Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3156 Savage Justice (7)

After dinner and the dishes, Pomona decided she had no reason to stay unless she planned to spend the night in the apartment.

Being alone in a haunted house can be scary, but Severus seemed to be able to handle it, he wasn't a kid anymore.

"I'll come back tomorrow." Pomona said to his closed door, then took off his apron, took his things, and left the apartment.

When she was going out, she met Mrs. Hall, who was holding a large bag of garbage. Pomona quickly stepped aside to let her go first. This time, Mrs. Hall did not look at her with the weird look she had when they first met. .

Because of Mrs. Hall's presence, Pomona couldn't take out her wand and use fluorescent flashes. The old house was designed and built with no room for wiring, and gas lights were still in use at the time. Now, except for cultural monuments, gas lamps have been discontinued.

She couldn't imagine how inconvenient it was for an old lady to go downstairs to take out the trash in the dark. Why didn't Mrs. Hall wait until daylight before coming down to take out the trash?

The soles of the shoes made a heavy sound on the wooden stairs, which sounded like someone knocking on the door.

"I don't hate Muggles."

Pomona heard voices coming from behind her and turned her head subconsciously, but she only saw a dark corridor.

"Because I'm not fighting for hate."

Pomona looked downstairs and felt that Mrs. Hall should be gone, so she raised her wand.

The end of the wand glows with a blinding white light.

"Muggles are not inferior, they are different."

The voice still came from behind her.

"The Elder Wand is something worth fighting for for us, but for Muggles, it has no effect. It's like catnip. They go crazy for it, but it has no appeal to humans." the voice said with a smile.

"You think this joke is funny?" Pomona asked.

"Do you know who I am?" the voice asked.

She wanted to say that name, but she knew that the owner of that name should be imprisoned in Nurmengard now, and it was impossible for him to come out.

"Do you think revenge can make a person even with his enemy?" The voice continued to ask, "Just like these two people."

Dust suddenly rolled up on the ground, and she subconsciously blocked it with her hands. When she regained her sight, two duellers appeared in front of her. They looked like people from the Victorian era, holding swords in their hands as weapons.

“The present and future have enough to keep the wise busy; those who worry about the past are wasting their time.”

"I read that article," Pomona said. "Forgiving people..."

"I don't think those who care about people far away can really think about others." Gellert interrupted her rudely, "Just like you said forgiveness, can you really do it?"

She raised her wand and looked around, trying to find the guy who was pretending to be a ghost.

"The past is past and irreversible. Those who have worked hard for the past are just wasting their time." He continued to say behind her, "Those who are obsessed with revenge will have wounds that can be healed and grown. They will always be fresh."

"Isn't that what you take advantage of in people?" Pomona said angrily.

"People who are eager for revenge live like witches. They deliberately harm others and have no good end for themselves. Are you such a person? A witch." Gellert asked with a smile.

She didn't think she was, but she felt that before answering this question, she had to figure out what his purpose was.

"Pardon is the prerogative of the monarch. Forgiving an enemy makes him nobler than the enemy. We do not fight for hatred." Gellert said.

"Don't talk about us," Pomona growled.

"Tell me, where does the joy of revenge come from?" Gellert asked.

"I don't think I have to answer your question," Pomona said weakly.

"It is to regain the glory that was taken away." Gellert said softly, "But memory always reminds people of that shameful moment. You will find that Avengers always have a good memory."

She was so angry that her hands were shaking, but she couldn't find the words to refute.

"You said that to Albus?" Pomona asked.

Garrett stopped talking.

"Does he also want revenge?" Pomona asked, thinking of the old man with a white beard wearing a star robe.

It's hard to connect him with the gentle-eyed boy in the photo.

"As I said just now, those who care about people far away cannot really think about others. He can even ignore the relatives around him who need to be taken care of. How can he care about people who have nothing to do with him?"


Severus's voice came from upstairs, and then she heard the rush of people coming downstairs.

A staircase appeared before her eyes, and she climbed it without hesitation, and soon encountered a man running downwards.

She hugged that person tightly, and that person hugged her back. When she woke up, she found that she was still in the living room with the light on.

She lay on the couch, which was too narrow for an adult but big enough for her.

"Are you okay?" Severus asked her.

"Am I having a nightmare?" Pomona asked in shock.

"You took out your wand," Severus said.

Pomona looked at herself with an extra blanket on her body.

"Would you like some potion?" Severus asked.

"Don't you ask me what I dreamed about just now?" She said with a splitting headache, obviously she had just slept.

