Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3120 The woman who stirred up the water (Part 1)

After breaking up with Minerva, Pomona walked down the street toward the Thames.

She passed an opera house on the way, but she didn't go to see the program, although her original intention was to go see a performance after visiting the museum.

She walked blindly all the way, and soon came to Victoria Embankment. The broad view and cityscape did not improve her mood.

At this time, a ship passed by and blew its whistle. She followed the sound and saw that the ship was slowly passing by an obelisk.

That is Cleopatra's obelisk, but this monument was not carved for Cleopatra. It was Antony who transported the obelisk to Alexandria from elsewhere. In 1819, Muhammad Ali built it to commemorate The Battle of the Nile and the Battle of Alexandria gave the obelisk to the British.

However, due to the high shipping costs, the British initially refused to pay for transporting it to London. It was not until 1877 that the obelisk was completed with private sponsorship and was guarded by two sphinxes.

In 1917, a German bomb exploded near the obelisk, and the base of the obelisk was damaged. There is an introduction to this incident near the obelisk.

Pomona lay on the railing, looking at the obelisk.

Although only one obelisk is placed here, it was actually erected in pairs in front of the Egyptian temple. The other "Cleopatra" obelisk is in New York. There is also a Luxor Obelisk in the Place de la Concorde in Paris, and another in Egypt.

Unlike the British, when the French learned that Ali Pasha was willing to give this "gift", they immediately customized a ship named the "Luxor" to transport the obelisk, and it was carried by a ship named the Sphinx. His ship powered it and transported it to Paris at almost no cost.

There is also an obelisk in Istanbul, which is named Theodosius Obelisk. It is said that it was transported to the Arena by Theodosius I in the 4th century AD after Rome conquered Egypt. A pair of Lateran obelisks were ordered by Victoria to be shipped back and placed in Rome.

The ancient Romans believed they had cracked the ancient Egyptians' technique for transporting the obelisk, and even dug canals to transport it, but damage was still caused during transportation.

"Is it really a bomb or was it damaged during transportation?" Pomona muttered as he looked at the obelisk, and then continued walking along the embankment.

It's summer vacation again, and there are more tourists again, but they are all paying attention to the Victorian scenery along the coast, and no one cares about the obelisk.

There was a little girl gesturing with a "v" with her hand and waiting for her parents to take photos with a smile on her face. She thought about the boy she met in front of the court last summer who wanted to go back to playing baseball. He looked so unhappy.

She did not express any comment on this. It was a matter on the other side of the world. She had no time to care about it. There was still a "big trouble" waiting for her to solve.


After Saint Martin's cloak was divided into two halves, one half was kept for himself. After his death, this half of the cloak was divided among the monarchs, and each person received a small piece so that no one could tell that it was once a cloak.

It is estimated that no one will want the other half of the cloak given to the beggar. Even if it was once the other half of the sacred object, who would fight for a beggar's thing?

When Mr. Grigovich found this disappearing cabinet, it was originally in tatters and was placed in a corner without anyone caring about it. However, Mr. Grigovich, who is familiar with wood, soon discovered its materials, and then I bought it back at a very low price, applied wax and oil to repair it, and that's how it looks now.

It was originally used to store the couple's clothes. One day, Cornell hid in the cabinet, and then he came out from the other end. He was scared at first, but later he discovered that the cabinet could actually travel back and forth, and then he tried to find a way to move the cabinet out of its original storage place and hide it in the abandoned castle.

He could no longer remember where the cabinet was originally placed. When they retreated, the Grigovitches originally did not want to take away the bulky cabinet, but Cornel managed to convince them, so the cabinet was He was soaked in water and taken back to Berlin along the canal.

It was triangular in shape, and at first Georgiana always imagined that it was a square cabinet divided into two halves.

Yesterday she walked around the cabinet, and today she looked at the cabinet here again. Maybe things were not what she thought.

That day they saw the Egyptian pyramids in the pool of the Louvre. In other words, seeing the pyramids made them immediately think of Egypt.

Napoleon missed Desai very much. When he besieged Jaffa in 1799, or was trapped there, Desai discovered two obelisks in Thebes. He wrote to Napoleon and told him "if Transporting them to Paris would create an extraordinary spectacle”.

At that time, the morale of the Egyptian expeditionary force was low, even by Napoleon himself. In addition to the British warships providing supplies at sea, the city of Acre was also defended by Napoleon's "old schoolmate". He was once a nobleman. They had grudges when he was a student. During the Revolution, he joined the royalists, and then in Acre and with Napoleon met again.

Is Georgiana really not afraid of Bonaparte? That's probably not possible, provided that the wand must be in her hand.

Grogan Stamp once proposed the definition of "person" as "a creature with sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of magical society and to shoulder the responsibility of upholding these laws", ending the controversy since the 14th century.

The Law of the Twelve Tables stipulates that the owner of a four-legged animal shall be liable for damages caused by the four-legged animal to others due to its bestiality.

But when the first ostrich appeared as a trophy in Rome, because ostriches are also quite wild, the rule that "four-legged animals" hurt people can be interpreted in two ways. One is to apply it to two people by analogy. Two-legged animals can be as wild and hurtful as four-legged animals. The other is the opposite corollary, that is, two-legged animals are different from four-legged animals.

Georgiana had already made a plan in her mind. This idea became clear when she saw the cabinet door opened again and a wizard walked out first, followed by Diloc standing in front of her.

Dilock subconsciously glanced at the scenery outside the window, and then looked at Georgiana.

"What kind of magic are you using?"

"This is not my magic. This cabinet was left by ancient people." Georgiana smiled and said, "Can you do me a little favor?"

"What's the business?" Diloc asked.

"Help me send this cabinet to my student in London, just in case."

"What to guard against?" Diloc asked.

"There is a place to escape, and there is still a witch hunt over there."

"That's it?" Diloc asked suspiciously.

"Of course there are more than that." Georgiana looked at Edgeworth, who was following Dirock, "Keep the cabinet on our side tightly guarded. I'm worried that witch hunters will come after her."

Diloc remained calm and Georgiana continued.

"You have also seen big scenes with the First Consul. Do you need me to tell you what to do?"

"Why don't you put both cabinets in a safe place?" Diloc asked seriously.

"I know you want to save yourself some trouble, but she's my responsibility."

"Why would a girl take risks? If you are really responsible for her, you should send her home as soon as possible."

"That's the problem. If she stays at home all the time, she will want to see the outside world. You can't stop people who are outward-minded." Georgiana said with a smile, "When she really sees what it's like outside, she will want to see the outside world." I’ll want to go home.”

Diloch sighed. He looked around, as if looking for help, and finally his eyes fell on Edgeworth.

"My daughter is 'next door'." Edgeworth said with a helpless smile.

"He knows where her address is." Georgiana said with a smile, then lifted up her skirt and walked elegantly into the disappearing cabinet.

"Don't forget to buy the nutcracker from the store." Carolan said behind her. "Remember to pay, it's polite."

Georgiana shook her head.

When she goes out later, she will tell Carolan that magical things cannot be brought into the sun.

Also, keep her pretty little mouth shut, even if she wants to give a speech like Grindelwald.

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