Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3052 adamas (five)

Joseph was a carpenter who once lived in Nazareth, and Nathanael among the disciples once said of that city "Is there anything good in Nazareth?".

Although Nazareth is indeed not a "good place", at least it is not like Sodom. Before God decided to destroy it, he sent an angel to let the righteous man Abraham in the city leave with his family.

There is such a record in Rome's "Law of the Twelve Bronze Tables": For deformed babies, they should be killed immediately.

The Father created you and has the power to destroy you.

Joseph was only the foster father of Jesus, and the whole town knew that, and Mary married him pregnant.

Not much is said about Joseph in the Bible, except that he was going to secretly break off the engagement.

Or put it this way, what kind of person the adopted son will become, the adoptive father cannot control it like a father with parental authority. If the mother has parental authority, she can also discipline the disobedient child. She can't beat and scold her without parental authority. They can only provide housing and food for the child.

In theory, fathers in ancient Rome would take their children with them and teach them how to deal with the world and how to deal with official affairs. But if the father is busy with the banquet, and suddenly one day his son is brought in front of him, he may not recognize the boy for a while.

Now the child is almost an adult, facing a career choice, joining the army or going to the Senate, which requires the consent of his father.

Guardians can only advise the child, even if his choices are not satisfactory to them.

Based on the personal protection of minors, students above the third grade need a guardian's signature to "agree" for minors to go to Hogsmeade.

The students during this period are actually completely out of control, because Hogsmeade is not under the supervision of the school. Fortunately, there have been no incidents so far.

The Three Broomsticks' Butterbeer is popular, but it started as wine when it was still "a broom".

Then Albus Dumbledore helped Mrs. Rosmota improve the formula, so that the butter beer will not get drunk as much as possible, which is more suitable for little wizards and sweet people like him, and it also avoids safety accidents when little wizards get drunk. .

So why not just leave out the beer?

That's a good question, maybe because butterbeer is a drink in the wizarding world, how can butterbeer without beer be called "beer"?

More processes can make ordinary wine full of "magic power". The experience of brewing potion and casting a spell with a magic wand is different.

The further you go to Hogsmeade, the more you can see the Shrieking Shack, which used to be the dormitory for the female teachers.

It is a kind of donation, donated to the school by people who are enthusiastic about education. It is not within the scope of the fence and protective magic circle, but it is also considered the property of the school.

In the decree of Pope Gregory IX, believers were encouraged to obtain salvation by donating their inheritance.

On the day of harvest, only by doing good deeds as much as possible, following the path of God, first sowing in the world, and then reaping in heaven, can we get a greater gift from God. And those who do not bequeath their bequests piously, and refuse to obey the above counsel, will no longer be considered saints, and will eventually be buried in unclean places. A similar fate befalls the man who dies without a will, and since he dies without the best of good works, the Church will have administration of his estate, securing his salvation, and the right to use part of it for With "pious cause".

People in the past felt that salvation was important, not only prepared their own funeral early, but also donated a sum of money to the church.

Pope Alexander III issued a decree in 1170 that unless a priest was present, the will would be considered invalid, and any will that was drafted by a lay notary without the presence of a priest would be punished by law, that is, excommunication. membership.

The church has special jurisdiction over the certification of wills, and donations or bequests to the church for "pious causes" are considered the most reliable way to alleviate the pain of purgatory. The Crusaders would also sell the land to the church at a very low price to raise military expenses, use the land as collateral, and apply for a loan from the church. In many cases, they would also be confiscated due to default. These lands that fall into the hands of the church are called "dead hands" because in most cases they will not be circulated in the market.

There is a charge for ringing the bell at a funeral, which is not always the case in different places, and it is possible to ring 1 shilling once.

There are also different charges for the location of the coffin. Henry VIII drafted the "Act to Regulate the Collection of Funeral Fees by Priests" in 1529. Priests are not allowed to collect mortuary fees from the deceased whose movable property is less than 10 marks, and must not exceed the regular fee.

Later he promulgated the Perpetuity Act, which was intended to prevent donors from donating land to the church, and all transfers of immovable property were annulled "as detrimental to the king and subjects", and the land that had been transferred before would be confiscated to " Lords of the Middle". In 1545, the "Church Dissolution Law" was promulgated, dissolving some monasteries with an annual income of less than 200 pounds, and their property was confiscated.

Donations of immovable property were strictly limited, but chattels were not mentioned. Under Henry III, ecclesiastical courts had acquired the privilege of disposing of chattels, and bishops and diocesan religious judges were charged with enforcing wills, especially those intended for piety. If there is no executor, the bishop will become a religious judge, while judges in other courts are considered incompetent and have no jurisdiction.

In addition, when the estate planned as a "pious cause" is not enough to fulfill the last wish, the "debt" will be paid off from the private bequest "priority". Its original intention is that the devil is luring him not to do "pious work" to save his soul.

Before the mid-15th century, the matter could not be prosecuted, and the files accumulated layer after layer in the Chancery Court, but the Chancery Court could not accept it because of the privilege granted to the Church Court by Henry III.

Oh, you said the amount involved was huge? The countess of Tuscany tried to donate a third of Italy, although it was later prevented.

It is not uncommon for a father to have a lot of money, but not to leave a penny to his son. Peabody, who competed with Malfoy for the right to develop charity housing in London, is the case. Instead, he donated museums to Harvard University and Yale University.

There was a case in 1786, in which a testator intended to donate money for the building of a new church at South Wheatley, against which the Bishop of Oxford objected.

Oxford is a university town, and there is no fixed boundary of the university in Oxford, unlike Hogwarts, which has a gate guarded by wild boars.

In addition to the issue of land property rights, the "historical buildings" on the ground are also very distinctive, some of which are named after celebrities, which can be said to be another style of monument.

