Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3121 The Woman Stirring the Water (Part 2)

Big Ben is a must-see attraction for almost every visitor to London. Pomona unknowingly followed them for a while and then found herself near the Metropolitan Police Department.

She looked around and saw another monument standing on the bank of the Thames, which was erected to commemorate the Royal Air Force. Further ahead was the World War II Air Combat Monument.

Now is a time of peace. Of course, we can’t hear the air raid sirens, the roar of planes, or the explosions of various guns and artillery that once rang over London. The buildings are also intact, and the mother who is running with a baby stroller has the sound in her car. It was really a baby, not some usable thing found in the ruins between air raids.

Compared with World War II, London's air defense was worse during World War I because Zeppelin airships were still a new weapon at the time. Due to the insufficient range of British anti-aircraft guns, they would sometimes "visit" during the day and drop countless leaflets from the airships.

The airplane had just been invented, and the technology was very imperfect. To say the least, even if it barely got into the air, the airplane would have no combat effectiveness. The airship was different, and could carry a large number of bombs.

There was no bunker under Whitehall and many departments were moved to the subway during the war. At that time, Henry Potter accused the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic was located below Whitehall. Although the destruction of the above-ground buildings would not affect the underground, could they just swallow their anger and let the enemies run wild above their heads?

A gust of river wind blew a small piece of paper to Pomona's feet. She looked down at it and picked it up.

It was a movie ticket that was about to open. If she stood here waiting for the owner to pick it up, he would also miss the opening time.

Pomona hesitated for a moment, then put it into his pocket.

Harry Potter is known as the "Boy-Who-Lived". Normally, it is impossible to survive after being hit by Avada's Kedavra Curse. In this way, the Potter family will become extinct like many pure-blood families. Then he left a vault full of treasures to the goblins.

Wizards do not have collateral inheritance or trust like Muggles. Of course, Muggles will not build mazes and let sphinxes guard their wealth.

This was a secret agreement made at the beginning of the establishment of Gringotts. While the goblins helped the wizards handle business, they secretly cursed the wizards to die early.

After all, humans are not goblins and can live in the dark underground. Magic is cast on the windows of the Ministry of Magic, which is the same as the weather on the ground. But it's hard to say what effect this will have. After all, the weather in London is either fog or rain, and sunshine is rare.

She was lucky today and finally found a place that was almost isolated from the world, where she could fight against depression and loneliness until dusk.

There were already many abandoned pets in the school, and she didn't want to help others raise them. Maybe she could convince Minerva to add a line to the notice, "Adopt instead of buying," and there would be abandoned pets. New home.


When Georgiana emerged from the disappearing cabinet, she quickly discovered Rabastan Lestrange who had been waiting for her for a long time.

"Good morning, ma'am," Rabastan said with a polite smile.

He had regained his aristocratic air, and there was no trace of the exile he had once been.

"Good morning, Mr. Lestrange, have you been waiting for me?"

"Why didn't you inform me last night that we could go there together?" Rabastan asked.

"It was just a whim. I originally planned to wear it in Compiègne."

"Compiègne?" Rabastan asked curiously.

"I had a dream in Compiègne-sur-Mer, don't mind." She smiled sweetly. "It's settled now."

"I don't think so." Rabastan shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Georgiana asked warily.

Rabastan waved his hand and Coraline walked away immediately.

"You told my niece a lot, but I don't think you told her anything substantial." Rabastan said, "Can you tell me what you really think?"


"In return, I will tell you a piece of information." The moment Georgiana raised her fake smile, Rabastan said, "It concerns your new ally."

"Why don't I know what allies I have?" Georgiana asked, still smiling sweetly.

"You don't need to worry about someone leaking something. People in the palace are very good at inferring the 'facts' based on clues." Rabastan smiled proudly. "A little gossip is enough."

"What's the rumor about?" Georgiana stopped smiling.

Rabastan smiled, as if they both knew each other.

Georgiana still said nothing.

"How about this? Let me tell you another 'news', the First Consul's sister Caroline, she tried to prove that the First Consul was fertile, so..."

"I know what she did." Georgiana interrupted him coldly. "Is this the information you gave me?"

"If the woman she introduces can give birth to a child, it will be bad news for you, Rose and the whole of Europe." Rabastan said with a cold face, "Or do you, like Mrs. Starr, think that love must be included in marriage?"

"That would make me look like a little girl." She said coldly.

"You sense my sincerity?" Rabastan asked.

She didn't feel it, but Rabastan was indeed one of the few allies she had, especially since she was weak in the Muggle world and could not be left alone in the wizarding world.

"Do you remember when the First Consul drove away a magician from the theater in Mechelen?" said Georgiana.

"Sorry, I don't like watching Muggle performances." Rabastan said perfunctorily.

"The magician knew that the locals respected a former Austrian female governor. My residence in Mechelen was in her castle at the beginning. Later, because it was haunted, I moved to someone else's place." Georgiana paused, Rabastan seemed to understand and nodded, and then she continued, "She put a needle in the dish I cooked. Fortunately, the First Consul discovered it in time and didn't swallow it. I told him about the haunted house, and then The magician who came down was driven away.”

Rabastan listened quietly.

"The Austrians have left a lot of traces here, and from time to time one will pop up suddenly and surprise us, so do you know what to do next?" Georgiana asked.

"Clear the traces they left," Rabastan said in a low voice.

"You don't need to say it." Georgiana said every word. "Just like you don't need to know what those war orphans are."

Rabastan rolled his eyes, suddenly enlightened.

"Do you know what was Caesar's greatest success?" Georgiana asked.


"In addition to bringing triumph to the Romans, he also gave the common people the power to share in the prosperity of the country." Georgiana interrupted Rabastan's ode, "He even donated his own house as a public place."

Rabastan was stunned.

"Forget Belgium, you should focus on Père Lachaise Cemetery. I heard that you are going to move all the ancestral graves here." Georgiana smiled, "But now it is full of living people, you have to move it first They moved away."

Rabastan was breathing heavily, as if he was still immersed in the dream of "opening up the territory and expanding the territory".

"I've said everything I want to say, what about you?" she asked after waiting for a while.

"He has a lover," Rabastan said slowly.

"This is not news," said Georgiana coldly.

"I'm not talking about the First Consul, but your new ally."

She was stunned for a moment.

"The general's wife doesn't know yet, she thinks he only loves her." Rabastan smiled, looking sinister and evil.

"Who?" Georgiana asked angrily.

"She's a dancer just like the Italian beauty who made you angry. I heard they are very serious and have already started a family." Rabastan said.

"What about his old home?" Georgiana asked, holding back her anger.

Rabastan thought for a while, but didn't answer. He left the garage with a weird smile.

When he was far away, Carolan cautiously approached.


As soon as she spoke, Georgiana couldn't hold back her anger and pointed her wand at a carriage, blowing it to pieces.

"Go over and tell 'my knight' that he doesn't have to come over. From now on he will be responsible for delivering the cabinet to London." Georgiana said coldly, and then left.

"What if he doesn't come back?" Carolan asked.

"That's just what I want!" she said without looking back.

Now she wants to find a place that is isolated from the world, where she doesn't have to fight against anything, and just wants to be alone for a while.

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