Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3122 The Woman Stirring the Water (Part 2)

"Have you seen the Potters' epitaph?" Pomona, who was passing by, heard someone say this. "What is 'the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death'?"

"Obviously, they are the final 'winners.'" Someone in the crowd said dissatisfiedly, "They defeated the Death Eaters, didn't they?"

"I don't think that's what that sentence meant," said a third.

"What else could it mean? It's not like the Potters chose this sentence for themselves." Someone said after taking a sip of champagne, "But they were happy too early."

"What do you mean?" asked the person who originally asked the question.

They muttered in hushed tones and Pomona couldn't hear what they were saying.

"What are you doing?"

Pomona was startled and looked up at the instigator.

"Nothing." She said calmly.

"Eavesdropping is not a good habit," said Snape.

She curled her lips and took a sip of punch.

"At least don't make it so obvious," he said dryly, and walked past her.

Pomona watched him walk back to Malfoy and the others.

This time the party is for England to win second place in the European Pegasus Racing Competition. The championship is won by Beauxbatons' rune horse. Of course, if Hogwarts is willing to lend the Thestral to compete, it will definitely win, provided that the referee can Can see it.

Pomona took another upset sip of her wine, only to find that the glass was empty, so she headed to her original destination—the punch fountain at the buffet table, where two miniature swans were playing in the wine.

She watched the red wine filling the glass, ignoring the noise around her.

Lily's epitaph was indeed not chosen by herself, nor did she expect that she would die at such a young age.

That sentence was selected from line 26 of Book 15 of 1 Corinthians, a letter written by the apostle Paul for the church in Corinth. At that time, Corinth was still a new city established less than a century ago. It was located in southern Greece, west of Athens. , on the main road between Rome and the East, it was an important commercial center at that time.

At that time, the believers in the church were mainly commoners and slaves of low status. There were not many noble and capable people. People here called each other brothers and sisters.

However, believers were very easily attracted by the Venus worship that was popular at that time. Shortly after leaving Corinth, Paul heard the news of problems in the church, and then wrote these letters.

The letter also said: You must hold on to this gospel and do not believe in it empty-handedly. You will definitely be saved by it.

Saint worship is essentially different from Greek and Roman hero worship. The heroes are either the sons of kings or demigods born of gods and human women, while saints can be anyone. The reason why a saint becomes a saint is that he is supported by the people. Initially, the church did not have any canonization activities. The sanctity of a saint does not require official investigation and announcement. Later, it gradually evolved into a miracle.

Hearsay is not trustworthy. Do passers-by believe that a virgin will give birth to a child, or that she tasted forbidden fruit before marriage and then told a big lie?

In Paul's day, it was almost impossible to see a miracle like Moses' parting of the Red Sea, but seeing the dead raised still shocked him because his original job was to capture those who spread the news.

Another way of saying that is to really believe in this miracle, rather than just believe what others say.

Cremation was popular in ancient Greece and Rome, even in Roman London. There are many urns in the London Museum. It takes a lot of wood to burn a body to ashes, and the temperature of the flame must be high enough. Rich people will choose expensive wood. This alone is enough to make cremation extremely expensive.

Augustus held a funeral for Caesar and held a sports meeting. In the "Iliad", the Greeks held a funeral for Patroclus and held an athletics. Athletics was a ritual to worship the gods in ancient times.

Spices and olive oil are essential, but the cost of burial is much less.

This kind of burial is not the kind of burial where the ancient Egyptian pharaohs brought a large number of funerary objects and mummified the corpse. After the mummy is dissected, the priests will smear thick spices on the surface and inside of the body to make it immortal. If it is just wrapped in a shroud and buried, it will eventually decompose unless it encounters special circumstances.

When the dead are understood as dust that has completely lost their vitality and returned to nature, their worship of nature loses its value and meaning. The relics of saints, that is, holy objects, were considered to have miraculous effects, so the worship of saints extended to the worship of holy objects, and holy objects were considered to have miraculous powers.

