Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2981 The Secret of No Trace (13)

During the summer of Harry Potter's third year, he had a dream in which he was transformed into a snake and then witnessed the murder of a Muggle.

It was later confirmed that the snake was Nagini, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and Albus believed that it was because there was some connection between Harry and the Dark Lord, and this connection became more and more complicated with Voldemort's resurrection. close.

This illusion-like dream was called "fugue" in the Middle Ages. It is not a dream. This skill has been widely used among shamans and druids. It can also be understood as people related to "nature". In the body of an animal, he can ignore distance and time. Liz had borrowed the eyes of Barnaby's dog Dexter before, and there was no problem at that time.

Although the swallowtail dog is close to the wizard, he is loyal to his master. Dexter is friendly to Liz, but he understands that she is not his master. He will return to occupy his body at any time, and sacrifice himself to protect Barnaby when he is in danger.

And Artemis belongs to Liz. It is a well-trained owl. She will do nothing if the owner doesn't let her do it, and even regain control of her body.

In addition, Artemis is very clingy, and it will look cute as a pet, but it is best to maintain the independence and integrity of each other's souls after entering another realm. Of course, Pomona didn't know that much at that time. After returning to the castle, Snape boiled a potion for Liz, which was almost an upgraded version of the sleeping potion.

When Tycho Dodonus was still in college, he was influenced by Descartes, that is, he believed in his own experience rather than school books. Since then, he has believed that his ability is higher than that of ancient or modern star catalogs. the ones.

The basic version of the sleep potion uses lavender, and this plant can be replaced by other plants. Snape used verbena, which has never been exposed to the sun. It was once used by druids for disenchantment. The other is troll snot, which, in his words, can provide users with the same quality of sleep as trolls.

The potion was not a good drink in the first place, Liz drank it with his eyes closed, and fell into a deep sleep five seconds later.

She didn't know how long she hadn't slept well, and even if she patted her, she couldn't wake her up. And this kind of potion is not like the water of life and death, it needs an antidote to wake her up. She'll wake up when it's dawn, but she'd better use that kind of "magic" sparingly, after all, no one knows what effect it will have.

The blood of ordinary unicorns is like mercury, emitting a silver-blue light, while the blood of baby unicorns less than a month old emits a soft golden light.

She didn't know what he did with that bottle of blood. In order to avoid complications, she left the Potions classroom on the grounds of sending Liz back to the dormitory.

Then when she woke up the next day, Liz forgot what happened the night before, just like she drank the potion of forgetting, she didn't remember what happened by the lake in the Forbidden Forest, and she didn't remember drinking the sleep potion made by Snape.

Many people dreamed the night before and forgot about it when they woke up the next day. Pomona didn't care, and continued to live a peaceful life until Bathilda Bagshot suddenly appeared in the school.

Normally, anyone who lost something would choose to call the police, but Basilda Bagshot found Dumbledore, because the lost thing was nothing but the wand that once belonged to Gellert Grindelwald.

Apparently, human beings have not yet advanced to the stage where they can keep their doors open at night, and Bagshot has always felt that wizards and wizards don't need to lock the door, so the thief entered her home so generously.

There is nothing valuable in her house, and it is possible that the thief's goal was the magic wand. Anyway, she lost it, and she didn't know when it was lost, because she hadn't been in that room for a long time.

As soon as he saw Bagshot, Pomona thought of Godric's Hollow, followed by Lily with red hair and green eyes. Fortunately, Snape was not red-green color blind, otherwise Lily's "brightness" in his eyes would be greatly reduced.

Albus later went there himself, and the results of the investigation were shocking, as a thick layer of dust had accumulated on the shelf where the wand was kept, and the wand had been lost for at least a few years.

Collectors might like it, but how would a thief know that Grindelwald's wand was at his aunt's, not Nurmengard.

Another incident happened during this period. The "Unlucky Knight" actually asked Emily Taylor for an internship opportunity belonging to "Amata". He said it in the lounge in front of many people, although he took it for granted Got teased by Emily, but this time it's different.

According to the "informant", the atmosphere at the time was tense, but Emily flicked her ponytail and walked out of the lounge, and then she did not return to school in the name of an internship.

It is only a few months away from graduation and the newt exam. Although "Amata" still did not ask for her internship opportunity, she has a smile on her face. She didn't reconnect with the "unlucky knight", but stayed with her friends, and occasionally greeted each other in the corridor, just like ordinary friends.

Pomona feels that this is a normal human reaction, and that forgetting is sometimes a good medicine.

When she opened the door again, there was no longer the dark potions classroom behind the door. Severus finally repaired his private storage room, although compared with Arthur's garage in the Burrow, there were not so many Muggles s things.

Obviously he is the one who came from the Muggle world and lived until he was 11 years old, but he is more like a person who has been living in the wizarding world than Arthur, the "pure blood traitor".

"Pass me the No. 7 medicine." He said without looking back, and stretched his hand directly behind.

In this secluded place, there were no other living creatures except her, so Pomona consciously passed the medicine pot marked with the number seven to his hand, and he put it on the cabinet after changing hands.

"Why don't you have Felicia?" Pomona said after scanning his medicine cabinet.

"It is the man who runs through the storms of fate with the help of learning, not with the help of luck to protect himself, and I don't need that," he said calmly, returning to the ground along the ladder, and turned to look at her.

He's aging too fast, Pomona thought, especially with the bitterness on his brow, much heavier than when he was young.

He seemed to have found something interesting, curled the corners of his mouth, and walked slowly to her side.

"You're always being dishonest with yourself because you want to be a good girl in Daddy's eyes?" he said flippantly.

Pomona pushed him, but didn't dare to push hard. What if he knocked over the medicine bottles?

"How about a game of wizard chess? Or do you want to do something else?"

She glared at him, why didn't she know that he was so...

"Reading." He said slowly, "Where did you think?"

Unlike patriarchs, there are people who have a paternal complex, even though Pomona has never met her biological father. She didn't care, because someone replaced him and accompanied her to dance the first dance in her life.

"Do you want to dance?" Pomona asked.

He stood up straight, demurely, like he did at the Yule Ball, and the kids said he was like a black hole, sucking all the light out.

"I want to dance, would you like to come with me?" Pomona asked.

"My honor." He said softly, stretched out his hand, and led her out of the dark warehouse together.

It was just a lawn outside, and there was a vegetable garden she opened not far away. There was no gorgeous arrangement, and there was no symphony, but they danced in the spring sunshine.

Lily and James took a photo, which was taken in a park full of fallen leaves, and they were also dancing. Unfortunately, it was black and white, and the red leaves and Lily's hair could not be seen.

Maybe one day when the times improve, color magic photos can be developed, but at that time Harry Potter already has his lover.

He wasn't a child anymore, and that picture, perhaps, would be locked into his memory the way he once looked at his imaginary family talking in front of the Mirror of Erised.

Do you understand that, Albus Dumbledore, that paint, memory, and love are beyond the touch of death.

Jumping and jumping, he suddenly stopped and buried his head by her neck.

"What are you doing?" she said with a grin.

He kissed her neck.

"Remember when we were at the snake window?" he whispered in her ear, hot air against her delicate skin.

She recalled it for a while.

"It's been so long, do you remember?" She said in surprise, no wonder he was a vengeful guy.

"Let me help you remember." He smiled smugly, and suddenly hugged her horizontally, making her scream in fright, and subconsciously hooked her around his neck.

Then they went back to the main house just like the bride and groom.

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