Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3051 Adamas (4)

Just relying on a copy of the contract, a person's identity has actually changed, or what is the difference between this kind of land leased based on identity and contract?

Parents have natural parental rights over their children. In German law, as long as the parents are not divorced but only legally separated, both of them still have parental rights. Once they divorce, parental rights may be transferred.

According to Roman law, the interests of the parents took precedence, while the Germans valued the interests of the children. When the father needs an heir and the mother is unable to raise a child, the father can seek the mother's consent to transfer the child's parental authority to him.

However, in most divorce cases, the parents will fight for the custody of the child, and some fathers are unwilling to undertake the guardianship obligation, but he admits that it is his own child, just because he is away all the year round and cannot raise it. At this time, the mother will take the child and accept the maintenance money he gives. When the mother remarries, she loses parental rights to the child, but she still has the obligation to supervise and take care of the child.

She bore the child and of course "forever" was the child's mother. But this involved another person, her new husband, or the child's stepfather.

The essence of marriage consists in the legal union of a man and a woman for the purpose of living a life together.

This relationship must be established on a mutual basis. When one party demands complete submission without promising the same thing in return, there is "abuse" of the purpose of living together, which violates the principle of respect.

The stepfather and the stepchildren are not related by blood, and there is no obligation to take care of the stepchildren before marrying the current wife. Of course, there are also such situations. marry.

The woman is unwilling, because she has to take care of her own children, and the two cannot reach a consensus on the purpose of living together, so the marriage will not be concluded.

It is a unilateral duty to ask the stepfather to have custody of the stepchild, and expect him to make a unilateral sacrifice, and his submission may be totally unrewarded, since the stepson hates him and prefers to live with his own father. The stepson's father may be a "sailor" like George V when he was young, and he seldom goes home throughout the year, unless he goes to the sea with his father for rafting and does not receive compulsory education.

There are many couples who ask others to give unilaterally, but they don't give anything. One of the spouses has a mistress or lover, and both husband and wife agree not to meet with the third party, but the cheating party still meets with the third party.

This is not only morally improper, but also behaviorally improper. He or she refuses to submit to his or her own identity. Ta is already married, so his behavior will be restricted, and the behavior of constantly seeing a third party proves that kind of maintenance. The possibility of proper married life in the future becomes questionable.

This kind of plot is often seen in the women's magazines that Pomona often reads. The husband made promises again and again, but later proved that he did not keep it, and the wife angrily accused him of "lying."

Only through mutual consent of personality can each spouse be justified in giving up his obligations to his partner.

There are also couples like this, where the husband and wife each have their own lovers outside, and they have no legitimate reason to restrict each other's behavior except that they don't love each other.

Going back to the question of the stepfather, his remarried object sees different qualities in him than his ex-husband, including sacrifice, compassion, humility, pride, etc. in chivalry.

Is he willing to assume unilateral obligations and make unilateral sacrifices? Even if he is a citizen.

Harry was not like Neville, he showed magical talent at a very young age, and he would come to the magic school to attend classes without accident. If Severus took care of him as he took care of his own child, it would be an "honor".

Even without looking at his relationship with Lily, as a professor he has this obligation, just like Dumbledore, but the group of people he "socializes" with is different.

They leave the education of their children to their wives and teachers, and then they are busy with their careers, or new female secretaries, assistants, stars, models.

Lucius Malfoy has been rumored all the time, but he is still a man who cares about his family. First, he has no illegitimate children. Second, he really respects Narcissa Malfoy, the former lady of the Black family, even though the Black family can no longer support her.

Naxisha is always glamorous when appearing in social activities, and also keeps a distance from other people. If you don’t communicate with people, you don’t have to listen to those gossips. People who see Malfoy as "prey" don't care about his married status and the dilapidated Black family.

"Respect" can be as simple as the sergeant who fought for custody of the children in the separation case, who may have been a serf before 1848, and suddenly he was emancipated. He restrained himself with the habit of a knight, and won the respect of his colleagues and superiors.

However, his doubts about his wife made the possibility of the two of them maintaining a proper married life in the future doubted. Succumbing to who she is and limiting her behavior, maybe she did start seeing other people after the separation.

The following "plot" was made up by Pomona, and it was possible that she wanted a divorce and the sergeant would not agree to it. If he aims to prevent his wife from remarrying without a divorce, this is also a kind of "abuse", unless he feels that there is still a possibility for the two of them to continue living. He could say that to the mediator of the court, even though he didn't think so in his heart, it's just that it didn't meet the "honesty" required by chivalry.

Nietzsche said that egoists lack love and sacrifice. If a person is self-interested enough, he will accept the sacrifice of others again and again, and live the life that is beneficial to him.

Lily sacrificed her own life to fight against the mysterious man, not to mention that she was very straightforward with Severus, she didn't ask "Severus" to take care of her children, and she didn't have the time, even though they were very good when they were young friend.