During the Crusades, a large number of holy relics were brought back to Europe, and people would pay a lot of money to buy them. If the pieces of wood from the True Cross were collected, they could form a forest.

Although the centaurs predicted that this would only be a short-lived peace during the next war, Pomona still hoped that it would be longer, and she did not believe that the mysterious man would actually "return".

The mysterious man also chose to believe the prophecy, and then went to look for the child born at the end of July.

Dumbledore had a "good friend", and he did not hide the fact that he was a good friend with Gellert Grindelwald, and Gellert Grindelwald was a well-known "prophet".

He showed the "future" to people in Paris' Père Lachaise Cemetery, and wizards who had just experienced World War I easily accepted it. That war did not only affect Muggles.

He told the wizards that they wanted to prevent Muggles from destroying the world, so wizards went to war against Muggles. Later, his speech at the inauguration ceremony of the Wizards' Federation was not so exciting.

Muggles also have their own technology, which can produce power similar to magic. The aircraft that could not fly during World War I could fly as fast as a broomstick during World War II, and the slow Zeppelin was eliminated.

Why would they want to steal the wizard's magic? And also by marrying a witch, and using this method to eliminate the witch.

Both he and Dumbledore believed in fairy tales too much, so they went looking for the Deathly Hallows.

Paul also said in his letter: If we only have hope in this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone else.

Since there is the prospect of resurrection in the afterlife, death is seen as a transition to eternal life, and it should not be pitied but celebrated. Therefore, early believers celebrated death anniversaries as birthdays, which is the same as the pagans - —Who can tell the difference in such a lively funeral?

Jubilee means a festival of joy, and it also means a papal indulgence, which allows carnival on specific days.

Of course, we must celebrate the victory. In order to celebrate, the wizards even forgot to abide by the international law of secrecy. The Minister of Magic needs to go to the International Federation of Wizards for questioning, and then she says, "I firmly defend everyone's right to indulge in carnival."

Life is more important than logic, inspiration is more important than erudition, transformation is more important than argument.

Pomona will not argue with those people just now, because even if she wins the argument with these "people who refuse to admit defeat," they will not change their views.

Paul also said: For me, death is more rewarding, but if I live in the body and can do more useful work, then I don’t know how to choose. I am in a dilemma and I am willing to leave here. Life, that is the best thing, but for your sake, it is even more necessary for me to live.

Although living is a kind of suffering, because there are more important things and responsibilities, it is even more necessary to "stand firm" and walk the road of suffering.

It's just that the fat monk who said these words also had obsessions. Because he didn't become a cardinal, he became a ghost and wandered around the world.

Bentham felt that pain and joy were the masters of people.

Isidora once felt that if the pain in the world was eliminated, the world would become a better place.

But we need pain to remember that there are certain things not to touch, to seek treatment, and to correct those habits that damage the body.

Albus likes sweetness like a bee. Humans are not bees after all, so they can regard honey as a staple food.

If people think that as long as there is joy and no pain, then what crime did Isidora have?

Kant did not agree with Bentham's point of view. He believed that everyone with autonomous actions has dignity. Respecting human dignity means not just treating people as tools or means, even if they are using others for the benefit of the majority. Still inappropriate.

He also gave an example of a pawnshop owner and a layman customer. Even if the pawnshop owner chose "honest transaction" in order to prosper the business in the future, it would still be immoral in Kant's eyes.

Being too strict is not convenient for practice. To be tolerant to others is to be tolerant to yourself.

Georgiana was stroking the Thestral's head, and the male Sphynx was beside her, both in a cage covered by an oilcloth.

They look very calm and don't have the irritability of trapped animals.

We need to be careful not to let our passion or obsession with things corrode the good in us.

Pomona chose to believe that Lily chose James instead of "Sev" because James had made changes for her and brought her happiness, not what was said in gossip.

Lily couldn't even stand the word "mudblood", so how could she endure the even worse words said by "hyacinth".

