Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3050 Adamas (3)

The Battle of Britain began in 1940, the largest aerial confrontation in human history, and Major Townsend participated as a first-line pilot.

Possibly due to the intensity of past combat, or possibly subsequent post-traumatic stress, he retired in 1944 looking much older than his age, slightly haggard and less youthful than the Beatles.

Buckingham Palace was bombed by the Luftwaffe during the air battle, but the royal family did not relocate to Canada.

At that time, there were no night fighter jets in London, and night air defense could only rely on anti-aircraft guns and searchlights. Similarly, the Germans did not have guided bombs, and due to the foggy weather in the UK, the field of vision was also limited. Many times the planes were roughly aimed at dropping bombs. The Germans did not specifically avoid Buckingham Palace and the Prime Minister's Office. no.

At that time, a plane happened to hit Buckingham Palace, but the queen walked out of the ruins calmly, talking and laughing with people.

The boundary of the airspace is based on the ground boundary. Although the air can flow like water, it is part of the national territory.

When Townsend entered Buckingham Palace, the palace had not been completely rebuilt, and many former staff had not returned, or they were not sure if the Germans would bomb Buckingham Palace again. At that time, the Allied forces had not yet landed in Normandy. , victory still seems slim.

Therefore, the servants selected by the king were strictly selected from the family or the army according to the traditional aristocratic education, but he still felt dissatisfied. He wanted to recruit someone with rich combat experience and wanted to find a good job after retirement. Townsend just happened to catch up with the good times.

Aristocrats are all going to the front line, and knights are not only higher than infantry on horseback, but also go to war with kings and lords. If they make military exploits, they will be rewarded, and the reward is land.

According to the records of ancient Roman law, since the Romans were constantly suffering from slavery, a duty was created for every "Roman citizen" to "prove emancipation", which is not a duty of positive law, but a "natural obligation". Equitable" obligation.

There was a slave who was freed in a will on the condition that he pay his heirs 10 gold pieces. But in the appendix of the will, he was granted unconditional freedom, but he did not know about the appendix of the will.

Years later, when the truth was clarified, he planned to use the "return lawsuit" to get back the 10 gold coins.

The jurists discuss "reasons of justice" on what grounds this view is correct if the ten pieces of gold can be requested to be returned.

The "suit of restitution" is the content of the ancient civil law that existed in the period of the "Law of the Twelve Tables", and it has been implemented throughout the Roman law. Ownership is the most complete control right enjoyed by the obligee over the "thing", but if the thing is controlled by others, the owner's "domination" cannot be realized. Litigation” to provide relief for the owner who lost the actual possession of the thing.

In 1481, there was a farmer who held a public book. He brought a lawsuit against his lord because the lord planned to drive him out. Provide relief to tenants.

Since the "suit for return" is a citizen's law, a slave cannot appeal to the citizens. The freed slave becomes a citizen and is equal to the former slave master.

When Weilan and the lord still have a personal attachment relationship, in addition to paying land rent, he also has to undertake labor. For example, during busy farming seasons, he has to give priority to working on the lord's self-employed land, harvesting, and bundling. If he is lucky, he will meet a better lord , Vilan can take a sheaf of wheat.

Under the Weilan system, tenants leased according to their status. After becoming a public owner, the tenant could not only rent the lord’s self-operated land, but also did not have to perform labor. However, the abolition of labor was not the whole of serf emancipation.

Just like the slave got his freedom from the will, and the owner of the public book got a copy, which also has the nature of a contract, and he is not much different from a free farmer protected by common law.

The libertates used in Articles 13 and 60 of the Magna Carta are juxtaposed with consuetudines, which means custom. In the tradition of medieval England, custom is the main form of law. The combination of the two means that it has the status of law and has the status of the king. A promise of respect.

A person will lose his freedom for many reasons. The Canaanites in Chapter 47 of Genesis encountered a drought, not only lost their gold, silver and livestock, but also their own personal freedom, living by the lush Nile River.

