Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2982 The secret without a trace (fourteen)

Gellert Grindelwald's wand is made of silver basswood, or partly because, according to himself, he took it from a twig from a lightning-struck log that had nearly all the wood in the middle burnt out All that was left was the bark.

This wand was featured in Basilda Shabbat's book when he was just graduating from Durmstrang. His second wand, known to many as the "Elder Wand", was stolen from the wandmaker's home.

He then took it to Godric's Hollow, where he was staying at Basilda Shabbat's house, in search of other Deathly Hallows. Because with the new wand, he didn't like to use the old wand so much, and then he showed the old wand to Albus Dumbledore, who was also a teenager, to make Albus believe what he said True, the Deathly Hallows is not a fairy tale.

The character of that wand is like the character of Grindelwald, he is quiet most of the time, he will read in the shade of the tree, looking for clues. But sometimes he would laugh like crazy, just that day, when Albus decided to leave the house with him, and Aberforth stopped him, he laughed like that, and that laughter still haunts Albus's head from time to time. appears.

Then the former friends became enemies, and this incident was recorded on the chocolate frog's card.

Pomona arrived in the Forbidden Forest with a picnic basket. She was going to Graplan's office, but she heard movement at Hagrid's place, so she went.

Charlie was riding on the Hippogriff's back, trying to make it fly, but the gold necklace refused to fly no matter what, and was even a little annoyed, and wanted to peck Charlie on his back.

"Stop, stop, don't fight!" Hagrid tried to dissuade him, but it seemed a bit useless.

Pomona raised his wand, causing the pumpkin vine to grow rapidly, entangled the hippogriff's limbs, and Charlie had a chance to jump off the horse.

"Don't turn your back on it!" Hagrid yelled "Turn around!"

Charlie did so subconsciously. At this time, the gold necklace had been lifted up by manpower, and the sharp claws were raised high.

Pomona used several more pumpkin vines to force the hippogriff to put its claws down. It tried to break the pumpkin vines with its beak, but found that it could regenerate continuously, so it stopped trying.

It gradually quieted down, looking at Charlie who was standing there, Pomona couldn't tell from that face whether it was angry or not.

"Now, bow," Hagrid said in a low voice.

But Charlie didn't follow, his eyes were fixed on the hippogriff.

In the end, the Hippogriff had the upper hand. It bowed first, and then Charlie bowed. After saluting, Charlie backed away slowly until the golden necklace turned his gaze away, and he strode to the wall.

Pomona remembered that at Christmas Hagrid was saying that it was almost time to fly, why hadn't it been so long?

"Are you all right by yourself?" Pomona asked Hagrid.

"I'm fine, go see him," said Hagrid, soothing the hippogriff.

Pomona walked up to Charlie, who was angry, which was rare.

"Have you ever fed him fish?" Pomona said.

Charlie looked at her inexplicably.

"Why feed the fish?" Charlie asked.

"Have you ever heard of Occam's razor?" Pomona said.

"What's that?" Charlie asked.

"This is a theory invented by a monk in the 14th century, 'Do not multiply entities unless necessary', and it has been applied to many fields, including the theory of evolution." Pomona said, putting the basket on the fence and sitting next to Charlie. Next, "Nature will choose the shortest path. Animals will find the least amount of exercise to minimize their own consumption. If it has never eaten fish, it will not go hunting in the black lake if it does not know that fish is delicious. Eagles catch water They don't go into the water when they're picking up fish."

"They fly," said Charlie.

"If you don't have to, don't increase your talent. Hippogriffs can run and fly. They are not for being handsome. They are for survival first." Pomona said.

"Thank you, Professor," said Charlie.

"Be careful, don't get hurt." Pomona said with a smile, just about to leave with a picnic basket, but found that the Ministry of Magic came, and they were following Albus Dumbledore, heading towards Hagrid's hut go.

"What are they doing here?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know, come with me," Pomona said, hiding behind the fence.

"Why are we hiding?" Charlie asked inexplicably.

Pomona took him by the hand and told him to hide behind the fence too.

Walking behind Albus came Fudge from the Department of Magical and Disaster Affairs, and a member of the Wizengamot, and they made their way to Hagrid's pumpkin patch.

"What's the matter, Professor?" Hagrid asked brightly.

"So, does the 'threatening creature' you came to investigate refer to it?" Dumbledore pointed to the Hippogriff and asked the two Ministry of Magic people.

"No, it's bigger than that." The female member of the Wizengamot said, looking at the gold necklace, "it's as big as a car."

"The gold necklace is strong, but I don't think it's as big as you say, Ms. Umbridge," said Hagrid lightly. "And it's not a threat. It's being trained."

"I don't know where you heard that, but we don't have the dangerous animals you're talking about here," said Dumbledore.

"Unless you give us permission to search, won't you, Fudge," Umbridge said to Fudge.

Fudge looked troubled.

"This school is the hope of nurturing the future of the wizarding world, Albus, if you have hidden contraband, you'd better hand it over now, if there is an accident, it may end badly," Fudge said.

Albus shook his head, pricking his waist and reasoning with Fudge.

"Let's go," said Pomona, ducking away from the fence.

"Where are we going?" Charlie asked when he was back to safety.

"I'm going to Graplan, as for you." Pomona glanced at his pocket watch. "If you want to go back before the castle is locked, you should go now."

Charlie was listless and reluctantly walked back.

"Mark my words." Pomona yelled at Charlie's back, "It doesn't have to be a fish, as long as it can make it fly, anything else is fine."

"Understood." Charlie perfunctory.

Pomona shrugged, turned and continued walking deep into the Forbidden Forest.

==================================================== =======

The so-called "Occam's Razor" is a theory put forward by William Occam, the author of the thesis that Newt Scamander once quoted to answer the Ministry of Magic's question why his book is called fantasy beast instead of "fantasy animal".

Suppose Arthur tells Charlie that there is a dragon in their garage, and Arthur takes Charlie into the garage.

"Where's the dragon?" Charlie asked.

"It's right there, I forgot to tell you, it's an invisible dragon." Arthur said, pointing to the front.

"Never heard of an invisible dragon," Charlie said.

"Silly boy, this end will do it," said Arthur.

"Then make it explicit," Charlie said.

"No, it resists magic," Arthur said.

"Make it fire," Charlie said.

"That would set the garage on fire," Arthur said.

"Then get it out of the garage," Charlie said.

"It's illegal to raise a dragon, and you can't let the neighbors see it, so I raised an invisible dragon." Arthur said.

And so it went on, no matter how many suggestions Charlie made, Arthur was able to refute him with a particular explanation and tell Charlie why his suggestion didn't work. So here comes the question, what is the difference between a dragon that cannot be seen, touched, breathed fire, and cannot be observed by any means, and no dragon?

This is the standard application of Occam's razor. There are many explanations for the same phenomenon, and the simplest one is the most correct - there are no dragons in Arthur's garage, he is just teasing his son.

"What are you looking at?" A heavy head rested on her shoulders.

"About razors," said Pomona, looking at the advertisements in the Daily Prophet. "Do you need a new magic razor."

He kissed her on the cheek and walked away. Pomona glanced after him and immediately turned to the newspaper.

"Remember to put on your clothes after taking a shower." She looked at the newspaper and said, the answer was the sound of the door closing.

"There's some order in this house," she muttered angrily, turning the paper to the next page.

Just now his back reminded her of William Blake's red dragon, and William Blake was just like him at home, although there were no neighbors around this northern farmer's house, so he didn't have to worry about being seen.

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