She became a rich wife, but she did not rush to participate in the life of the upper class. Instead, she took James home and "lived in isolation" except for a few friends, so that she could endure the imprisoned life in the remote Godric's Hollow.

Mrs. Starr needed Paris. Unknowingly, Georgiana was surrounded by some people. No one knew whether they would suddenly suffer the same "big purge" as Mrs. Starr's club. The group related to her Troops were even sent to Santo Domingo.

There was such a big risk in contacting General Bessières. Didn't Sieyes also need an army to find Napoleon?

This reminder was more useful than any other information. Napoleon liked to play cards, and Madame Duchatel had to pass cards to him when they flirted with him at the card table. She could make a lot of money by getting "gossip" by saying a few sweet words. One of the great advantages of "Caesar" is his generosity. He is never stingy when giving rewards. Georgiana just wants these.

Don't lose yourself in love, she almost did.

She didn't give up, but she was willing to give up. She would not become Medea, killing her own children in revenge.

Detective Reno owned so much in Casablanca, but he left them all behind and went to Free France with the hero. He could actually go to the United States, but this was just a temporary escape. When people liquidate him in the future, he will still be culpable unless he Can offset the merit.

"This is your fate, Severus Snape." She stroked the Thestral's head and said, and a red substance suddenly appeared in her hand, and it ate it like candy.

If Severus died, she would bury him.

If he survives, she will remind him of his promise to take care of Draco for the rest of his life, according to the Unbreakable Oath.

He couldn't simply die a hero.

His soul will never have peace until he atones for his sins, which not only destroyed Harry's family but almost killed him.

Even if the world forgives him, she won't.

Just as the whole world thinks a father who avenges his daughter is guilty, she will forgive him.

"And this is my life." After feeding the Thestral, she said to herself.

Not caring about other people's eyes is a valuable quality, but it is something that the young Lily only has. Wearing the Gryffindor school uniform, she can study with Snape of Slytherin without any scruples.

When she grows up, she cannot be a mother who abandons her children and runs for her life alone. Even if she survives, she will live under the condemnation of the world.

Pomona couldn't do that. She still cared about other people's opinions, and she had always done so since she was a child.

"There are certain mistakes that a woman cannot make in her life." This time she said in French.

Rose was Josephine's name from the old days, when she had a violent husband.

Unexpectedly, it was still so bad when she got married again. Her husband's family bullied her, and even her children helped her stepfather.

Moreover, the society also recognized it. They acquiesced that the "dedicated" Napoleon found one lover after another. Even Georgiana herself felt that she was right and became one of the perpetrators.

At the beginning of the movie "The Godfather", a man said "I believe in America" ​​in the darkness in English with an Italian accent.

In fact, if you listen carefully, he said "believed in", not "believe in". Everything has passed.

Only diamonds can cut glass, and those two "hard rocks" can only collide and change each other through sparks. She suffered these consequences because she overestimated her abilities.

"What mistake can't be made?" asked the blond Margaret. She was a little afraid of the big Sphinx. Even if it was in a cage and napping with its eyes closed, she would stand far away.

Georgiana smiled helplessly.

How was she going to explain that to a young girl?

"Madam, what are you touching?" Margaret asked carefully.

Georgiana looked at Thestral and then at Margaret.

"What do you see me touching?" Georgiana asked.

"A dark, horse-like thing with wings." Margaret said in disgust. "It looks really ominous."

"Are you a wizard?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

Margaret shook her head repeatedly.

She thought of Neville. His power was similar to that of a Squib. In this case, he didn't need to worry about being possessed by the Obscurus because he suppressed his magic power.

But it is also sad that Margaret can see the Thestral, because she must have seen death, and neither Perdy sister has seen it.

If only they had always been like this.

She thought sadly, why did fate let Padma come into this world? No matter what bad luck happened to her, Parvadi always had good luck. Not only did he and the savior steal the show at the Christmas ball, but he didn't have to go through all this.

Why is fate so unfair?

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