Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3031 queen's pleasure (ten)

Before Parliament reformed again in 1867, there were as many as 30 model housing companies in London, including one called the Peabody Trust Company, which was started by an American named George Peabody.

Peabody was plain-looking, and people would never have guessed that he was the founder of the Morgan consortium. The later Morgan partners were all from famous families and famous for their beauty and fashion.

He was born in Massachusetts and only went to school for a few years. He started working with his elder brother to support his widowed mother and six younger siblings when he was a teenager. The poverty in his early years affected his life. He loved money like his life, just like in Christmas Carol The old miser.

He opened a shop in London, but there was only one counter, a safe, and a few desks. From the outside, the business was bleak, as if it was going to close at any time.

The old miser in A Christmas Carol was reluctant to light a fire to keep warm. Peabody sent his steward to buy apples, one at a time. He gave the steward two pennies so that the steward could get a half-penny tip each time, but Peabody always collects these half pennies to a certain amount before giving them back, and then "settles the accounts" with the serviceman, deducting everything, and the serviceman gets only air in his hands.

However, it is not ordinary people who can open his shop, because Peabody only serves governments, large companies and rich people. And the boss himself does not have a special carriage, he always commutes to and from get off work in a public carriage, and occasionally takes a rented carriage, so that outsiders will not feel that his annual income is 300,000 pounds, which is 30 times that of Mr. Bentley in Pride and Prejudice. .

At that time, both Malfoy and him were interested in a poor housing renovation project. The iron cock allocated 150,000 pounds to a trust company, the Peabody Trust, for the poor housing project in London, and signed a contract Transferred a block of 5,000 shares in another company to keep the complex running.

If you don't look at the low land price, the 5% profit stipulated in the charter is not worth mentioning in Malfoy's eyes, and Peabody's approach is really giving away money for charity.

At first Malfoy thought he was going to engage in "competition", but later he realized that Peabody seemed to have "sensitized". He used to be stingy in saving money, but now he is so generous in charity. He not only won the title of honorary citizen of London, but also He also donated museums to Harvard and Yale, and set up an educational fund for freed slaves in the South.

In his will, his son did not leave a penny. In fact, he was not married, and his son was his illegitimate child.

Peabody's approach was unacceptable to Malfoy anyway, they were completely different from the style of the "model house" they built.

Victorian architecture is famous for its gorgeousness, like lace on a lady's dress, it has no practical function, it is mainly for decoration and art, there are intricate carvings under the ceiling, and the contrast of colors is also very strong.

"Model residence" is certainly not like a mansion. It is mainly aimed at "affordability" and pays attention to the internal separation of the house. But even so, it still has a big contrast with the simple houses in the slums, and it looks magnificent and tidy.

This kind of house is rented and sold to workers, not ordinary workers, such as jewelers, carvers and carriage manufacturers. There are a limited number of dwellings in this type of housing, and there is a typical wait of two years for tenant applications, making it impossible for most ordinary people to rent such dwellings.

When building a house, one must also consider security issues. Malfoy’s approach is to choose a place with better security when selecting a site. This type of place is usually the borderline between rich areas and slums, and security depends on patrols. They don’t Don't mind walking a little longer. At the same time, in order to blend in with the "surrounding scenery", the appearance of the "model residences" is also elegant and unique. The makeover is very comfortable and stylish.

Peabody built iron fences around the repaired house to separate the model house from other adjacent homes and locked the gates at night.

The Blake family's old house in Grimmauld Place also had an iron fence at the gate, and this fence enclosed a small courtyard-like area. Since the Saxon era, the king has enjoyed the "right of tranquility". At the beginning, it was mainly limited to specific festivals and specific places, such as the royal palace and traffic avenues, and later extended to members of the royal family, servants and almost all criminal offenses that endanger the safety of the country and society.

A free man also enjoys the right to the tranquility of person and family which shall not be violated by others. For example, there is a baby next door who often cries in the middle of the night, and the sound spreads to the next door, keeping the neighbors from falling asleep; the young people upstairs follow the TV to learn aerobics, which disturbs the old lady downstairs, who is holding a broom Knock on the ceiling to make the upstairs quiet, or give her peace.

There are many things people don't want to see and voices they don't want to hear in their lives. Behind the iron fence of Black's house is a private territory, which can protect the tranquility of private life.

Peabody’s fence, the people who lived in it didn’t feel like a prison at that time, but felt that the fence and the night watchman standing at the door gave them a sense of security, but the Peabody’s fence didn’t enclose a private area, but was relatively independent community.

In addition to "Peace of the King", there is also "Peace of Society". Before the 19th century, the magistrate system maintained local law and order, in order to keep the peace of the kingdom from being destroyed and the people from being destroyed by rioters or rebels.

The sheriff in westerns is not alone, there are many "underlings", these people are actually his auxiliary police officers, the eyes, eyes and arms of the magistrate.

In 1348, due to the outbreak of the Black Death, a large number of labor forces were lost. In order to strengthen the control of the labor force, in addition to the labor law of 1349, it was also stipulated in 1388 that the servants and employees should not have the queen's secret order, and the secret order was reviewed by the magistrate. Only then can I leave the Baihu district where I am, why does the Queen summon a servant when she is fine? At that time, it was the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France. What if the owner of the servant was suspected of treason?

At the same time, the magistrate also needs to evaluate the local prices. The reduction in food production will still lead to fluctuations in food prices. At this time, it is necessary to prevent people from hoarding and ensure that everyone has food to eat.

