Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2974 The secret without a trace (6)

When using an Animagus, an animal first comes to mind, but it doesn't mean that a person can only become one animal.

Many students at the Ouagadu Academy of Magic in Africa have special Animagus abilities that allow them not only to transform into huge creatures, but also to change into more than one animal form.

The way the Waggadu Academy of Magic delivers the admission letter is also very special. They don’t use owls. The dream messenger will receive a message from the then headmaster while the children are sleeping, and then the dream messenger will give a token, usually A stone with inscriptions that a child finds holding in his hand when he wakes up. When the day of enrollment comes, the stone will lead them to Moon Mountain like a portkey.

Liz Stewart prefers to practice "sighting" with owls rather than ravens, because she has a pet owl named Artemis.

She has a deep friendship with Artemis, and Artemis is also willing to lend her vision and flying ability to Liz, but the trouble is that they are too close, Liz almost "lost me" several times, fortunately Every practice is watched by Graplan.

That feeling is like dreaming. To put it simply, it is like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly. There must be a difference between Zhuang Zhou and a butterfly. This invisible boundary is called "Tian Ni", which is not the difference between "yes" and "yes". It is not a cut-off limit like ", but can be mutated with each other.

The most difficult thing for Animagus is to transform from an animal back to a human being. St. Mungo's Hospital has many "patients" who are stuck at this stage. "Spiritual Vision" doesn't need to worry about such changes in the body, but Liz likes to sleep with one eye open and the other closed.

Because of this relationship, Liz didn't know what Ben Cooper and Barnaby were doing with Paul, and Barnaby told Pomona that he and Ben took turns to accompany Paul, so Ben would stay alone after class in the lounge. In other words, the only one who knows Ben's whereabouts is Ben himself.

Snape offered to buy Ben tea, and he would "accidentally" drop a few drops of Veritaserum into Ben's teacup, which of course was not allowed.

Pomona couldn't understand what Sylvia was thinking. She would think of hanging out with Snape, as if she thought that as long as the old bat was happy, she wouldn't have to assign so much homework.

Sylvia is pretty smart, maybe she remembered the lesson, and didn't say "it's okay, not too many deductions" like last time, so she only deducted five points, and Pomona found an excuse to add it back.

Oh~ that's not fair.

If one side wins a debate, it does not necessarily mean that he is right and the other side is wrong. It is also possible that both are right or both are wrong. If you want to find someone to confirm right and wrong, then there is no way to know for sure between two people, how can others understand?

If you find someone who agrees with one of the two parties to confirm, then there is already a bias, how can it be fair?

It is also impossible to solve the problem if you find someone who disagrees with or supports both sides to confirm.

Zhuangzi believes that in this predicament, there is only "harmony with heaven".

A person can also have multiple patron saints. Although successfully summoning a patron saint requires a strong happy memory, the final form of the patron saint is often the appearance of the animal with which it is most affinity.

The founder of Ifrmony School of Magic and Magic has affinity with all elements. According to Tina, it is the "horse of the wind" who chooses humans, not humans who choose their own patron saints. If humans want lions, there will be lions. Popped out of the end of the wand.

Georgiana found an empty room. As a deserted castle, there were still bookshelves and sofas, but it looked like furniture from the 18th century.

She didn't care if the sofa was clean or not, she just sat on it, and lit the fireplace with her magic wand.

When the room started to warm up, she had time to look at the place. There were many oil paintings on the walls, two of which were in the Renaissance style. She always felt that the girl on the right looked a lot like Fitzgerald.

The other one seemed to be used as a background for a portrait painting, but unfortunately the people in the painting did not appear, so it changed from a figure painting to a landscape painting.

After talking with Fitzgerald, Isidora did not get her support, and before that, Principal Isidora was the only one who understood her original intention and was willing to help her.

These thoughts were all recorded by Isidora, stored somewhere, found by Dumbledore, copied by Severus, stolen, and given to her.

It was past Valentine's Day that day, and he said it was a Christmas present from him, because he really didn't know what she wanted.

She didn't know how he sneaked into the principal's office, but she just wanted to read the contents of the diary, so she didn't ask whether he was right or wrong.

After helping her father with the "operation", he spoke again, and Isidora felt very happy, because she hadn't heard this voice for many years, and she forgot how much she missed it.

Every day she is helping more people, so that they will no longer feel pain in the world of war, plague, and famine. While she feels that she is more capable, she also has a sense of mission——to heal the world. pain.

She doesn't expect to live forever, but she feels that this knowledge cannot be wasted, so she finds a way to preserve it so that future people can master all the knowledge.

At the beginning, she planned to keep the secret. After all, she was the "successor" chosen by Fitzgerald and the others. The power cannot be handed over to the wrong person. She wanted to find someone like her to share this knowledge.

As she grew stronger and more independent, she began to hate the word "guardian".

Both "knight" and "guardian" have the meaning of "protection", but Georgiana wants to get rid of them.

Does this mean that she is becoming more and more like Isidora?

She used to think that Severus was a role model to emulate, because he gave her a sense of security.

But now that I think about it, that feeling is like the railing beside the abyss. It looks safe, and you can get the comfort of being protected when you get close to it, but when huge dangers, such as mudslides and other disasters, this railing doesn’t stand up at all. People who rely on it will fall into the abyss together with the railing.

If a man is to be a hero, the snake must first become a dragon, otherwise he has no real rival.

But the dragon is not a monster in the abyss. Many people have seen it in the Triwizard Tournament. It is quite terrifying, but it is not invincible. Dragon blood and dragon liver are even used as ingredients for potions.

Love is actually a kind of pas de deux. One person does not stand still while the partner revolves around him or her. It makes the two dancers always break the perspective of one person.

The same is true for the butterfly's dream. Do you have to make an either-or judgment between the butterfly and Zhuang Zhou?

In different perspectives, different dreams and realities have their own possibility of existence.

Love brings pain as well as sweetness. Even though James and Lily are both Gryffindors and have many similar interests, there is an unconquerable quality in Lily. He let go of his selfishness, took the initiative to care for her, and changed himself.

On the contrary, Lily has always been like that. She can't bear it and is unwilling to change. She hopes that Severus will stop using black magic and become a person who belongs to the light like her.

Pomona once asked Fitzgerald why she broke up with her lover?

It's not that they are not in love anymore, it's just because Fitzgerald chose career in career and marriage, or in other words, like Isidora, she didn't want to waste her talent.

It is also this commonality that Isidora feels that Fitzgerald can understand her.

"Don't waste your talents, that sounds like something a man in your family would say, Albus." She murmured, feeling sleepy and trying to sleep.

In a daze, she felt that there was a big black dog hiding in the shadow of the sofa. It was very vigilant and didn't need her to sleep with one eye open like an owl.

In fact, she also fantasized about dancing with Sirius, but she could easily recognize the reality and knew that it was impossible.

But dreaming, it’s not against the law, it’s just a waste of time, what’s the difference from those in front of the Mirror of Erised?

She seems to have heard laughter, this sound is really like the sounds of nature, who is laughing?

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