The donor was just an ordinary person who wanted to build a church in a university town, but no one expected that the archbishop objected before the Oxford deacon jumped up.

After Sir Bacon resigned from the position of Lord Seal in 1579, he requested that the execution of the will be accepted by the religious court. The justice of the court of justice also felt that the recipient of the private bequest should file a lawsuit in the religious court of his location. .

The problem is the executor, he must fulfill the testator's last wish to build a church in Oxford, and then he can receive a private bequest.

The idea of ​​the church is to use this donation to repair the existing church and increase allowances for pastors. This is in line with the "approximation principle" of charity. When the testator's will cannot be fulfilled, it can be used for similar charity. Purpose.

The executor of the will strictly requires that a new church must be built, otherwise the will should be considered invalid.

The matter went to the judge in charge, who happened to be a descendant of a French nobleman who had fled to England after Louis XIV abolished the Edict of Nantes.

The final result is that the new church still needs to be built, but it is just a small chapel. £1,000 is used to increase the pastor's allowance, and the rest belongs to the executor.

Since the 15th century, secular believers no longer trust church courts to govern and hear testament cases. First, church courts are expensive and procedurally protracted. Second, churches are generally corrupt. Many executors and administrators would rather be honest. condemnation is to be accepted as long as the deceitful deeds done bring good in this world.

In addition, it is intended for owners who do not have the right of inheritance. In common law, except for some privileged cities such as London, the will cannot bequeath land, and the land can be transferred through charitable bequests.

In "Pride and Prejudice", the nephew of Mr. Bennett, the squire, became the parish priest. He became the heir to Mr. Bennett's property when the Bennett family had no son.

If Bennett wanted to bypass him and give the land to his daughters, he needed these procedures, and he needed someone he could trust. But it happened that the nephew was the vicar of his parish, and unless one of Elizabeth's sisters married him, he had the right to expel all the female relatives from the house after Mr. Bennet's death.

When Oxford's will for "charitable purposes" was invalidated, the donation was no longer enforceable by the ecclesiastical courts, and all the £3,000 went to the beneficiaries specified in the will.

In the German Civil Code, the feasibility of a procedure is regarded as something that determines its legitimacy. This can be seen in the Orphan Court and the Probate Court. material, assessing "feasible", which depends on the value of comprehensiveness for the technical purposes involved.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the winding rules and regulations, just remember “righteousness”. When Henry VIII promulgated the “Church Dissolution Law”, the reason he used in the preface to explain its legitimacy was that the church’s management of charitable bequests was chaotic. It is argued that after his death, the "Church Dissolution Law" was suspended for a period of time, and his son continued to use the "Church Dissolution Law" to confiscate church property. This time, he used the reason for superstition and abuse of memorial mass.

At the same time, the church still retains the privileges of disposing of movable property, probate, and land transfer. Before the 17th century, the favoritism of charity in the settlement of property still existed, and this was what Robert Peel encountered when he reformed the police system. The main drag, the Diocesan Summary Court, was not always used to try witches, and the ecclesiastical courts were already fee-free in those days.

The enclosure involved real estate, which was not under the jurisdiction of the church court. As for the magistrates, many of them were squires and knights. After 1550, they were the main beneficiaries of the enclosure movement, and many monastery lands belonged to them.

It is said that Gryffindor believes in courage and justice, and Hufflepuff sometimes does the same.

James died in battle. People tend to remember famous generals and heroes, and ignore those who died in battle.

Sometimes it's just death that separates people, not that complicated storyline.

If there is no one to take care of their families, people on the front line still have scruples about fighting, even if they sacrifice themselves to make the country win, what will their families do?

Maybe they would think that way, why not surrender, even though they are dishonorable, they still have a life and can go back to take care of their families.

Not just James and Lily, but also the Longbottoms and the Weasleys.

If Hogwarts was a sanctuary for house-elves, it would be their sanctuary.

They have suffered a lot outside, and they should enjoy happiness and...

At this time, a black smoke billowed from behind her, quickly overtook her, stopped on her way, and gradually materialized.

Snape, who was dressed in black, seemed to have stepped out of it, his complexion was no longer sallow under the correction of the moonlight, but was as pale as a marble sculpture.

"You haven't answered my question yet." He pretended to be calm and said.

Pomona looked down at the mud on her feet, and felt that she should say something in her crystal high heels.

"Answer my question," he repeated, in a tone that sounded like he was reprimanding a classmate.

She turned her head to look at the forest on the side. This path through the Forbidden Forest is a shortcut to Hogsmeade. Sometimes there will be animals staying on it. To them, the difference between the road and the forest surface is just smoother That's all.

"The centaurs and the trolls were fine, and the trolls found new water points to irrigate their crops," Pomona said.

He looked at her blankly.

"Am I right, Firenze?" cried Pomona.

The sound of heavy footsteps in the forest sounded like a horse's hooves on fallen leaves.

Then a centaur came out of the shadows, without a bow or arrow.

"It's only temporary." Firenze said in an elegant voice, "I can't judge whether you are right or wrong, professor."

"Here's the answer to your question," said Pomona, looking at Snape, who also frowned at Firenze.

"You're out stargazing so early?" Pomona said politely.

"Going back!" Before Firenze could reply, Snape said coldly, pulling his robe and leaving.

Pomona is unwilling to go, and she also has her own "social".

"Didn't you miss dinner?" Snape turned his head and said after seeing that she hadn't followed after walking for a while.

She struggled for a few seconds, then reluctantly turned and walked towards the castle.

She didn't follow him. They went their separate ways, but they just happened to be in the same direction.

Right, that is it!

"Let's talk next time we meet!" Pomona turned around and waved at Firenze. The centaur stood there motionless, like a statue.

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