Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3157 man or a monster (Part 1)

The London Underground was the birthplace of the Underground, and Albus said he had a complete map of London on his lap, although he never showed it to anyone.

It also depends on when the map was made. In 1863, there was only one subway in the whole world, so even if there was only one scar on his knee, it would still be a complete map of the London Underground.

King's Cross Station was opened in 1852. It is not an underground station, but a railway station. The "King's Cross Station" that caught fire last year is actually the King's Cross Underground Station. It is located between the British Library and King's Cross Station. It was opened in 1868. The place where the fire broke out was a machine room under the escalator. Due to the The escalators were ancient wooden elevators, so the fire quickly entered the criss-crossing underground passages. Not only did the bottom platform become a sea of ​​flames, but the upper central hall was also engulfed by fireworks.

Passengers waiting at the subway station were in chaos at that time, and the central ticket hall was full of people running around. If there had been enough staff in the subway to direct and guide the situation, perhaps the number of casualties would have been smaller.

However, this formerly state-owned subway line has been privately operated. In order to reduce expenses, the subway company laid off employees, and the firefighters did not obtain the subway channel distribution map in time, and the fire-fighting work was hindered for a time. In order to prevent irrational passengers from losing their minds, After being thrown into the flames, firefighters and police blocked some dangerous exits and mobilized a train to transport the passengers surrounded by the flames.

The investigation into the incident concluded that it was an accident, but there were also "grapevine reports" that the subway company had received a threatening call before the fire, which may have been related to South African agents.

She couldn't understand what the South African agents were trying to express by setting fire to King's Cross station in the UK. Anyway, this kind of "grapevine" came out in endlessly every day, so she threw the newspaper aside and looked at the oatmeal porridge in the pot.

This seemed too bland for breakfast, so Pomona decided to fry up eggs and sausage.

Just then she heard the sound of the subway.

She remembered that the apartment Severus lived in was a little far away from the subway. Where did this sound come from?

She slowly raised her head, and at some point she came to the subway car. Sitting opposite her was a man who was smoking. He was wearing a brightly colored suit. Although the material was not good, it had been carefully ironed. There was a clown painted on his face. makeup.

He looked like he was smiling, or maybe that was the effect of makeup. His sitting posture was not regular at all, with one leg crossed and placed on the other, looking full of confidence.

Since the incident, a total smoking ban has been implemented on the London Underground, as the fire may have been caused by a discarded cigarette butt, and even cigarette advertising has been cancelled.

There are not only cigarette advertisements in this subway car, but there are also many cigarette butts on the ground. It is obviously not caused by the man in front of me alone, because they are old and new, and they are of various brands, hidden among the packages of hot dogs and hamburgers. .

"You know, who am I?" the clown asked.

Pomona said nothing, wondering where her wand was.

"Why do you think people do evil?" The clown looked at the cigarette in his hand and said, as if he was asking casually.

Sir Bacon said that people do evil in order to obtain benefits, happiness, honor and other things. No one will do evil for the sake of doing evil.

So why should I worry about someone else loving themselves more than me? If someone does evil purely out of evil nature, he or she is like a thorn, which will do nothing but prick someone.

"Loser" Arthur really doesn't know anything. As a comedian, he can't even tell a joke well.

Killing made him experience "happiness" and "peace", but then the clown's subsequent behavior was not evil at all?

He is not evil by nature, but doing evil makes him feel "successful", and mental illness allows him to avoid legal punishment.

He laughed loudly in the process of falling, but at the same time he felt extremely painful, because Arthur was still troubled, why no one loved him?

"Answer my question, madam." As he spoke, the clown changed his sitting posture, and his body language changed from confident to full of intimidation.

This is something Arthur cannot do.

Arthur hopes to bring joy so that he can be popular.

Even if he is funny like a "clown".

"Your followers killed Batman's parents." Pomona said calmly, "But he didn't put the blame on you."

The clown laughed as if he had heard a joke.

Pomona thought it was funny too.

When seeking revenge, some people like to know where their enemies come from. This is a nobler approach, because the happiness of an avenger does not come from hurting the opponent, but from making him regret. But a despicable and cunning coward is like a flying arrow.

What Bruce encountered was that the murderer was wearing a clown mask, and he didn't know who the murderer was.

This is Sir Bacon's statement, which is different from Grindelwald's "Glory"... He is such a person.

"Do you think he did the right thing?" the clown asked after laughing enough.

"It's better than this mess," Pomona said, looking at the trash on the ground. "Has anyone been to a football game here?"

"So you're on his side?" the clown asked.

"Have you seen Dorian Gray?" Pomona looked at the clown. "After he tasted all the happiness brought by sin in the world, he suddenly decided to be a good person. It was not because he was suddenly afraid of going to hell after death. Go to heaven through repentance.”

"Why?" After waiting for a moment, the clown asked when Pomona didn't speak.

"Because of his nature." Pomona whispered, "He was originally a simple young man, but he was led to the path of sin."

"I really hope to believe you." The clown took a puff of cigarette and put his legs on his knees again, but he was not as confident as before and kept shaking, "but you are lying."

"Why do you think I'm lying?" Pomona asked.

"I'm not going that way," the clown said irritably.

"You don't want to go to heaven? That's where good people should go." Pomona asked.

"I'm not a good person." The clown said expressionlessly.

"That's what others say, you are still you, Arthur." Pomona said.

The clown suddenly stood up and pulled out his gun like a magic trick.

She didn't move, although his hand was steady.

"You want to control me," the Joker said, but his voice became Snape's.

"Who we become is not about our abilities, but about our choices," Pomona said. "I just eliminated one option for you."

The Joker's finger moved to the trigger.

"You want this to end, right? That's why you let Batman kill you." Pomona said softly. "You wanted to 'stop'."

"No." The clown laughed, "I want to prove that what he said is right."

"Who?" Pomona asked subconsciously.

"Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become monsters themselves. I have heard this saying, although I have not read the novel you mentioned." The clown smiled strangely, "What do you think you are now? "

Pomona tried to raise her wand, but was stopped.

"Don't listen to him!" Severus told her. "Look at me."

She saw a pair of black eyes.

It is like an abyss, but also like the clear surface of a black lake.

The animal looks at its own reflection in the water and does not recognize it as itself. If it attacks, it will fall into the water just like the beautiful boy who fell in love with his own reflection.

But their survival instinct would make them struggle to swim out. Instead, the beautiful boy drowned because he longed to be united with his own shadow.

There is a painting of him. He is like a man who wants to drink water, putting his lips close to the river...

There is a mirror in this world that reflects people's deepest desires, so that countless people waste their time in front of it.

Although no one likes pain and discomfort, they can help people "wake up" from their dreams.

She looked around again. There were frightened people everywhere. They were discussing the earthquake just now, and they seemed to be still in shock.

Just then, a pair of shiny boots appeared on the muddy ground in front of her.

She raised her head and found Rosier, who was as handsome as a god.

"What are you doing hiding here?" Sol asked.

"How did you find me?" Georgiana asked.

"I came here smelling your perfume." Sol rubbed his nose. "This place stinks."

"How does it feel to be a hero?" Georgiana asked.


"You did as I told you?" Georgiana asked.

Thor was stunned for a moment.

"Do you still remember my order?" she asked again.

"I remember...but I caught those gangsters and know where their lair is." Saul said quickly.

"I didn't let you do anything in the cave." Georgiana repeated her order.

"What else? Let them run away?" Saul said.

"Take me to see them," she said unsatisfied.

"Yes, ma'am." Saul said unhappily, even though he had caught the gangster, which was regarded as a meritorious service.

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