Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2980 The Secret of No Trace (12)

Look at the lush grounds during the day and the darkness at night.

The moonlight looked bright, but clouds kept passing by, making them occasionally plunge into darkness. The light from Hagrid's cabin shone through the window, glowing a warm orange in the darkness.

Felix Elixir also needs to be stored in the dark, and although it has the same golden sun-like color as the Euphoria Elixir, it is still somewhat different. In addition to the Potion Master certificate that must be registered, the production of Felicity Elixir also requires the blood of unicorns.

"What do you want!?" Pomona couldn't help shouting.

Severus glared at her viciously.

"You think everyone knows?" he said cursingly.

"You're going to hunt a unicorn?" Pomona yelled still.

"It's not about killing it, but persuading it that it won't die if it bleeds a little." He said hypocritically, "If everything goes well, it can also give us its horn."

"Oh yeah, all right!" Pomona sneered. "If it'll let you get close, or do you want to get kicked by the unicorn again? Severus."

"How do I know it doesn't like boys approaching." He retorted, "Also, don't keep talking about this..."

"Even if you weren't pure as a kid, they kind of like Hagrid," said Pomona self-consciously.

"I need a strong antidote, I need these." He said every word.

"So you want me to communicate with unicorns? Huh?" Pomona said angrily. "Didn't you tell me Lucius Malfoy needed favors?"

"Are you going to help or not?" he said grumpily.

Pomona hit him hard on the shoulder.

But he still walked towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest with him.

Unicorns were hard to come by, even in the Forbidden Forest, and they probably wouldn't come across one tonight.

"You idiot," Pomona muttered. "Who's going to have a picnic in the middle of the night?"

Severus heard it, and although she didn't name the idiot, he was the only living thing around. But he pretended not to hear, his eyes patrolling in the darkness.

However, they don’t know whether they were lucky or unlucky. They found two unicorns by the lake in the Forbidden Forest. It was an adult unicorn with its cubs. The big one radiated silver light, and the small one That one was golden all over, and it looked as if it had just been born, not more than a month old at most.

"I'll get the big one out of the way," Severus said, as though he meant Pomona to get closer to the smaller one.

"No, I can't do that!" Pomona said.

Severus, who was about to move, looked back at her.

"It's still a baby," Pomona said bitterly. "I can't do that."

"Listen, what we're doing tonight is about convincing Malfoy that he likes to collect rare things, so I can get him to make other arrangements for Miss Taylor," Severus said.

She still didn't want to do that when he came over, his hand brushing her hair like a breeze.

"Have you ever seen a Muggle donate blood?" Severus asked. "Like that."

"But it's not like that," she begged. "No, please."

"What's the difference?" he said briskly.

She couldn't tell why.

"If you're worried about the curse, be careful not to kill it." Severus whispered in her ear. "I know what killing a unicorn can do."

She still resisted in her heart.

"Don't keep your head down," he said cheerfully, lifting her chin with peppermint fingers. "Look at me."

She looked into his black eyes, which were still so dull that they couldn't reflect her face.

The effect of the compound decoction has not yet expired, she should still look round and chubby, thinking of her own appearance reflected in his eyes, she thinks it's better not to humiliate herself, subconsciously wants to bow her head.

But he stopped her firmly, and he fixed her head with both hands, making her continue to look up at him.

This made her feel uncomfortable, and tears rolled in her eyes, but she didn't intend to cry uselessly.

Now his eyes were no longer dull, but glowed with longing.

The night wind blew their hair and created ripples on the surface of the mirror-like lake. The big unicorn drinking water raised its head vigilantly, but did not leave with the little unicorn.

His thumb touched her lips, his fingertips were still a little callused, the palm was still soft, and the rough feeling was slightly tingling.

"No." She said weakly.

"You're shaking." He asked calmly, "Is it cold?"

She clutched his sleeve tightly and let out a sob.

"You can only blame yourself, who told you to wear so little." He said, preparing to wrap his cloak around her body.

The moonlight poured down through the gaps in the branches. In this bright and dark place, with the clothes covering her body, she felt as if her body was being injected with a warm current.

Her mind was dizzy, and she felt that she had no way to refuse. At this moment, his eyes shone even brighter, like a beast hiding in the bushes, filled with an inexplicable excitement.

"Cough cough."

There was a sound of human coughing in the darkness, she quickly regained her senses, and pushed him away with her hands.

Severus' face darkened, looking in the direction of the sound, Liz Stewart in a hunting suit appeared from behind a tree.

"What are you doing here?" Severus said coldly, doing his best to look professorial.

"I'm walking," Liz said. "I can't sleep at night now."

Pomona is a little worried, why Leeds is becoming more and more like an owl.

She looked up the tree, and soon found Artemis, who was looking at the humans under the tree with wide eyes.

It is also because of it that the two of them did not notice the movement.

"How long have you been watching?" Pomona asked, but Severus raised his hand with his back to her, stopping her from continuing.

"How about doing me a favor?" Severus said with a smile.

