Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3029 queen's pleasure (eight)

"Hurry up, we're going to miss dinner!"

As they passed Pomona, two students said they hurried after her without either noticing her.

Only then did she notice that she was near the auditorium, and the scoring machine was two steps away from her.

Standing in front of the scorer, she had a lot more points than the hourglasses of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff last time, although she was still far behind Gryffindor and Slytherin.

If two horses race, if the gap between them is not too large, they will run with all their strength in order to win or lose, but if the gap is too large, the lagging horse will not run.

Since the greenhouse is outside the castle and far away from other classrooms, if students find themselves late, they will run if they can catch up, but if they can’t catch up, they will be “calm” instead. They are always late anyway, so why rush?

There is also a process of training a racing horse. If you are eager for success and constantly beat the horse with spurs and whips, the horse will become afraid of running instead, and may even throw off the jockey who "abused" it.

In the 1820s and 1930s, apart from the surging movement, an economic situation called cooperatives took shape in Britain.

Humans live in groups like many animals, but unlike the wildebeest and sheep in the prairie, if there are lions and hyenas preying on the weak in the group, the cattle and sheep will stand by and watch.

People will "cooperate". When the living environment is too harsh, they will use cooperation to tide over the difficulties. This is as much a self-protection mechanism as it is necessary for the common good. Common interests change with the times. In ancient times, people managed floods together, because it was impossible for one person to complete such a huge project, and railways cannot be built and controlled by one person.

Through cooperation, poor workers in cooperatives have improved their lives. There is no contradiction between "producers" and "consumers" here. At present, there are still cooperatives in the UK, and the milk and dairy products produced by "First Milk" occupy a quarter of the UK market.

After the Grain Law was abolished, the price of grain was too cheap, and it could be used as feed for cattle. Unlike grain, milk had a shelf life of only a few days, and it was impossible for all milk to be made into cheese.

At that time, there was a place called Roaldale in the north of England. A group of poor workers paid together to go to the farm to purchase directly. Not only did middlemen be eliminated, but also high-quality food was bought. Not only wine, milk can also be mixed with water.

Dairy farmers are also willing. The price that workers think is very cheap is higher than the price offered by middlemen. There are also railway workers who come to buy milk. Not all of them are like Queen Victoria because they are unwilling to breastfeed and have money to hire a wet nurse.

At that time, the railway was "very slow", so slow that if you climbed a slope, passengers could get off and follow the train while picking wild flowers along the hillside, and boarded again when the train was almost at the top of the mountain.

The Hogwarts Express may seem slow now, but it was super fast among trains of the era. It is also because of the extremely slow speed of the train that some people steal the goods on the train and steal the goods on the train, and there are bank robbers chasing the train on horseback in western movies.

In some places, due to unreasonable design, the train speed is too fast, and some goods will be scattered when turning. Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on seas to eat seas, and relying on railways can also "eat railways". There is also coal, an indispensable fuel for steam engines, which can also keep people warm. In order to pursue profits, railway companies keep fuel prices very low.

That is to say, the cost of living along the railway line is much lower than that in the city. The narrowest "house" in Liverpool is no less than 15 feet. According to the height of an adult male with a height of 7 feet, two people can lie at most, which is probably a single person. The size of the apartment. The houses along the railway line can be built much more spacious, and with the convenience of transportation, people can go to farther places.

Not everyone yearns for a life in a "cage". The railway built in the United States leads to California. Gold prospectors take a boat from Liverpool to a port such as New York on the east coast of the United States. U.S. West Coast. The land is vast and sparsely populated, and there are magnificent scenery everywhere.

When you have saved enough money, leave this place that is not suitable for human survival, and go to the New World to find "freedom" and get rich. Who would listen to the "experience" that the boss said.

If the boss's son, who is skinny and tender, replaces the boss and reprimands the employees for not working hard and being lazy, at the end of the 18th century, there were many ships from Liverpool to transport slaves to the New World. In 1861, when Prince Albert died, the American Civil War just broke out. Britain could go to India to buy cotton, so where could French textile factories buy raw materials?

