"Why do you mention the British?" she asked inexplicably.

"Aren't you thinking about him?" He picked up a glass of wine and smelled the smell in the glass.

"I didn't!" she immediately retorted.

"Let's continue chatting after reading this." He said in a commanding tone.

She glanced at the information and then at the uncompromising Napoleon.

Even if it is a dream, it is too crazy.

"Have you ever been to a place called Whitechapel?" he said suddenly.

"You asked this..."

"To go or not to go!" He suddenly raised his voice.

"Been there." She said immediately, "I have traveled there."

He clearly didn't believe her.

But how could she introduce the serial killer of the late 19th century to the French people of the early 19th century?

"There is an area called Spitalfields in that area. After the Edict of Nantes was abolished, many Huguenot silk craftsmen settled there." He was like a storyteller and planned to tell her the content of the information. .

"I can read it myself!" she said irritably, picking up the information.

He quietly walked aside and waited.

For a while, the only sounds in the bedroom were the shuffling of papers and the crackling of firewood in the stove.

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