Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3154 Savage Justice (5)

In American comics, every superhero must have a super villain opponent, and these villains all have more or less psychological problems.

For example, Batman's opponent "The Joker" is simply synonymous with chaos and mental disorder. However, according to the Durham Rule, as long as there is a "result" of clinical diagnosis, his mental illness can be acquitted, but he will be sentenced to life. Locked up in a mental hospital.

However, even mentally ill patients are not crazy and crazy all the time, and are so confused that they don’t even know their names and family members. They also have clear and rational times. If they really have that kind of permanent mental abnormality, they don’t have it. Ability to commit crimes.

If mental disorder is used as a not guilty defense in the UK, it will be difficult to obtain an acquittal from the jury unless he has sufficient evidence to prove that he was mentally ill at the time of the crime.

Even mentally ill patients will get better if they receive proper treatment. However, the city where Arthur is on strike has the mayor spending the money used to buy medicines for patients on police overtime pay, which causes his condition to become worse. It was even worse, and he suffered a series of blows such as unemployment and the death of his mother. He had nothing to lose.

Then he got a gun. He didn't have superpowers like other villains, but the damage he caused was still amazing.

The entire Gotham was shrouded in flames, with destruction and chaos everywhere, and the Joker actually said the scene was beautiful after being arrested.

Life is not equal. Not everyone is like Batman, with a rich dad and a technology company that builds his Batmobile.

When Batman drives this car to chase criminals, he sometimes violates traffic rules and even causes accidents. If he causes a family of three to die in a car accident in order to catch a thief who robbed a convenience store, is his behavior still worthy?

Then the police in Gotham set a rule that Batman cannot move unless the Bat-Light is on. If they encounter him on the road, the police will still try to catch him.

When the bat lights are on, the police will condone some of his behaviors, such as watching him "show off his skills" in the street while driving a "roly-poly".

Batman actually has a chance to kill the "Joker", but this will not pass the trial. If he passes the trial, the Joker will definitely escape the crime.

Many people who like "order" also hope that the "Joker" can die. This is the best outcome for them. They don't have to worry about him running out of the mental hospital and doing evil.

But doing so means that Batman has to sacrifice his own principles and principles of justice. The American police can sometimes execute prisoners they feel are extremely dangerous, but Batman is not a policeman.

As a comic for children, it makes sense for the hero to believe in justice, but the reason why Batman gave up his comfortable billionaire life to "fight crime" is not just because of justice.

Sir Francis Bacon said that revenge is brutal justice.

Batman doesn't know who his parents' murderer is, and the entire city is plunged into chaos caused by the Joker, leaving the police with no time to investigate.

He didn't know who his enemy was, it seemed like anyone could be him.

At this time, a Gotham policeman gave him a little warmth. Just this little warmth could make him come out of the darkness. There is also the loyal butler Alfred. Although no one cares about it, in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Alfred was a retired pilot of the Royal Air Force and worked as an agent for a period of time after retiring. He is not only Wayne's The housekeeper is also Bruce's earliest enlightenment teacher.

Hey, if Alfred is so powerful, why not just replace the young master in charge of that wealthy company while he is still young?

Some things are very troublesome to explain, especially Batman's voice, which has been changed with a voice changer and sounds extremely hoarse and unpleasant. But in short, under the influence of Alfred, Batman became a principled person, and the Batmobile also Instead of a "supercar", he simply threw the "imitation criminal" to the police.

If you ignore what James and Sirius did to Snape at school, they are actually charitable, have a sense of justice, love to fight injustice, and act righteously. They just occasionally do not follow the rules. From this perspective, they are indeed good people.

Rules are made for little people, not just on the Quidditch pitch or elsewhere, James and Sirius did that.

When James and Sirius got into trouble on a flying motorcycle and Pomona was required to delete the memory of the frightened police, Albus told her that the rules are lagging behind, and today's rules are to solve yesterday's problems. , some people especially like to set rules for others, even if they know that these rules are obviously problematic, they will not change them.

He didn't give an example, but Pomona immediately accepted it. Wasn't the International Statute of Secrecy established centuries ago? Today's Muggles would rather believe that there are aliens in the universe than believe that there are wizards in the world.

