Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3027 queen's pleasure (6)

It was getting dark, and the corridors were full of people, some worried about the upcoming exams, and some gathered to discuss where to go during the summer vacation.

Pomona's gaze flicked across the carefree faces of the students.

In fact, besides investing in real estate, Malfoy has other ways to recover the losses caused by the abolition of the Corn Laws. When Queen Victoria and Prince Albert toured Scotland in 1842, the railway was not open to traffic. Compared with railways, urban housing costs were high, the cycle was long, and profits were low, making it difficult to attract commercial investment. In 1851, the investor of Crystal Palace was a railway company. boss. It's just that the wizarding world planned to introduce the Muggle Railway to pick up Hogwarts students, but Malfoy, like other pure-bloods, chose to oppose it.

"You don't know 'Bloody Mary'?" Pomona heard a girl say in a high-pitched voice as she passed by a small group, as if people who didn't know the game "Bloody Mary" came from another world.

"So what? It's not like you didn't know about the Shrieking Shack before." The mocked retorted.

Pomona shook his head. Every summer, "explorers" love to go to such places to "exercise" their guts.

In fact, shortly after Malfoy sold Wilt's land to Muggles to build manors, those manors began to be "haunted", and most of the people moved out. Except for one family, the male owner of that family is a lover of "spiritual" events. He often invites friends to the manor to play. Later, it is said that a tragedy happened, and then the manor was completely abandoned.

Times have changed, and the Malfoy family bought back the sold land, and the Malfoy family also has several real estate companies and land in London.

Shortly after the post-parliamentary reform victory of 1832, the Municipal Self-Government Act was passed in 1835, making Birmingham, Manchester, etc. municipalities, which could form their own elected councils.

At that time, the purpose of cities was not to promote human civilization, or even to make people live comfortably, especially in industrial cities. Their purpose was to create more wealth. Experience thinks that struggle will lead to success, and that pleasure should not be enjoyed before success.

At that time, there was no need to worry about the lack of people. In addition to a large number of landless laborers, there were also Irish people, who crowded the streets, large and small.

However, as Marx mentioned in Das Kapital, the original labor law was that Edward III hired labor at a "reasonable" price in order to protect the interests of employers, and defined wages and working days, because the Black Death caused a large number of population died.

If a disease such as cholera broke out in one place, people would choose to leave and migrate to other cities. What's more, the employers are not only factories, but also households who hire helpers and cooks. Infectious diseases will spread from the bottom to the employers' homes. Various laws have been promulgated successively to regulate the appearance, internal facilities, wall thickness, and streets of newly built houses. Thickness, drainage, sewage, etc.

Severus' house in Spider's End Lane was built according to this standard, but it was a tied house. The house belonged to the factory owner, and workers could live for free during their employment. Later, Severus' grandfather Bought the property rights of the houses, and the boss at the time was on the verge of bankruptcy, so he sold the houses to the workers.

During this period, philanthropy played an especially important role in housing issues, with funds raised through charitable donations being used to build "model homes" for workers.

This kind of model house not only solves the housing problem, first, the local government has to sell the land to the model house company at a "low price" to build "charity" houses, and second, it needs a "royal charter" to open this model house company, Instead of a charter from Parliament, the government gave these "model residences" the status of a corporate charter.

Another thing happened in 1858, that is, the East India Company was relieved of its administrative power. Since Elizabeth I, Britain has given the work of overseas colonization to the company that granted the charter. After the Glorious Revolution, Hudson in 1690 The Bay Company, the earliest developer in Anglo-America, was granted a parliamentary charter.

The United States provided Britain with cheap grain and cotton, but India was the diamond in the crown. Although the Suez Canal was not opened at that time, ships did not need to detour to India but went to the Cape of Good Hope, because Palmerston proposed the Suez Railway Construction plan. Digging canals is expensive, and there is a height difference between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and railways do not have these constraints.

In short, it is difficult to finance the construction of housing. Malfoy is flying around in the living rooms of various ladies like a butterfly wearing a flower. His family has produced handsome men throughout the generations. A gentleman like him who is polite, kind, and serves public affairs is very popular. .

At that time, Malthusianism was already very popular. Human beings had two basic desires. The growth of resources would inevitably lead to population growth, so population growth should be limited to achieve a balance between materials and population.

But when the bigwigs are worrying about these theories, they may have forgotten a problem-to popularize the knowledge of contraception-so that they can worry less about "how to eliminate the poor".

Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy got married so early, and their child was actually the same age as Harry Potter.

Maybe Lily was the same as Molly, if she was still alive.

People always love to pursue what they don't have, but ignore what they already have until they lose it.

By 1861, Queen Victoria had lost her husband and then her mother, and Prince Albert's health had been overwhelmed by busy work, which included plans for new poor housing.

He died of typhoid fever, and there was no possible disease in his living environment or those around him, and it is unlikely that there were lice in the palace.

The estrangement between the queen and her mother has also disappeared, but Queen Victoria chose to be widowed instead of remarrying like her mother. During this period, the silk merchants in Lyon encountered difficulties due to sales problems, and a large number of British orders helped them meet their urgent needs. At that time People can easily buy mourning clothes.

Since she no longer needed to please Prince Albert, the Queen dressed more loosely, even without corsets, which did not cause a "trend" at the time, just as not everyone and the Queen thought it was Prince Albert's Sad to die.

Paris is still the capital of fashion. At that time, the Paris Opera House had already broken ground, and the whole Paris seemed to be caught in the transformation of Haussmann.

10 years will change a lot, maybe nothing, and after Prince Albert's death the Queen has kept his room as it was when he was alive, as if he had never left.

Pomona heard a cry, and when she looked around, she found that she was near Myrtle's bathroom again.

She doesn't know if "Bloody Mary" is alive or not, but there is really a ghost in this bathroom.

She didn't care about it at first, but as soon as she turned around, she was bumped by a Ravenclaw who appeared out of nowhere. The girl gave her a panicked look, and then ran away without looking back.

Pomona didn't tell her "don't run wild in the hallways."

She inexplicably remembered decades ago, when the headmaster was forced to resign because of the death of a Muggle-born girl, and that girl was also a Ravenclaw...

Pomona turned her head back and walked towards the abandoned bathroom. She wanted to see why Myrtle was crying again this time.

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