She has her own family and a life.

The medieval lord, following the king's expedition, entrusted his friends to take care of his family and property, and he gave the transferee the right to use the land.

Another trust model appeared in the late Middle Ages. In the will, the testator transfers the ownership of the land to the feoffee. Humans are a different concept.

If the transferee fails to perform, there will be no punishment, and the recipient who violates the contract can theoretically be "excommunicated" by the church, although due to the difficulty of procedures, few executors are actually excommunicated.

The dead cannot come back, not even the king. When George V died, it was not George VI who took the throne, he had a stutter, and he lived in an age of orators.

Anyway, that year was busy enough, and the knight who entrusted a friend to take care of him will come back.

Margaret's love affair was made public after the death of George VI. Her sister grew up with her. Even if she wears the crown, what is there to be afraid of?

A divorced woman is like written paper, not pure white like a girl, and everything written on it is clear at a glance.

Different countries have different explanations about parental power. George V once fell in love with a woman with his brother, but he said to Queen Victoria that "brotherhood is constant" and he withdrew from the competition.

But "luck" seems to favor him more, he not only inherited the throne, but also married his beloved woman.

What he didn't get was a postage stamp that a little Scottish boy had found. Everyone in the world knows that George V loves to collect stamps, or because of the special rules in the philatelic circle, the sky-high price paid for that stamp at auction was not something George V could afford.

Later, it is said that another stamp was found, and an American businessman bought it at a high price, and then burned it with a cigar. Since then, that stamp has been "unique" again.

When Pomona saw the "only I know" smile on Severus' face, he somehow thought of a scene in a certain TV series. The husband already had a mistress, but the wife didn't know it, and she was still asking him to use it. What plates to serve at a kid's birthday party.

This kind of anger, mixed with a kind of shame, made her feel very disgusted. In addition, the wind from the two chickens fighting just now blew the smell of chicken feces. She didn't want to stay in this place any longer.

The reason for Severus to read is to gain strength, and some people think that reading is to get rid of his ignorance, narrow-mindedness, prejudice, and darkness. Pomona wished she knew better so she wouldn't be taken in because she knew she was an idiot.

It may be that he sensed her mood swings, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

"Are you angry?" he asked seriously.

"No." Pomona denied, without looking him in the eye.

"What are you angry about?" He said inexplicably.

"Nothing," Pomona said lightly.

"Obviously not, am I wrong?" he asked.

"What did you say wrong?"

He didn't answer for a long time.

"I'm sorry." He said after a while.

"Why an apology?" Pomona asked.

"I shouldn't call you that." He said seriously, watching her face carefully.

"You think I'm mad at you for calling me a weirdo?" Pomona asked.

He didn't speak.

In fact Pomona thanked him for being "honest" in telling her, "You're a weirdo."

"I'm not mad about that," Pomona said.

"Then why are you angry?" He asked inquisitively, his voice unconsciously louder, just like Tobias.

She wanted to say "don't lie to me".

But the truth is, no matter how much you ask, people will lie anyway.

"I'm sorry." He pinched his nose in distress. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"Be responsible, Snape," said Pomona quietly. "I know what kind of people you 'socialize' with."

He looked at her calmly.

"I won't stop you from associating with them. Relationships are equally important in human society, but don't be influenced by them. You won't be so lucky next time. Among the people Karkaroff didn't confess, are there any of them?"

He should be awake, Pomona sighed, satisfied.

"Think about how you got away with it. Your greatest strength is your mind. Albus said you are a smart person, and that's what I admire about you." Pomona looked up at the junior student who was younger than her, "You Not like everyone else."

She suddenly understood why You-Know-Who would let him go, even though Snape didn't go along with him, speak ill of his Muggle father, or kneel down and kiss his robes, begging his forgiveness.

"I'm special to you?" He seemed to have misunderstood something, looking at her with eyes full of emotion.

She didn't want to say something by the side of the chicken shed that smelled like chicken shit, but when she was about to take a step, he blocked her way.

"Answer my question," he said threateningly, as if he wouldn't rest until he got an answer.

Pomona thinks she can do without roses and candlelight dinners, but last time it was the toilet, this time it was the chicken coop...

"Are you kidding me?" He said angrily, although he stopped shouting, his expression was grim.

She subconsciously took a step back, and he stepped forward.


At this time, she heard someone say.

"How are you?"

Pomona followed the reputation and found that it was Hagrid. His tall figure made Pomona feel very safe.

"I'm fine," Pomona said, looking back at Severus.

He stood upright with a stiff expression, as if nothing had happened.

"What are you doing here?" Hagrid asked.

"Walking," Pomona said, glaring at Severus, "and see how your chickens are doing."

"They're fine, as you can see," said Hagrid.

"That would be great," said Pomona, and walked away without looking back, leaving behind two men who didn't know what to do.

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