Without raw materials, there is no way to start work, but the wages of workers still have to be paid. It is difficult for employers to buy silk clothes when they are short of money, which also leads to the unsalable silk in Lyon.

When the price of grains fell, workers paid less for food to buy cotton cloth. This also led to the continuous expansion of those factories and the increase of production capacity, while cotton cloth can also maintain a certain price.

When the price of grain rises, workers will have no money to buy and wear, and then factories will be backed by their own expanded production capacity, unless new markets are established overseas.

Whether for the 'good of the working man', in response to the Irish famine, or otherwise, the factory owner-turned-Prime Minister Robert Peel supported the repeal of the Corn Laws.

In addition, he also implemented tax reform, moving out the income tax that William Pitt used to deal with the Napoleonic Wars. The most important tax in the income tax is the land value tax, which is mainly aimed at the landed nobles, and the land of the whole of Britain is concentrated in their hands at that time.

The foundation of the wealth of the nobility is the land, and the feudal monarchs will give the land to their courtiers, and the courtiers will build on the land. Due to the implementation of local autonomy, the administrative cost is not high, and tax collection is mainly for foreign wars. In addition, there is the issuance of national debt. Although the Napoleonic Wars are over, Britain is still involved in other wars and is already heavily in debt.

Ricardo once talked about the "parasitic nature" of the nobles, how the nobles built luxurious manors on beautiful land and boasted about their wealth when the people were poor. The solution is land reform, which imposes land value tax and inheritance tax on nobles, and abolishes indirect taxes on common people. Use this tax to deal with deficits, labor movements, reduce the gap between rich and poor, and reduce social unrest.

With the new poor laws and rising costs such as education and housing, more people will be needed. At that time, the East India Company adopted the method of passing the examination and selecting meritorious candidates. When the charter of the East India Company expired in 1854, the parliament did not intend to renew the contract. One was that the cost of maintaining it was too high, and the other was that the Leviathan finally collapsed.

In 1858, the United Kingdom began civil service examinations. This time, social recruitment and fair competition were adopted. A Commission of Inquiry was set up to investigate in detail the causes of worker poverty.

Then the trade union was established, it became a legal organization, the police could not rush into the meeting place to arrest people like the Chartist movement, and the wages paid by the employer were no longer the standard of "neither to starve to death nor to live" but to " The individual worker and his family live in considerable comfort", and neglect of the poor is bound to lead to a common ruin.

Social ethics is rebuilt here, and poverty is replaced by social issues from the previous personal moral issues. Only "admirable, respectable, and capable" people can become members of parliament. At this time, "representative" members of parliament have become appointed representatives. The Tory Party put forward the campaign slogan of "improving people's living conditions" and began to pay attention to the growing power of workers.

Black magic to hate is a painful way to push people to the limit, although in extreme cases it is very applicable.

But if there is another way to go, the vast majority of people are unwilling to take that way. The situation like the shipwreck in 1884 is very rare. The moral community is collective, and no one is completely independent. When a person's behavior exceeds the limit that everyone can tolerate, this person will be tolerated by society, even if they cannibalize for survival and do it as a last resort.

The queen didn't sentence them to death, the public didn't.

The Death Eaters' theory of the supremacy of the strong is also not accepted by the public, and force will only make people submit temporarily.

They don't take the Unforgivable Curses seriously, and the public has no obligation to forgive and accommodate them.

If it was Lucius Malfoy who was being stalked by the Ministry of Magic, Pomona would stand by and watch, but who made them target Severus Snape.

Before he came, Slytherin's hourglass had always been at the bottom.

Watching the game, of course I hope that the teams will be evenly matched, otherwise the cheers and cheers will sound weak.

Pomona sighed and turned to the auditorium.

Seeing him later, maybe she can apologize, but what are they fighting about?

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