Although the Egyptians still had freedom, they were moved to the other side of the city by the Pharaoh. The planting in Egypt was related to the flooding of the Nile River, and the land where the flooding did not reach would be relatively barren. But they didn’t have seeds to cultivate and live in the coming year, so they needed to ask Pharaoh for “relief”, and Joseph made a rule that from then on, one-fifth of the Egyptians’ annual harvest would be given to Pharaoh.

Free peasants will receive a piece of land from the lord who has served in the army, and maintain the relationship between the lord and vassal by retaining the land, but they do not need to do labor like Vilan, instead they serve as lords or vassals on the battlefield. A knight's squire or entourage, helping to put on and take off armor and the like. Knights and low-level nobles will also receive a piece of land from the lord, but they will not directly engage in farming like free farmers.

Free farmers have the freedom to move freely, dispose of property, etc. In actual life, the degree of freedom of free farmers is relative, and they also have to pay symbolic rents such as roses to the lord.

The common law courts accepted only freehold cases, and free farmers were placed under the crown court system. Lord Bryan, who heard the case, held that "every common-tenant evicted in England, I understand, may bring an action against the lord for trespass if he pays his duties and his labour, and the lord evicts him. "

Of course, Gong Bo, holding farmers, can't pick up a shotgun and shoot at the surveyors of the railway company who broke into their territory like a manor owner, but that's probably what it means.

If it is changed to a city where a tenant rents a house from the landlord, the landlord cannot enter the "tenant's home" from the date the lease is concluded to the end of the period, even if the house belongs to him, it will constitute illegal invasion .

In England, there is no fault of the tenant, and the landlord prohibits the eviction of the tenant. Even if you want to increase the rent, you have to wait until the lease expires.

In the Arnold Miller case, the exclusive right was involved, which was exclusive to the third party. Although it also had the right of disposal permitted by law, it also had a limited degree.

As far as the excluded (Arnold) is concerned, he either feels violated or hindered, so he either wants damages, or he wants the party exercising the exclusive right to stop claiming that "object that belongs to him" Although in practice "damage compensation" and "acts of restricting someone from doing things" are closely linked and appear frequently, they must be distinguished in law.

That is to say, there must be a distinction between the "compensation" given to Russ in the name of supporting his research and the behavior of limiting Severus Snape's shifting the blame on him, although Spark is indeed Russ brought from the Arctic. here.

Under the principle of participation, each party involved should be treated equally, just as both husband and wife have parental rights over their children, a husband cannot prevent his wife from seeing their children, and a wife cannot prevent her husband from seeing their children.

If a person restricts his "illegal use" because he has exercised his property rights and destroyed the use of his neighbor's property, that is also hindering his right of free disposal given by the law.

That's why Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching that "living in a good place", people around you are arguing endlessly over trivial matters every day, how can you cultivate your moral character and be quiet and inactive?

Windsor doesn't have as many tourists as Buckingham Palace, the Queen's 60th birthday jewelery show isn't held there, etc...

"The queen is 60 years old this year, and the secret will be kept for 50 years. When she was 10 years old, the housekeeper discussed the territory with her?" Pomona asked.

"Why can't you ask?" Severus countered. "The king and queen are busy."

Pomona is starting to remember again, 50 years ago, 50 years ago...

"George V died of illness." Severus reminded "kindly".

"Oh, George V, of course," said Pomona suddenly.

"This exhibition only has gemstones, but no philately. I heard that he is a philatelist, and all his philatelic items have been inherited by the Queen," Severus said.

"Where did you hear that?" asked Pomona.

"I have a social life too," Severus said.

Of course, to Malfoy's.

Pomona groaned, and at this moment the chickens in the chicken coop started to make noise again, and two roosters fought, and their feathers flew wildly.

"Are you interested in stamp collecting?" asked Pomona.

He shook his head.

"I didn't expect you to be so vengeful."

"I didn't!" Pomona denied.

"Then why do you remember when you were a child?" He asked immediately, as if he had caught her.

"Am I wrong?" Pomona asked.

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Why don't you deny it?" She asked triumphantly, and she didn't know why she was so complacent.

"Because it's true," he said with a sly smile.

Pomona looked at him suspiciously.

He smiled even more smugly, like he knew something she didn't.

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