When the fisherman casts his net, he will regularly look forward to returning with a full load.

But when a net was cast, the catch was very little, not even a single fish. At this time, he has two choices, either to go back, or go fishing in the deep sea farther away, where others will not go. There may be more fish there, but it also means a greater risk on the way back.

There are no penguins in the Arctic, in fact, there used to be, and they, like penguins in the Antarctic, will huddle together in the howling polar winds, relying on each other's body heat to keep warm. It was only due to long-term hunting and indiscriminate killing that the Arctic penguins became extinct. Most of these penguins captured by humans are parents, who have the responsibility of raising children. If no penguins return with their catch, the young birds will die of hunger.

After Georgiana woke up, the carriage arrived near Dudden Forest, where there was a castle originally built by the Spaniards when they ruled the Netherlands. It was called Leal, and it was later bought by a Belgian. Now donate it as a new orphanage.

Its interior is a bit in disrepair, the murals on the walls have been mottled and faded, but at least there is no rain leakage, wooden floors are laid on the ground, and there is a piano in the corner.

"Looks good, what do you think, Georgiana?" Richard said after looking around, his voice echoing in the empty space.

Georgiana said nothing.

She remembered the arrangement that the mysterious man made for those who followed him. If they died, there would be a sum of money and a family to raise their children, and they would not be sent to an orphanage.

Those who come from orphanages are particularly aware of what kind of place an orphanage is. Although the Wood Orphanage where Tom once stayed is not bad, it is not like the orphanages of the 18th and 19th centuries. In order to support themselves, the children have to go to the factory to spin yarn.

Children who leave home to study at Hogwarts will feel very fresh and free at first, but when the momentum passes, they will start to miss home.

Of course, the abandoned people will not be cared for, even if they freeze to death on the street like a little match girl.

At least Tom didn't abandon himself.

"Georgiana?" Richard asked.

"It's a shelter from the wind and rain." She said unemotionally.

But not home.

she thought.

"It's a castle," said Alex Hunt.

"You think you won't be lonely if you live in a castle?" asked Mary Edgeworth.

Alex smiled and did not refute Mary.

Perhaps, You-Know-Who had no vengeance on those who had offended him, but what about his father, Tom Riddle Sr.?

Georgiana went to the corner piano, lifted the lid, and pressed a key, which trembled out of tune.

Tom used to be proud of his status as a wizard. He didn't experience Oedipus, and fast-forwarded to hating his father, killing his father's family and blaming his uncle.

Revenge or death like Hamlet or self-preservation like a cold-blooded killer, he calmly anticipated every situation he might encounter, but could this restore his lost glory?

Tom accidentally told Regulus the secret about the Horcrux, and also told Severus, a "hybrid" like him, about his own thoughts.

Voldemort has never been remorseful, and if he had, he would not have used the Unforgivable Curse.

While he despises the lives and deaths of others, he is also afraid to face his own destiny, and dare not go up to check whether Harry Potter is really dead. Bloodthirsty things will become public enemies and monsters that bring glory to heroes. , such a person will not bring the so-called "future" to the wizarding world.

"You look sad," said Miss Lamont. "What makes you so sad?"

"An orphan," said Georgiana.

Tom was a lot, good looks and a brilliant mind that many people aspired to have.

"Has he done anything wrong?" asked Miss Lamont.

"He's ruined himself," said Georgiana, taking her fingers off the keys. "He was a man with a bright future."

Then there were footsteps, what sounded like boots on the wooden floor.

She looked in that direction, and it was Saint-Hilaire and a young man who looked somewhat similar to him. They stood in front of her and bowed together.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, to surprise you," said the curator.

"It was an accident, you don't need to care about it." Georgiana said, looking at another visitor. "Who is this gentleman?"

"This is my brother, Etienne, who is a botanist," said the curator, and the young man gave Georgiana the book in his hands.

"To you, the beautiful Renéviollet," said Étienne.

She thought it was very interesting, and took the book. It was a picture album, which was full of hand-painted flowers and fruits, but it was not an oil painting, but anatomical diagrams of plants, separating flowers, stems, leaves, fruits, etc. Like a textbook on botany.

"Did you draw this?" Georgiana asked as she turned the pages.

"Yes, ma'am, we worked together last year," said Etienne. "I was also involved in the publication of your edible plant manual."

Georgiana recalled a moment.

"You don't remember me, because we haven't met, and I was not in Paris," said Étienne, laughing.

"He was quarantined at the pier with me, and we had just returned from Egypt," Jeffrey St. Hilaire said.

Then she came across a picture, which was very familiar, and it was the one that had been printed in the booklet.

"I remember you." Georgiana looked at Etienne. "You are the artist who did the illustration."

Étienne smiled subtly.

"Looks real, don't you think?" Georgiana showed the book to Miss Lamont and the Edgeworths.

"I seem to have smelled their fragrance." Richard said with a smile on his face.

"What do you think, how about shoveling these murals and painting them?" Georgiana flipped through the plant paintings. "Compared to gods who don't know whether they exist, they can understand something that exists in this world."

"Thank you quickly." Jeff said to his brother.

"Thank you, madam, thank you for giving me this opportunity." Etienne's face was rosy, and he seemed a little excited.

She doesn't understand what's exciting about it, it's just painting plants on the walls of the orphanage.

"When the harvest is ready next year, they don't have to just look at these fruits." Georgiana closed the book. "By the way, how about we set up a greenhouse outside?"

"There is also a manual workshop to learn how to make a living." Richard said imaginatively.

They continued to wander around the castle, thinking about improvements. As long as they had a fixed place, it seemed that they were not far away from realizing the ideas in their minds.

"Speaking of the pier, I remembered it. Do you know Mr. Caulkerhorn?" Miss Lamont asked Richard.

"Oh, I have," said Richard.

"Who is Caulkerhorn?" Georgiana asked.

"He was the founder of the Thames Police, and the Shipping Association has also asked him to deal with the policing of dock warehouses." Miss Lamont said.

"Then his job is not very good. Didn't Hope Bank's warehouse burn down?" Jeffrey said with a hypocritical smile.

Georgiana looked at Richard, who shrugged at her.

"How about gas for lighting here?" Georgiana said, looking at the ceiling, as if she didn't hear the conversation between the two.

After that, no one mentioned this matter again, what's wrong with talking about it, I have to talk about this.

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