Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3032 queen's pleasure (eleven)

Spark came to the lake in the Forbidden Forest, and then jumped into the lake.

The lake water was shallower than it thought, only up to its knees, so it just knelt down and rolled in the lake.

"Maybe it's because it's too hot," Pomona said, watching the moose "playing" in the lake. "Scotland's summer is too hot for arctic creatures."

Severus didn't say anything, he and Pomona stood in the shadows watching Spark.

If you remove the size, the moose is actually very similar to the stag, both have strong horns.

"We can't let it stay here, we have to return it to its lair before anyone else finds it," Pomona said as he took out his wand.

The lake slowly began to freeze, but due to Spark's actions, the center of the lake could not freeze. Fortunately, the cool temperature made Spark significantly quieter.

"Do you think animals are cursed if they drink unicorn blood?" Severus said suddenly.

"What?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"I'm just curious," he said with a smile, "if it drank unicorn blood, would it be the same as a human being?"

"Stop that horrible thought of yours," Pomona said gravely. "It's not funny."

He turned his head and looked at her.

"Maybe it was because it was hungry that it left the cage that trapped it. How do you know that it didn't get full before coming to 'bath'?"

Pomona felt that his thoughts were too evil, and then she looked at the clear lake water. If Sparke really did what he said just now, and was stained with unicorn blood, then the water in this lake, whether it is Neither horses nor other animals can drink.

A crime only pollutes the water stream, but an injustice of justice pollutes the water source.

Compared with the three Muggle children, the judge is obviously more destructive, and Grindelwald even takes advantage of this, asking who is "that law" protecting?

Don't you think the world is unfair? Those who made mistakes were not punished in any way, but innocent people were "disasterd without reason".

Pomona felt that it was difficult to breathe, and when she looked into the lake by chance, Isidora's smile appeared in her reflection. with red light.

Pomona looked at Isidora. It was difficult to connect such a girl with the Unforgivable Curse. The original purpose of her invention of that magic was to bring peace to her father and many others who suffered like her father. .

"What are you feeling sad about?" Severus asked her.

"What did she do wrong?" Pomona said, tears streaming down her face.

She knew Isidora made many mistakes, but her intentions were good.

"Who is she?" Severus asked.

Just as Pomona was about to speak, following a ripple, what appeared in the reflection was no longer Isidora, but a heroic queen riding a horse.

There are 4 queens called "Bloody Mary" in British history, Mary Boleyn, Princess Mary of Tudor, Mary who co-ruled England with William of Orange in the 17th century, and Mary Stuart of Scotland special.

As a horn sounded, Mary on the horse suddenly raised her shotgun and aimed it at an animal in the forest. The bullets spewed out with the gunpowder and hit the white shadow in the forest.

She and her attendants ran towards the prey at high speed, as if they were hundreds of years ago.

But when Pomona looked up, she didn't see Mary and her attendants, but a group of Aurors from the Ministry of Magic.

"No, stop!" Before Pomona could yell, Hagrid ran out first and stopped them with his huge body.

"Don't get in the way," said the leader Auror, pointing his wand at Hagrid.

"Yes... Back off!" Hagrid said, taking off the crossbow on his back, aiming the arrow at the wizards.

"Do you know what you are doing?" A woman raised her voice and said, she came out from the crowd, wearing a Wizengamo cloak, with a touch of pink protruding from the collar.

"Doing my job, I'm the Warden at Hogwarts," said Hagrid in a low voice, with the kind of brute strength that belonged to giants, and the witch of Wizengamot took a step back in fright.

"This animal is under my protection now, you must not harm it." Hagrid said to the Aurors.

"This animal is dangerous," said the Auror. "I saw it attack a deer."

"It's a common season now, don't you see deer fighting?" said Hagrid.


What the Auror wanted to say was stopped by the woman in pink.

"We are now performing official duties on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, and what about you?" the woman said proudly and arrogantly.

"Hogwarts, of course," said Hagrid.

"Who gave you the power?" the woman asked.

