Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2975 The secret without a trace (seven)

Pomona looked at the framed pictures in the utility room of the bell tower. It was empty, with no landscapes or figures.

But it used to be the "cage" where Phoebe was imprisoned in the portrait curse, and Bill thought it had been cast with a high-level space expansion spell.

It is not surprising that he has such a cognitive bias. Many of the oil paintings on the grand staircase of Hogwarts are from the Renaissance or the late Middle Ages. At that time, perspective and three-dimensional effects have already appeared, which are quite different from the flat paintings of the early Middle Ages. .

Gold is used extensively in religious paintings, not only to depict saints and halos on their heads, but also as a background to symbolize eternal happiness. For example, in the painting of Jesus crucified on the tree of life in Florence, the top of the painting symbolizing heaven is gold, while the bottom is black.

God-centered art hopes that the viewer sees its spiritual meaning through matter, which is what Plato called reality. Artificial perspective means the secularization of the visible world, and the center of the painting is no longer God and the transcendence it represents. The frame is like a transparent window through which one can see what the artist wants to depict, which is largely a human perspective.

For example, Andre Pozzo, the master of illusion in the Baroque style, when standing directly under the dome painting he painted and looking up, human beings will find that their own language is poor. This kind of illusion is different from the meteorological magic on the ceiling of the Hogwarts auditorium that is the same as the weather outside. Those clever image illusions make the viewer forget that they are only man-made things, forget that they are works of art as objects in the world. exist.

In order to make the picture authentic, the painter will use black as the shadow, which was not allowed in the past paintings.

How can there be darkness in heaven? Even the place that should be dark is made of shining gold.

Such paintings look "harmonious", but the subjectively presented world replaces the real world.

The coordination of works depicted in perspective is convincing, although it is generally believed that the world seen with a camera looks more "real".

In fact, if a photographer knows how to skillfully use lighting, angles and other skills, he can modify photos without using a brush like a painter.

"What do you want from me?" Severus asked.

"Can you do me a favor." Pomona said without looking back, looking ahead.

"What help?" he asked.

"Find me an internship position." She turned slowly. "To Emily Taylor."

He looked at her calmly.

Pomona smiled. "I want her out of school early."

"For what reason?" he said coldly.

The smile on Pomona's face couldn't hold back.

"I just saw a girl from your academy crying in the corridor, is it related to Miss Taylor?" Severus asked.

Pomona gritted her teeth, and then said, "Obviously she couldn't do anything to me, so she laughed at the kids, boys and girls."

"Why don't you use your relationship?"

"I don't want to see her in the Department of Fantastic Beasts Protection, and I don't think she's interested in taking care of dirty animals," said Pomona dryly.

He mused.

"In exchange, there is one thing I can tell you." Pomona said, which piqued Severus' interest. "Ben Cooper has a time-turner. If you plan to investigate what happened that night, you can use it." .”

"She pissed you off, didn't she?" Severus smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

It is undeniable that Emily Taylor is brave and dazzling when there are "law-abiding Slytherins" around, but when the school is full of "law-abiding Slytherins", Emily looks very Not so heroic anymore.

No wonder James Potter always troubled Snape, whether he was before or after joining the Death Eaters.

"It's hard to believe that Godric Gryffindor in a piece of school history is a man of knowledge and wisdom." Pomona said indifferently.

This entertained Snape very well, and he was as happy to agree to it as he was to help Pomona steal the papers from Dumbledore's desk.

He has always been a curious guy, not to mention that he didn't take the original, but the copy. How could this be considered stealing?


There is an oriental philosophic saying that goes: Saints never die, but robbers never stop.

It roughly means that sages, benevolence and righteousness are harmful to the world, and only when the sages are abandoned, the robbers will disappear.

People often hear that heaven is a wonderful place where there is no pain. She healed people's suffering, although it would not turn the sinful world into a paradise, but it was like Icarus who got wax wings from his father. He was often regarded as a model of arrogance and freedom, but in the Middle Ages What he represents at that time is that imagination makes people dislocating.

It is painful and unpleasant to change oneself for others. Young couples may fight against the obstruction of their elders together, but break up because of some differences with their lovers. This is very common in life.

Maybe ten years later, when I think about that past, I will feel that I was naive to break up because of such a trivial matter. If the two parties are single, it doesn't matter if they start over again, but if they are married like Lily, or if both parties are married and then reconnect with their first love, it will usually end in a dishonorable way, and they will not be together after breaking through all difficulties. It will last for a long time, because the core problem has not changed, and they are still unwilling to change themselves for each other.

Although he said "I do nothing, and the people are self-contained", Isidora has entered a period of transition and expansion, and "self" has become the focus of all attention, and he is paranoid and can't listen to other people's advice at all. And with her strength at that time, there was no other way to stop her except for the Avada Kedavra Curse.

Why must men feel that women need a guardian? Didn’t there also be aristocratic young men who sold their ancestral property in Versailles? Why can't it be the godmother to restrain the words and deeds of the godson?

Since you think a woman should read less, don’t complain that she is stupid; if you agree that a woman should read more, don’t ask her to write down words like “I’m very happy” while pouring holy water on her.

Although the quiet time was short, Georgiana figured out that she was not the same person as Isidora, and she didn't think pain needed to be eliminated.

She raised her head and looked at the closed door. It was not locked, and it should be easy to open, but the knocker was persistent and had been knocking for two full minutes.

She looked at the shadow of the sofa again, and the black dog had disappeared. Looking carefully, it was just a piece of black bear skin, but just now in the shadow, it looked like a dog lying down.

"Come in." She said coldly.

The door opened quickly, and Saint-Hilaire walked in.

"Why are you still here?" Georgiana asked.

"I have been to Egypt, experienced the riots in Cairo, and even entered the pharaoh's tomb. What else do you think can scare me?" Saint-Hilaire said arrogantly, and sat down on the sofa opposite her.

"Have I allowed you to sit down?" Georgiana asked.

"Your frame is bigger than 'General'?" asked Saint-Hilaire.

She sneered.

"We finally have time to be alone." Saint-Hilaire sighed. "If we don't talk about it, I'm afraid we have to go back to France."

"What do you want to say?" Georgiana asked.

"Aren't you curious why the Duke of Abar appeared in Brussels?" Saint-Hilaire asked.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" asked Georgiana.

Saint-Hilaire smiled, "Do you want to be the Regent of Spain?"

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