Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2973 The Secret of No Trace (5)

When Sylvia was a freshman, in the first Transfiguration class, she saw that the teacher hadn't come, but instead there was a tabby cat sitting on the podium. I don't know if she was bored waiting or for other reasons, then she and her deskmate made a cat teaser.

Given that this girl from the Muggle world didn't know that Animagus existed, and that Minerva McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor, was a registered Animagus, she wasn't deducted points anyway, It's just that she was the talk of the town for the next year.

When everyone is young, weird sisters are much "safer" than mysterious people. What's more, children will always have a common topic when they are together. When everyone else is doing it, you will not follow suit. It looks very different. It's like everyone can swim and one can't swim, girls during Prohibition don't hang out with guys who can't drink, the hippie movement everyone else wears bell bottoms and one guy wears a shirt and tie. It doesn't matter if he is a teacher, a fifth grade student will be laughed at by his peers if he wears this dress.

The wind outside the school will always blow into the school, just like the rumored radiation cloud from the Chernobyl incident, and the resurgence of the voodoo party in Europe due to this incident, so Mr. Principal has no time to take care of this matter.

Pomona only felt headaches, flustered, and short of breath when she heard the heavy metal rock, but since there was a disguised Animagus in her academy who dangled in front of her all day with pink hair, she could also treat the Weird Sisters The shirt is gone.

Students come to school to learn to control their own power. Tonks should be able to use her power properly instead of letting her hair change with her mood. This is a waste of her talent. Anyway, Minerva felt that she could start training, which would save Tonks the time and opportunity to hang out in the school.

Pomona easily agreed, and they came to the principal's office during the conversation. Looking out from here, the snow had melted except for the top of the mountain, exposing bare tree branches.

Maybe one night, a lot of new shoots will grow on the tree overnight, but until that day comes, we can only wait.

Minerva, dressed in emerald green robes, knocked on Dumbledore's door.

"Come in," said the old voice inside.

Then Minerva opened the door, and the principal's office was still the same, with all the previous principals dozing in their picture frames, except for Fitzgerald.

'Look there. ’ said Fitzgerald silently to Pomona, pointing to Dumbledore's table.

On the reading shelf are several yellowed sheets of paper that look like someone's manuscript.

"It's so late, what's the matter?" Dumbledore, still in his robes, asked.

"A student was attacked," Minerva said worriedly. "He doesn't remember anything about the attack."

"Who is it?" Dumbledore asked seriously.

"Ben Cooper, I found it from him." Minerva said, pushing the small note into Dumbledore's hand.

However, the instant Dumbledore touched it, it burned and was soon reduced to ashes.

No wonder the world calls Dumbledore the "White Wizard".

Pomona thought while looking at the "Dark Magic Note" that had turned into ashes, and then looked at Dumbledore.

"It seems that the other party doesn't want me to know too much." Dumbledore said calmly, "What is written on the note?"

Out of the corner of Pomona's eye, she saw Fitzgerald. She had closed her eyes and was "sleeping" like the other principals.

"The paper treats Cooper to the hallway on the fourth floor," Minerva said. "Fortunately, he was found in time."

"And Mr. Cooper just happened to lose his memory at this time?" Dumbledore asked.

"According to eyewitnesses, Cooper never left the break room after class unless someone passed him a note during class," Minerva said.

"We can't be sure that it's the note we got today." Dumbledore pondered. "Is anyone else injured?"

"Two of Hufflepuff's students," said Minerva, looking at Pomona. "One of them is a disguised Animagus."

Dumbledore's eyes shifted to Minerva.

"We discussed it on the way here just now," Minerva said.

"What do you think?" Dumbledore looked at Pomona.

"Tonks' talent should not be wasted." Pomona said obediently, looking at Dumbledore's table involuntarily.

"It's good to be curious, but the rules still have to be followed. I remember that Miss Tonks is only in the second grade this year." Dumbledore said with a smile, "If she is not injured, start confinement with Minerva tomorrow."

"Okay, Principal." Minerva said respectfully, "It's getting late, so we won't bother you."

Pomona really wanted to read the letter paper on the table, but Minerva grabbed her sleeve and dragged her away from the principal's office.


After returning to the castle from the basement, Georgiana looked at the busy staff of the French Ministry of Magic. They gathered the items in the castle in the hall to check if there were any magical items similar to the disappearing cabinet.

Georgiana sat down in a wooden box and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the dream, Grindelwald reminded Pomona that she never thought about the relationship between the key that can go anywhere at will and the disappearing cabinet.

The bronze frog and the wooden disappearing cabinet seem to have many similarities, such as they are paired, but the frog is bronze and the cabinet is wood, although there is still a lot of seemingly decorative metal on the disappearing cabinet.

The performance of the Firebolt was greatly improved precisely because of the use of goblin magic silver, and Isidora's device also used magic silver and magic iron.

She was so focused on creating her own ideal world that she overlooked one big problem, the goblins wouldn't help for free.

Georgiana raised her head and looked at the castle that had been abandoned for many years. In fact, Hogwarts is also a bit dilapidated, and even the decorative armor is rusted. Even if it was renovated because of the Triwizard Tournament, it was reduced to ruins because of the Battle of Hogwarts.

Hufflepuff's gold cup made into a Horcrux, the Goblet of Fire made of wood...

"Drink the bar, keep warm." Richard handed a silver jug ​​to Georgiana.

"Thank you." She took a sip from the jug, then returned it to Richard. "You shouldn't be here."

"Why?" Richard asked.

Because there are wizards everywhere.

She said it in her heart, but didn't say it out of her mouth.

"You still think you are my guardian?" Georgiana asked.

"Until you think I'm not good enough," Richard said with a smile.

She looked at the ruddy Irishman, smiled and shook her head.

"What's so funny?" Richard asked.

Because this is a dream, she thought, just like Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly, Zhuang Zhou wants to dance like a butterfly, and the butterfly wants to be Zhuang Zhou, usually people only recognize the real-world logic of "Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly", not the "butterfly". Dreaming of Zhuangzi", when Zhuangzi woke up, of course he returned to his original state.

The lifespan of a butterfly is usually less than a year. Like the unspeakable summer insect, it breaks out of its cocoon in summer and dies before winter comes. People imagine whether there will be reincarnation after death. Will the soul of the butterfly that died before the winter of the previous year emerge from the cocoon with a new body in the summer of the second year?

People make a beautiful butterfly as a specimen, which seems to preserve its beauty forever, but it is not alive, unless it becomes a human, it can feel the change of seasons with the same body.

When Zhuangzi wakes up, at most he understands that he cannot fly freely. But when a butterfly "wakes up", it means that he understands that "be born before death, and be born only after death", can its little head understand?

"What do you think happiness is?" she asked. "I've been told that strength is happiness, and I've been told that being able to make the most of one's talents is happiness. I think food is happiness. What about you?"

Richard looked a little shocked.

"I heard that your daughter was forced to write a dialogue about happiness while drinking holy water," Georgiana asked.

"Who told you?" Richard asked in surprise.

"When you are in my position one day, you will find that many people are willing to whisper to me." She sneered, "whether I want to hear it or not."

After a while, she said again, "Before I came here, I used to think that being good at listening is a virtue, but I don't think so now. You can choose not to listen to what others say."

"You think that's right?" Richard asked worriedly.

"Think about my problem carefully, what is happiness to you." After she finished speaking, she stood up and continued to look for a place where no one was around, wanting to be alone.

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