"Dumbledore... I mean the Headmaster," Hagrid hastily corrected himself.

"So what you want to say is that Albus Dumbledore has granted you the power to fight against the Ministry of Magic. Can you state your name?" the woman asked, taking out a quill and notebook in a serious manner, as if to record.

Hagrid said nothing, but he wouldn't budge either.

"Spark, come here!" Pomona said to the moose, while all attention was on Hagrid.

Spark heard it, but just shook off the water on his body and walked slowly towards the other side of the lake.

"Let's go," Pomona said, but Severus didn't move.

"What are you doing?" Pomona said in a low voice.

"Think." He said coldly, looking at Pomona, "this is when careful planning is more advantageous than rashness."

Pomona was so distraught that she looked at Hagrid again.

"This is the secret you are hiding." The woman said loudly as if she had caught the handle.

"We're hiding nothing," said Hagrid disgustedly. "I don't even know what you're talking about."

"To you, Hogwarts orders take precedence over the Ministry of Magic, don't they?" said the woman.

"Of course..." said Hagrid.

"No!" Pomona yelled, not caring so much, and emerging from the shadows.

"Look who is here, it's actually Professor Sprout." The woman in pink smiled hypocritically.

"Of course not." Pomona ignored her and walked to Hagrid's side. "Of course the orders of the Ministry of Magic take precedence over the school."

Hagrid looked at Pomona disapprovingly, but he said nothing after all.

Then the witch of the Wizengamot looked at Pomona, sizing her up with Hagrid.

Pomona didn't know what she was going to do, and then looked at Hagrid. With a short person like her as a support, Hagrid seemed taller.

A man of Hagrid's stature would stand out in the Muggle world, even if no one knew he was a half-giant.

Then she turned her head and looked into the lake, where the Queen of Scots disappeared with her servants.

Mary Stuart became Queen of Scots at an early age, at the same time she lost her father, so she inherited his crown.

She was taken to France at a young age and was engaged to the French prince at that time. Her mother was Mary of the Guise family.

Mary received the best education in France. Not only is she proficient in Greek, Latin, and Spanish, but she is also a vigorous female equestrian. She can hunt and play polo. Perhaps because of regular sports, Mary is very tall, like a giantess .

However, the tall Mary was very beautiful, and when she toured Scotland on a horse, she surprised many commoners who could only shepherd sheep at that time.

Queen Elizabeth's face is always covered with thick palace powder, which may be used to cover the marks left by smallpox on her face. Of course, Queen Elizabeth will not be jealous of Mary of Scotland because of her beauty.

In 1585, a man named William Parker was involved in an assassination operation against Queen Elizabeth. At that time, Mary Stuart had been imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth for more than ten years, and her son had grown up and became King of Scotland.

There have been many versions of the plot, including Queen Mary signing off on the act of plotting the plot, although there was an "interesting" document at the time that Queen Elizabeth had asked King Henry III of France to extradite two people for their involvement in the assassination. case, known as "The King's Disturberer of Peace", and they were both cryptographers.

If it is conspiracy and rebellion, at least the letter must be encrypted, and the details will not be recorded on paper generously, and the Queen will sign and pledge it like a testimony in court.

As long as no one can understand the content of the letter, who knows that the letter is related to the plot to assassinate the Queen?

The "Peace of the King" recorded in this case does not refer to Queen Elizabeth being panic-stricken by the horrific murder.

The "model residence" that Malfoy and Peabody competed for was located on White Lion Street. That place was located at the "Crossroads". Lion got this name.

"King's road" does not refer to the road exclusively for the king, or in other words, whether the road is actually impassable due to lack of maintenance is not important, what is important is the king's right to punish driving on this road, if someone Murder committed on this road will not be sent to the local nobles, but directly to the king.

If a noble's hunting garden is close to this "royal avenue", it must retreat 200 yards to leave an open area or build walls and ditches to prevent criminals from crossing the border.

Whether the gangsters want to assassinate the king is not the key, as long as they walk on this road, even the common people will enjoy the protection of "the peace of the king", so even if the road is too muddy to be called a road, there are still people who will walk .