Grindelwald also asked, "Whose interests does that law protect?" However, to this day, there is still no change in the International Secrecy Law. After all, both Dark Lords have failed.

It is actually like a wizard's constitution. Under the rules it sets, each country can formulate laws that suit its own situation. For example, the United States prohibits wizards from marrying Muggles because a descendant of a purifier deceived a Witch, almost exposed the entire magical world.

There are no purifiers in the UK, and many people still think it is unreasonable to ban Muggles and wizards from marrying. In contrast, minors need to be controlled more, and then there is the "tracing silk" thing. Why not just be like the United States and not allow underage wizards to take their wands out of school?

The rules can avoid some legal risks. You cannot "punish the innocent" under any circumstances. Arthur who did not become a clown is actually quite pitiful. His first murder was in defense. If he did not shoot, he might be killed three times. A drunk young man was kicked to death.

Of course, some people say that people will not be beaten to death so easily. Arthur should be used to being bullied. He knows to protect his neck and lower body with his hands, which are the most vulnerable places.

But there are many fragile places in the human body, especially the soft abdomen, where kicking feels good. Arthur only has two hands, and he can't protect so many places.

Do you want to bet on whether those three drunkards have this bit of common sense? So why does the U.S. Constitution allow guns?

The three of them died like this, and their boss Thomas Wayne came out to "justify" them, saying that "people who have nothing" are jealous of "people who have a lot" like them.

Thomas Wayne is running for mayor, right? How many votes are in the hands of citizens who “have nothing”?

He is on par with Henry Shaw Jr., probably because one of them owns a television station and the other owns a newspaper, so they can "speak freely" without fear of producers and editors stopping them.

So it's no wonder Alfred didn't go back to being a butler while Thomas Wayne was alive, unless he got kicked in the head by a donkey.

But little Bruce is very cute. Although Bruce thinks Alfred's Cockney accent is strange, it is the first thing he needs to learn.

At this time, there was the sound of the door opening. Pomona turned around and saw Snape walking out of his room. His expression was gloomy and he turned a blind eye to the changes in the house.

Pomona had been preparing dinner for some time, but she did not ask him to come out to eat, but waited for him to come out on his own.

He sat down opposite her and ate his dinner without saying a word, his brows furrowed as if he had a stone in his stomach.

"How is work? Do they allow you to come to the palace?" Pomona continued to ask.

"They didn't stop me," he said coldly.

"I think it's a good sign," Pomona said.

"Someone defected." He said suddenly.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"He also published a book in Russia, and The Times wants to report on it." After he finished speaking, he ate silently.

"How do you know?" Pomona asked softly.

"I used Legilimency on him." He said expressionlessly, "They are worried that someone else 'wants to write a book,' and the royal family is very likely."

She really didn't know whether she should say "congratulations" at this time.

But it wasn't bad news anyway, so Pomona picked up the spoon and ate.


Before she could take the food into her mouth, he suddenly said.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you...getting a charter was a stupid idea in the first place."

Then he continued to eat silently.

"I don't think this is your problem, Severus. There is a judge who has been saying in recent years that habeas corpus has not stagnated and that it is still an available remedy." Pomona said.

"You don't need to comfort me." He said coldly.

"I don't have it. It's about the Police and Criminal Evidence Act passed in 1984, which is often called 'pace.'" Pomona got up and found the information from his room. This bill was sponsored by the Labor Party."

"About what?" He took the information and read it.

"The rights and obligations of the police in investigating criminal activities, as well as the rights and freedoms of criminal suspects." Pomona picked up the spoon and took a bite of rice.

He didn't even eat and concentrated on reading the information.

"They want to find a balance between personal freedoms and national security, and civilian employees are empowered to use reasonable force," Pomona said.

"Civilian employee?" he asked in surprise.

"Interesting, right?" Pomona said with a smile. "They don't go out in the field, so what's the use of having this power?"


Moving along the dark mine tunnel, Georgiana was extremely nervous.

She has always been responsible for "remediating the aftermath", but she has never done this before.

"Rosier, are you there?" She couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Stop talking!" Rosier warned.

So she shut up.

At this time, a burst of bird chirping came from deep in the mine tunnel.

She followed the sound and walked over, although she had already expected what kind of bird was chirping.

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