"Do you want to say it?" he said in a low voice.

"Sir Bacon feels that witches always live in hatred." She sighed deeply. "Revenge can make her even with his enemy."

He said nothing and Pomona was lost in her own thoughts.

"He's a monster," Pomona said.

"Sir Bacon?" Severus asked.

"No, Gellert Grindelwald." She said with great pain. "He in turn advised me to learn to forgive."

"Why are you connected with Sir Bacon?" Severus asked.

"Grindelwald quoted an article by Lord Bacon...Dumbledore also told me this, be patient and then retaliate afterwards, but I believe you have forgotten it by then." She said tiredly, "I hate this. Two old guys."

He smiled.

"Me too." He squeezed her inside and found a place for himself on the sofa. "How about not going back today?"

She looked sideways at him, and there was only "sincerity" in his eyes.

"He also told me that those who care about people far away in the world can't really think about others. Are all you dark wizards like this?" Pomona asked, looking at the ceiling.

"Maybe so." He raised his hand and raised her chin, making her look at him. "Family is important."

"More important than the Snake King?" Pomona asked.

He lowered his head and kissed her, and although she didn't know why, she kissed him back.

But the kiss didn't get out of control, he wrapped around her like a giant python.

"You know, they made a blood oath." He rubbed her lips. "They will never hurt each other. When this blood oath was on Grindelwald, it was always quiet."

"How did you know?" Pomona asked.

"You told me," he said.

Pomona recalled, when had she mentioned this to him?

Then memories flooded into her mind, washing away all the "phantoms" in front of her eyes.

She was no longer in that warmly furnished apartment, but in a dark mine tunnel.

Because of the Disguise Charm, even people who occasionally meet her cannot see her.

It was as if she was the real ghost.

Doctrine is not for people to understand, but for people to believe in. Its effectiveness does not lie in how profound and mysterious the content is, but in the fact that it is conclusive, even if it goes against nature and common sense.

It attracts first of all those who do not cherish the "self" so much and want to strengthen it, but those who long to get rid of the disgusting "self" and leave behind those things that are not worth caring about and find meaningless.

Instead of saving the world, how about spending an extra minute or two every day greeting the homeless people downstairs?

Oh, you're afraid of a homeless man attacking you, so you still have to defeat a villain who's many times more powerful than the homeless man?

Compared to Grindelwald, Dumbledore seems to be more abiding by the rules, but once he found out that deliberately deceiving Grindelwald would not be punished by magic, he became unscrupulous.

On the contrary, it was Grindelwald who never thought of harming Albus and dared to wear the blood oath around his neck.

So, in fact, black wizards understand "human nature" better than white wizards.

Georgiana touched the mine tunnel with her hand. People did not make any plan when mining, so that the mine tunnel was like an ant's nest.

The reason why it didn't collapse was entirely due to luck, and some of the "reinforcement" facilities were completely useless.

She avoided those places. After all, she wasn't going to bury these people alive.

She searched the mine tunnel and finally found a relatively solid place, but she couldn't destroy it because it was a load-bearing structure, and if it broke it would cause the mine to collapse.

"The earth is tearing apart," she whispered, pouring magic into the walls.

Not long after, there was an "earthquake". She let go of her hand and continued along the path she came from.

If there is a tram and there are two roads in front of it, an old road and a new road. There is one child playing on the old road and five children playing on the new road. Some people will still take the "old road".

The abandoned track was in disrepair and was prone to derailments. The Moorgate Tube accident killed 43 people and injured 74 others.

When Frederick ordered a revenge raid on the Saxon hunting grounds, an aristocratic officer refused to carry out the order and fell out of favor with the king and fell into deep debt.

This example was also cited by a group of German officers who plotted to assassinate Hitler.

She staggered out of the mine and onto the surface.

Even though she knew it was false sunshine, she still breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe, she can't forgive, but she at least hopes that she can stick to her principles and not let the flames of revenge hurt innocent people.

This was the only thing she could think of at the moment.

"Run quickly, the mine is about to collapse!"

People ran out of all exits in panic. It was unimaginable that there were so many people hiding inside.

Both the Himalayas and the Alps are in volcanic and seismic zones, but the rocks in those mountains have been pressed by the weight of the sea water and become extremely solid. The "earth tearing" used by Yusef Kama cannot produce such an effect.

She dispelled the disillusionment spell, covered herself with a cloak on the roadside, and disappeared into the crowd.

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