But this does not prevent robbers from robbing business travelers. If it is just robbery, the local nobles will take care of it if there are no dead people. However, if the nobles cannot catch the robbers, the losses will be compensated by the local nobles in charge of management.

Before the Normans came to England, there were not many roads, and compared with the roads built by the Romans, the roads built in the Middle Ages were much worse. The later "royal roads" were not only military roads, but also roads leading to ports, towns, and cities. There is a "Wang's Avenue" at the "crossroads" of Baishi Street.

That piece of land does not belong to the "King", but the Queen has built a "model residence" in the name of charity to solve the housing problem in London. How can the owner of the land refuse?

After winning the "consent" from the land owner, Malfoy and Peabody bid, and each of them produced a blueprint. Peabody's house could be divided into two or three bedrooms to accommodate 30 households, and Malfoy's design The plan divides the internal space into a family suitable for four, which can only accommodate less than 20 households.

Peabody was the winning bidder, supposedly because officials reported to the Queen by household rather than head count.

Malfoy was obsessed with the project. He had intended the place to be the London residence of Ministry officials, not far from Charing Cross Road, where the Leaky Cauldron was, and not far from Whitehall. After his failure, he is said to have become so enraged that he cursed Peabody so that his legs would never walk and he would suffer from "rheumatism."

But no one dared to verify whether this legend is true. Whether Peabody really got rheumatism or was cursed, because he is a Muggle, not to mention he is an American. The Ministry sent a letter of extradition to punish a certain culprit.

In short, it was too troublesome, and Peabody had been suffering from illnesses because he had lived in the rainy England for many years.

Pomona knew it was dangerous to be distracted at this time, but these years kept coming to her mind.

If Queen Mary and co-ruling King William III agreed to the request of the wizards and issued a decree to protect the safety of wizards, would the "International Statute of Secrecy" that does not know who is protecting it be needed?

There was no need to uphold the International Statute of Secrecy, no need for the Ministry of Magic, and no need for this woman in the Wizengamo's robe to swagger before Pomona.

"You are really stubborn, Hagrid." The witch of Wizengamot said in a sweet voice, "Last time you raised dangerous animals and killed your classmates. Who are you going to kill this time?"

"It's a dangerous allegation. What evidence do you have that Hagrid intended this?" Pomona asked.

"He is a dangerous person, and he pointed his weapon at us just now, the staff who performed the mission on behalf of the Ministry of Magic." The witch turned to look at the Aurors. "They can all testify."

"I just saw the keeper doing his job, protecting the animals on the grove," one Auror said to the crowd. "There's no indication he's planning to murder anyone."

"What's your name?" the witch asked viciously.

"Ministry of Magic framing anyone?" Pomona said with a smile before the Auror replied. "Just laying the blame for murder on someone else?"

"I don't think this has anything to do with you, Professor, what are you doing in the Forbidden Forest at this late hour?" asked the witch.

"Some plants are only active at night, and I will record their growth."

"Why didn't I know that there are plants that are only active at night?" the witch asked back.

"I thought I was the herbal medicine professor at Hogwarts." Pomona looked at the witch, who was actually wearing leather shoes in the forest.

"No, you're lying." The witch smiled and said, "You have a part too, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Pomona said.

"Enough, Dolores," said a dignified man, and Pomona saw a tall man come out of the forest. "Our task is to catch the animal."

Pomona looked at the speaker. He was Robert Thackleigh, a relative of King Sally Thackleigh, and one of the candidates for the Minister of Magic.

"We are dawdling here, wasting too much time." After Robert finished speaking, he left expressionlessly, and the Aurors also left with him to chase Spark.

Pomona looked at the witch who was staring at her, and the witch glared at her, but kept the tall Hagrid aside.

'If you have any good plans, you'd better come out now, Severus. '

Pomona said in her heart.

‘Otherwise, don’t say that careful planning is more advantageous than acting rashly next time. '

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