Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3155 Savage Justice (6)

Britain is a major coal-producing country. It is precisely because of coal that it supported the energy needed for the Industrial Revolution. In the mid-19th century, British coal production accounted for two-thirds of the world's total production. However, coal production has declined year by year since 1960. After the Conservative Prime Minister was elected in 1979, he embarked on a drastic reform of traditional industries. The coal industry was the first to be affected.

A large number of mines were closed and miners lost their jobs. By 1984, 20 mines were announced to be closed, and the number of unemployed miners reached 3.2 million. Then, in front of a coking plant in South Wick County, conflicts broke out between miners and the police. , the "flying pickets" prevented the continued delivery of coal to the coking plant on the grounds that the coking plant caused too much environmental pollution.

Without coal, work could not start. Workers whose livelihoods had been cut off came to the coking plant to demand an explanation. The president of the National Association of Mineworkers also participated in the incident. The Prime Minister said that he would never succumb to the "thugs". She sent 3,000 cavalry went to suppress it, with an impressive result of 3,000 to 6,000.

In addition, there are widespread arrests. Whenever someone participates in a rally and is photographed by a reporter or other camera equipment, the police will arrest the person involved based on the photo, sometimes without a search warrant. , arrest warrant and reasons for arrest.

Before the Pace Act was passed, a writ of habeas corpus was issued against a "person" who was detained by the police for two days without being charged or brought before a magistrate.

The police did not mistreat this "person", and there was no evidence to prove that the "person" participated in the crime and was a "criminal suspect." After being released, the person filed a lawsuit against the police for illegal arrest and wrongful detention.

First of all, the UK has no independent right to privacy. Firstly, the concept of privacy is difficult to determine. Secondly, the installation of monitoring equipment has become a necessary weapon to combat threats to national security and public safety, organized crime and other illegal activities.

Look, there is a trash can there. Tear off the contents of the European Convention on Human Rights on the protection of privacy, mash them up and throw them in. This is the entire content of British common law on the protection of privacy.

Compared with the United States, which adopts the principle of absolute exclusion of "fruit from the poisonous tree", the British approach gives judges a certain degree of discretion. The judge can decide whether to accept or not based on the degree of illegality during the evidence collection process.

That is to say, an evaluation is made between "the greater good" and the "lesser evil". If the necessary procedures are slightly ignored in the collection of evidence, it can be adopted as appropriate, except for evidence obtained illegally.

Of course, workers' organizations are under surveillance, but the workers may have gathered together to watch a football game or hold a concert or something, and then made some remarks before the game started. Then you were originally going to watch football, but you were photographed by a detective. After facial recognition, your identity was found, and then the police arrested you.

The Nazis also took a photo. At that time, everyone was raising their hands to Hitler, except for one soldier. Then people found this man hiding in the crowd and watching everything with a sneer, and then he was sent to the war The eastern front suffered the highest losses.

Of course, there is an essential difference. The police infringe on individual privacy for the "public interest" rather than for personal worship. Although possessing and disseminating members' personal information provides a "basis" for those who want to oppress and discriminate. ".

Rather than protecting the environment, Pomona is more willing to accept the term "protecting energy reserves." After all, coal is a non-renewable resource, and it takes many years for coal seams to form after mining.

Then there is the fact that since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, oil has replaced gold and is linked to the US dollar. Similarly, British petroleum replaced coal and became Britain's "new energy source". Oil is not only energy, North Sea oil fields also saved Britain's balance of payments crisis.

During the reform in 1979, part of the British Petroleum Company's shares were sold. However, Malfoy was busy participating in the wizarding world and missed it at that time. However, he still asked Goyle to continue to participate in various social activities and look for opportunities to acquire British companies. shares.

Goyle used to be his equal among the Death Eaters. The jet Malfoy had just bought could be used by the staff when Draco no longer felt it was new. Going from London City Airport to the office in the city center was comparable to going from the suburbs. Taking civil aviation at the airport is much faster.

In terms of salary and treatment, Malfoy is actually a good boss, as long as you ignore his arrogant and pretentious attitude. He has almost no influence on the company. He only goes to the company a few days a month to look at the financial reports, and then goes to inspect other industries.

So does his company have financial reporting fraud? After all, Malfoy looks like the kind of "peacock" who only cares about his external image.

Snape did not join the Death Eaters at school for protection, although his experiences in fifth year gave him plenty of reasons.

If Snape wanted to "achieve something" to attract Lily's attention, then James wanted to be a knight of "good triumphs over evil". What he did to Snape was tacitly approved on campus, even if Even at the height of their popularity, Death Eaters' reputation wasn't very good.

It was a time of turmoil, restlessness, restlessness, and carnival, which was not a good time for people who wanted to live in peace.

Sirius was very handsome, and he inherited two-thirds of the Black family's fortune. Every time he appeared, he was like the brightest star in the night sky.

But Pomona never had any ill thoughts about him.

People should do things according to their ability. Although Sirius seemed very close, it seemed that he could reach out and pick it off.

The Sacrament of Penance is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. Believers confess their sins to the priest in the booth. In theory, the priest must keep what the penitent says secret.

Confession can relieve people's sense of guilt. Some people will have uneasy consciences for even minor crimes, but what about "major" cases? For example, if the king's son is not his, does the priest still have to keep the secret of the penitent?

Rather than this formalism, Protestantism places more emphasis on repentance, not just inner changes but also outer actions.

She was quite surprised by Severus' apology just now. He really didn't look like someone who would say "I'm sorry".

Severus told her that day that he admitted that "we" had failed, but Dumbledore didn't get what he wanted.

