Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3028 queen's pleasure (seven)

On December 16, 1773, in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, a group of "Sons of Liberty" disguised as Indians rushed aboard a cargo ship and dumped the tea inside and the stamp receipts that came with the ship into the sea.

The cause of the incident was that in order to dump tea from the British East India Company, the United Kingdom passed the "East India Company Relief Act", which not only gave the East India Company the right to exempt from paying high tariffs, but also explicitly prohibited the colonies from selling "private tea" and taxed Slight "tea tax".

Even if it is a straw that breaks the camel's back, it still has weight, although the price dumped by the East India Company is half cheaper than the "private tea" of the American colonies.

The "East India Company Relief Act" was passed by the parliament. The difference between this parliamentary charter and the royal charter lies in the "time limit". Generally speaking, the time of the royal charter is "forever". In addition to property requirements, voters can continue to be voters if their ancestors have obtained a charter. These people are often loyal supporters of the royal family.

In 1853, an aristocrat engaged in philanthropy proposed that if the railway company wanted to build a route, it must delineate the scope of demolition to avoid involving too many poor people. The railway can only be built after the plan is approved.

Everyone at that time knew that the land along the railway line would increase in value, and this was the same in the United States, but the two railway companies in the United States did not plan, and they did not have time to plan, because whoever repaired the order first would be the one of.

Cokeworth probably started at that time. It was just one of many small industrial towns developed by the railway. It had neither iron or coal mines nor textile industries. People gathered there just because they heard that there was work to do, and It's still covered, so you don't have to live in that kind of low-rent housing with poor conditions.

Attached house (tied house) has the meaning of wine store in English, which probably means that this kind of house is not a residence, but a shop.

After each municipality gained the right to vote and set up a parliament, they could write their own laws. For example, Liverpool promulgated the "Liverpool Building Act" in 1842, and other cities followed suit, and also established a city sanitation committee, which was more established than London. The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China was 6 years earlier.

Liverpool was once one of the most densely populated areas on earth, excluding the land occupied by the dock facilities themselves, there are only about 2 square miles left for habitation, but it accommodates an estimated 250,000 people. This made it impossible for Liverpool to expand towards the suburbs like other cities, but could only build tall buildings. Since there were only red bricks at the time, this limited the height of the buildings, and those who wanted to accommodate more people could only "save" the width. It is stipulated that it must not be less than 15 feet, otherwise construction is not allowed.

It started off smoothly, but with the emergence of the Model Housing Corporation, the city government only had the power to clean up the slums and not allow the construction of public housing. The housing company obtained this privilege through the royal charter. The quality of the houses they repair can be guaranteed, and there will be no cutting corners. The people who live in it don't have to worry about the house collapsing, and they don't have to worry about sound insulation and sanitation.

But the problem is that they are "slow", and there is no need to be in a hurry. Even if some employers hope to show their kindness by improving their houses, and compete with the cruelty of the nobles, their houses are demolished, and they are forced to take their families with them in cold weather. Workers shivering in the rain will not understand him.

It is impossible to build a house by yourself, just like Americans would rather drink private tea that is more expensive than the East India Company. It is not allowed by law, and the police can search and confiscate it.

A £10 house determines the right to vote. If factory owners are allowed to build themselves, there will be many more voters at once, and they will add more seats.

Then came the "Shop Shops," which were shops themselves, not houses, and could be built by land-owning factory owners according to local regulations.

In the election law of 1832, there were operators who earned £50 or paid rent of £50 as voters. In the election law of 1867, there were no voters. Instead, they lived in the local area for 12 months and paid poverty relief, that is to say Even if someone lives in a house worth less than 10 pounds, but he has lived in it for a year and has taken social responsibilities, not only paying taxes, but also participating in public works, then he is "respectable".

The goal Thomas Cooper and the others have been striving for for so many years is not satisfactory, but at least part of it has been achieved, although the situation in his city of Birmingham is more complicated.

After 1848, a large number of European refugees sought asylum in London, including the future Napoleon III.

That same year, a heavy rain doused out a Chartist rally that was supposed to be held at Kennington Park.

The Queen was taken to the Isle of Wight for safety reasons.

When Grenville ruled, his troops seized the lands of the Tories.

Women were called "home angels" in the Victorian era. "Angels" are of course kind. They care about those poor workers, hoping that they can get rid of their bad habits and live a decent life.

Charity donations are not like political donations, and of course they have nothing to do with extortion. They were donated “spontaneously and voluntarily” by the hostess out of kindness. The representative of the housing company who came to visit was very polite. He also has deep research on music, painting, and poetry. , like a literary youth in a salon.

It was a prime location, but the city government had to sell it to a housing company at a low price, not only because of charity, but also because of the commuting problems of the workers. There was no subway in the city at that time, let alone paying land value tax.

At that time, British Railways was still a private company. They could build according to the needs of "customers". These customers were not only public works, but also some factories. They will also build "annex buildings", not just "tied houses", but also playgrounds, libraries, schools, etc. Football was also born at that time.

Not everyone is keen on drinking after get off work, and some people like to play football. Many football clubs in the UK were born in industrial cities.

Maybe he is not a good worker, but he is a good player. People's love for sports has produced a new career, and the victory with "goal" has also changed the fate of some people.

Even if it is raining, the game will not be suspended due to bad weather, and people will roll in the mud for a goal.

If a person is a mud that cannot support the wall, he will not want to leave the mud.

If a person wants to change everything that seems to be destined at birth, then fight for it yourself, not wait for relief.

When you need 10 pounds to save someone, you will see that someone would rather spend the same money on a handkerchief to show that they are different from you.

What are you going to do at this time?

It wasn't her sentimentality that made Myrtle cry this time, she was "wailing" in her bathroom, as she often does, and then Paul passing by heard her, and they had a fight.

Paul said he never made a noise like Myrtle in his previous "living place", unless the tenants were too loud.

Myrtle said he was rude, and then Paul said that she deserved to be trapped in this place, and that whoever turned her into a ghost and took revenge on her former enemies without any cover was the reason why she was trapped here by the Ministry of Magic.

It hit Myrtle where it hurt, and then she cried, but Paul didn't let it go, and told her how to take revenge in a secret way, so that her enemy lived in fear all the time, but didn't know who did it. Yes, or there is no proof that Myrtle did it, and the Ministry of Magic has no reason to imprison her in this small place.

You can occasionally see ghosts quarreling in Hogwarts, but... Should the living be in charge of the dead?

Pomona deeply regretted that he should not meddle in Myrtle's business. Seeing Myrtle crying so hard, the corridor on the second floor was flooded again.

It was useless to say "Don't cry" at this time, it would not stop Myrtle's tears.

After staying for a while, she felt that it was useless for her to stay here, so she left.

What can she say? God only knows.

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