"I think the dean will help you." Liz smiled ambiguously. "You want unicorn blood, don't you?"

Pomona is looking for a ground drill.

If she had known such a day would come, she would not have taught her "spiritual vision".

"She doesn't want to." He said lightly, "If you help me, I will help you solve the problem of sleep."

"Oh, it's just a little insomnia." Liz said indifferently.

"No, it's not that simple," Severus said. "Compared with the big trouble you're in, all I'm asking is a small favor, what do you think?"


As 1789 approached, it was already difficult to distinguish the nobility from the third estate on the streets of Paris. Because the nobles had given up their swords and drove their own buggies instead of ones studded with family crests, just as Madame Pompidou liked to appear in a carriage on the boulevards.

Every owner of Versailles will bring different fashions to the people living in it. Intellectual entertainment was very popular in the era of Louis XIV. Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Montesquieu and others prepared in the palace. Intrigued, Madame Maintenon built a theater in her apartment, invited the most talented people in the palace to perform, and gave them lessons by famous actors, including the Duchess of Burgundy.

She was an idol and a role model at the court, not only because of her talents, but also because of her charming charm and beauty. Her son was the future King Louis XV, but she didn't know at that time that she would become the king's mother. , and there is no plan to "mother the world". She had a sister in Spain, whose admiration aroused her competiveness, and made her want to compare who was the most beautiful in Europa.

When Madame Burgundy was very young, she saw an ugly officer at dinner one day, and she kept laughing at the officer's ugliness. She laughed louder and said, "Madam, I think he is the handsomest man in my kingdom, because he is one of the bravest."

The officer's character was a little gruff, and he had not softened even at court. He lost his arm in a battle, and then said to Louis XIV, "I am willing to lose my other arm, and no longer serve your majesty."

Instead of being angry, the king said to him "then I will feel sorry for myself and you". Then the king gave him a reward and allowed him to appear at court.

In the era of Louis XV, military officers appeared in the court in a more civilized and polite way. There was even an officer who had a wound on his face. mole. It became a fashion at court, and even people who were not injured would have moles on their faces.

Mrs. Dubarry never put moles on her face, probably because the civilian guests she had contact with did not like having moles on their faces, but she had an Indian servant by her side. This was not only to provide some oriental features for Mrs. Dubarry, but also because Britain and France were at war in India at the time.

Most people focused their attention on Madam Dubarry, but Farron noticed the servant, and he took the initiative to talk to her.

At first she ignored him, Farron thought she could not speak French, so he gave her a scented handkerchief, and just as he was about to leave, the maid stopped him.

She told Farron a story about her hometown in not-so-fluent French. Her hometown worshiped a goddess named "Prosperity". gold coins. She had 100 million children, but she only loved her eldest son, Hastur, and gave him all the gold in this world.

But Hades was incapable of obtaining food, and when he stretched out his hand to the food, all the gods attacked him together and turned him into pieces, almost destroyed. At this time, the goddess saved him, but the price was that he would Forgotten by the world.

However, there are still people in the servant's hometown who remember him. Every once in a while, a person will be sent to a cave to deliver tribute. After a while, there will be a lot of gold at the entrance of the cave, enough for the villagers to live a prosperous life.

The people unanimously agreed to keep the secret, and though they felt uneasy because everyone who had gone to deliver offerings did not come back, the village head told everyone that those people had gone to live a good life with the gold given by the goddess, and the gold in these caves was They missed it when they moved.

So the parents warned the children not to be greedy, and many years passed like this, until one day, the maid's brother was chosen to deliver the sacrifice.

The maid knew very well that my brother was not a greedy person, but he was eager to leave the village, so she advised her brother not to be greedy for the gold.

But her brother persuaded her to take her away when she got enough gold, and she didn't have to marry the man she didn't like anymore.

So they agreed to meet at the entrance of the cave after everyone had left. Before that, the elder brother would not go into the cave. The maid stole some flour while making sacrifices and asked the elder brother to take it with her. Corruption cannot be eaten, and there is still food to eat.

She waited and waited like this, and after about a month, she finally got him, and then she took the gold coin that her brother gave her, and left the village.

"And what about her brother?" Georgiana asked Farron.

"He's dead," Farron said, "that evil god didn't want tribute, but wanted to eat the people who gave tribute, and all the people who sent tribute died. Her brother escaped because he rushed She sprinkled raw flour, she was terrified of that thing, it's like a curse to think about that story now, but she died shortly after the revolution broke out."

Georgiana is reminded of the dementors, which feed on the joyful emotions of humans, but fear the Patronuses they summon with joy.

"Where's the hole?" she asked.

"Of course in India," Farrong said.

She felt that this was a taboo topic, so she didn't ask in detail.

But in order to prevent the things in the hole from coming out and causing trouble everywhere like the dementors, it's better to seal that place...

If the dementors can't be eliminated, then trap them, they will change from jailers to prisoners, don't know if Isidora's device will work.

She was thinking as she walked, not paying attention to her surroundings. After all, she was not an owl. She slept with her eyes open and kept vigilant all the time.

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