Rather than admitting mistakes, people are actually more willing to blame others. In Dudley's testimony, he said that they originally planned to draw lots to decide who would die, but Richard himself refused.

There are many ways to draw lots. When a football match kicks off, the referee asks both sides to choose heads and tails, and whoever chooses the side up gets to kick off.

Among Batman's enemies is "Two-Face," an upright prosecutor, just like the "Bright Knight."

Later, half of his face was ruined, and he would throw a coin before doing anything. If the scratched side appeared, he would rationalize his crime.

He became increasingly evil, to the point where he fell from Batman's ally to his enemy.

If the news of Harvey's corruption is leaked, then all the villains Harvey has accused can be overturned. Although the fruit of the poisonous tree refers to evidence obtained through illegal means, if the investigators torture and extract confessions, it is also an excluded rule.

Compared to the real-life Harvey, Batman is just a fabrication. He at least does not have a birth certificate or educational experience.

"Major Martin" as "mincemeat" was also made up, as was the case with spies of that era. Goebbels even said that "a lie told a thousand times will become the truth."

But lies are lies, and there are always loopholes.

In contrast, Grindelwald used 99% of the truth, and the "future" he showed in Paris came true.

As a result of the second defector, the Ministry of Interior issued a booklet to all civil servants reminding them of the existence of "judges on their shoulders" and administrative law.

If you ask a girl out for a drink at a bar, thanks to the James Bond movie, saying "I am a spy" to her will have a higher chance of a successful date than if you were a nobody, but that doesn't mean you really have to tell her the secret.

In short, although the channels were different, Snape's intuition was correct. Habeas corpus was still valid in Britain in the 20th century, and it was not necessarily issued by the Queen or King.

"When did you find these?" Severus asked after reading the information.

“I was curious, and I started collecting them,” Pomona said.

He obviously didn't believe it, but didn't delve into it.

He was also a man full of secrets, Pomona smiled with satisfaction.

"Can you take off your apron?" He looked at the information in his hand and said in a long London accent.

"Why should I take it off?" she asked after regaining her consciousness after being "shocked".

"Are you a housewife?" he said without looking up.

Pomona thought of Molly, and she understood a little bit why Molly liked Lockhart.

Maybe she was dreaming too, a housewife dreaming that she had a spy husband.

"What are your plans tomorrow, or are you going to the palace?" Pomona asked.

"No." He put the information aside and picked up the tableware.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"It's summer vacation and I want to enjoy my vacation."

She didn't know what he meant, but she didn't bother to ask.

In Crisis of the Infinite Universe, Batman gained an additional brother, "Night Owl", who killed his parents with Alfred and became the "Outsiders".

Alfred was still loyal, living only to serve the Night Owl, and became the founder and manager of the secret society...

Maybe Americans have some misunderstanding about "British Butler".

Late marriage is a professional characteristic of British housekeepers. Employers generally do not hire married housekeepers. One reason is that housekeepers have their own families, which will distract the housekeeper's energy, and the other is that they do not spend as much time and effort dressing themselves up as when they are single. The owner's home is the butler's workplace, so of course he has to behave "professionally".

He is the "outsider" of this family. He has nothing to do with the separation, reunion, love, hatred, and hatred among the master's family members. He only provides services to the family and ensures that the servants in the family work in an orderly manner.

Because he stays out of things, he always has a clear mind. Even if the owner's house is full of chicken feathers, he is still calm and personable.

He had no idea that his master's family was involved in corruption cases or other crimes. He was just a housekeeper, and at the worst he could quit his job and find a new family.

Of course, it will be more troublesome to explain your resume when entering a new family. It would be better to have a letter of introduction from the previous family.

If you think about it this way, there's nothing wrong with Severus being an "outsider".

So like a real housewife, she stopped asking about his work. She didn't understand it anyway, and of course she wouldn't take off the apron.


Along the mine tunnel, following the chirping of birds, they came to a "platform".

Although it was daytime, the place was brightly lit, with torches and braziers everywhere.

A woman in a red cloak stood on a high platform, as if presiding over some ceremony, and behind her was a golden-winged bird.

The high platform is covered with roses, and the golden-winged bird with gorgeous feathers looks particularly gorgeous.

"Damn it." Georgiana couldn't help swearing.

Thor touched the wall.

"It's all coal." He made a distinction and said.

She thought of the "Gates of Hell" and who knew how much coal reserves there were?

"We are chosen by heaven." The woman said in a trance-shaking voice. "God has given us power and the help of angels to destroy Satan's servants."

"Don't tell me those birds are the angels she talks about," Saul said.

Georgiana looked at those golden-winged birds, only the feathers were actually fine.

"We can't do anything in the cave, these people are deceived." Georgiana said.

"Next, we have to drink it." The woman raised the cup in her hand. "Drink it, and you will feel the gift of God."

The woman placed the cup in front of Garuda, and it opened its mouth and began to retching.

"Don't tell me they're going to drink it," Saul said.

Not long after, the golden-winged bird spit out a bead, which fell into the cup with a "dang" sound like amber.

The assistant picked up a pot and poured the oil inside.

"Don't let them drink it," said Georgiana.

"What?" Sol asked.

"Give me a drink." A middle-aged woman rushed to the stage impatiently and took a sip of the oily substance.

"I saw it." After a moment, she said excitedly, "Angels are greeting me."

"This thing will cause hallucinations after drinking it. Think of something." Georgiana said.

"I'm waiting for your order," Thor said.

"You heard me," Georgiana repeated. "Don't do it in the cave, and don't let them drink from it."

Then she left the mine.

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