Magistrates are usually knights appointed by the king to rule on behalf of the king. After the United States became independent, there was no king, and even resisted the British system during the War of Independence. However, it didn't take long for magistrates to prosper in North America.

There is no salary for this profession, but the magistrate is the actual "ruler" of the town and can make money through fines and other means.

The development of the wool textile industry in the 14th century led to the rise of the status of the squires, and the number of magistrates serving as squires also increased. At the same time, because of the enclosure movement, a large number of landless farmers wandered around. The magistrates had to follow the Poor Law promulgated by Queen Elizabeth. Shelter, arrest, because vagrancy is a crime.

Starting from Henry VIII, magistrates were also responsible for the construction of prisons, private mental hospitals, and the issuance of liquor licenses.

When the wool textile industry was replaced by the cotton textile industry, workers' demand for alcohol also increased. In 1830, the Parliament allowed any taxpayer to sell beer. The magistrate no longer issued a license, but could only regulate the business hours. Robert Peel first reformed the prisons during his tenure as Home Office Minister. During that time, the United Kingdom also implemented alcohol prohibition. The result of the hatchback addition was that the crime rate caused by drinking soared.

By 1834, opening a bar required the operator to provide a "character certificate", as if "incompatibility" and "incompatibility", and could not engage in alcohol sales.

So many civil servants have been selected through examinations, of course they have to do things for them. Correspondingly, magistrates are occasionally summoned by Queen Victoria to accompany the royal family on visits, or participate in large-scale charitable activities to raise funds. They are more like "solemn decorations" ", not "useful role".

When Malfoy was engaged in enclosures in Wiltshire, he knew a family who had been judges for generations. It was considered a well-known local family. Once Malfoy "moved" his own fence to a neighbor's house. So the guy next door sued him.

The hedge is not an iron fence. If you want to move it, you must dig the soil and leave marks on the ground, but the lawn grows very neatly, and there is no trace of damage. The judge said that the neighbor had an illusion.

This way, he moved a little bit every year, and moved a little bit every year, until the neighbor only had half of the land left, and he shoveled the hedge in a rage.

Malfoy was "frightened" and immediately told the magistrate, who arrested the neighbor on the grounds that he stole the sticks from the hedge to start the fire.

During the arrest process, the neighbor struggled desperately, and then inexplicably twitched all over his body, and then he was sick with a strange disease, and sold the rest of the land for medical treatment.

This judge ran for parliament with the support of Malfoy. In the early stages of the election, people didn't realize that a certain family hadn't traveled for a long time, and the councilor paid them transportation and accommodation expenses to vote for him. This "accommodation fee" It is generally a public residence rented by members of parliament and used for the party's election office.

This was done in England and Wales until 1868, when fewer landowners became candidates.

Election corruption laws limit campaign expenses, and MPs cannot buy votes with a beer or two, or provide accommodation and transportation, and they increasingly rely on their eloquence to win supporters.

When Peale was a factory owner, he realized the bad impact of lack of education on workers. The state began to intervene in charitable education. Grampton became compulsory education when he was in office, although it was very, very slow, far from reaching Godric's Hollow. Remote areas.

It was school time when the three boys attacked Arianna. If they had all gone to school, they would not have seen the "preschool girl" Arianna "playing" in her garden.

They climbed over the wall of Dumbledore's house, invaded Dumbledore's house, and disturbed the "peace" of others.

Although Mark Naton is very likely to have schizophrenia and delusions of persecution, the reason is that he cannot find peace of mind.

Second Salem has a nursery rhyme:

Your mother, my mother, is going to catch witches.

Your mother, my mother, flies on a stick.

Your mother, my mother, witches never cry.

Your mother, my mother, the witch must die.

Witch One, drowned in the river.

Witch Two, hang her on the gallows.

Witch number three, burn her to death.

Witch number four, whip her around with the whip.

This kind of nursery rhyme can be sung even if they don’t go to school and can’t read. Children are very good at imitating it. The three children may just do what is sung in the nursery rhyme.

In addition to heteronomy, people also need self-discipline.

The primary purpose of Hogwarts is to teach young wizards to control their own power. If students don't agree, they can go to other schools to study.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to discuss with you who to attend this Potion Conference." Pomona said, "Joy wants to..."

"She's not worried about going to Durmstrang and being a target for practicing black arts?" Severus said coldly.

Pomona sighed. In fact, Elena is very talented, but she is too timid, and she will only be in the second grade next year.

"The current competition is not like before, as long as there is a potion that is particularly proficient, there is no need to enter that dangerous garden." Severus said.

"I know this, Joey is good at potions."

"None of them are particularly powerful," Severus said. "Charlie can make a very powerful sleeping potion."

"You mean the water of death?" asked Pomona.

"No, just a simple sleep potion, but one that puts dragons to sleep," Severus said. "He's been practicing this term."

"What is he practicing this for?"

As soon as Pomona finished speaking, Severus stared straight ahead.

She followed his gaze and found a "moose" walking slowly in front of them.

It is not uncommon to have deer in the forest, but there seems to be only one moose in the Forbidden Forest with red eyes.

"Whose Christmas decorations are that?" Severus said "humorously" "I remember Christmas was still a few months away."

In Pomona's head, the words "animal alert" were flashing red.

"That's Spark, but shouldn't it be in the den?" Pomona murmured.

"Now that it's out, should we keep it wandering?" Severus asked.

"Catch it back, of course!" Pomona stood up anxiously and caught up with the blood-sucking moose. "We are in a 'critical situation' here now."

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