Each game has its own rules of competition. Before the age of 11, Muggle-borns study together with Muggles. In addition to learning basic subjects such as language, characters, and mathematics, they must also learn to obey like Muggle friends, for the future. Prepare for "living together".

Every society has its normative standards, and Fernon Dursley is proud of his firm foothold in society by virtue of this. After arriving in the wizarding world, the first thing to do is to abandon the rules learned in school and family, and abide by the "wizard's" law and another system.

Grindelwald said in a speech in Paris that wizards will live for freedom, truth and love.

The power of destruction is like fireworks, with an extreme and short-lived beauty, the more you believe in the beautiful "future", the more unbearable it is for the "now". However, Grindelwald did not describe in detail the "future" he designed, but told others what would happen if he did not stand up and resist, which happened to be what he was good at-prophecy.

What he said was the truth, but not all of it was true, especially after that dazzling bright light flashed. The real light is different from the light that creates illusions. People in the halo effect will unconsciously beautify each other. It's like a person with a high income, but his expenses are also very high, which leads to making ends meet. The ambitious people in practical application will put on a more difficult to identify disguise. On the surface, Grindelwald seems to have brought light to the wizards in the dark, but the "machine" rebuilt after destruction will be as he imagined Is it working?

Although the mysterious man didn't shout loud slogans like Grindelwald, the wizards who have been repressed for a long time also hope to exercise their power freely, or as Barnaby's father said, as long as they are as powerful as the mysterious man, they have nothing to do. Can't do it.

According to the manuscript left by Salazar Slytherin, Gryffindor values ​​"potential" more, regardless of whether this potential person comes from a wizarding family or a Muggle.

Pain can stimulate people's potential to a certain extent, and it is precisely because of this that black magic is so powerful, and the magic learned in school will not bring permanent pain to students in theory, and even curses can be cured.

People long for the strong to lead them, but what kind of person is the strong? Efficient writing and oratory skills by humanist standards, ancient Greece and Rome had many orators. Originally, writing a thesis started after entering university, but Albus felt that it was necessary for Hogwarts students to master it. In a sense, he and Grindelwald were indeed confidants.

The You-Know-Who does not rely on anyone, he is a very independent and proud man, Pomona once told Severus to despise the trials of fate, and the You-Know-Who will even look down on those who offend him.

Why do people take revenge? It is our glory that was hurt by our opponents. In order to repair the damaged glory, we want to prove ourselves by fighting back.

In the eyes of the mysterious man, those who offended him were just weak people who couldn't recognize the facts. He killed them as a punishment, and there was no element of revenge in it. He didn't become the Minister for Magic like some Muggle dictator because he felt he was above the political game and he had "greater goals".

The "mushroom" that Severus had given her was not found in A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. The part of Phylus that was missing when collecting Osiris' body on behalf of Isis in ancient Egypt became the symbol of Hermes in ancient Greece.

Resurrection first requires a body. In theory, the Philosopher's Stone can create a perfect body, but even alchemists who are regarded as heretics regard artificial humans as a taboo.

As long as you don't know it, you won't go after it. Many people regard the story of the Deathly Hallows as a fairy tale, but some people still take it seriously, and the Elder Wand often appears with dark wizards.

I haven't heard that the resurrection stone can create a new body like the philosopher's stone, but how can it be resurrected without a body?

In the phlogiston theory, fire is a material entity, like water, wind, and earth elements, which is opposed to the Muggle theory of oxidation, because oxidation is the process of combining burning objects with oxygen in the air.

Taking the Philosopher's Stone can lead to immortality, but it can't be broken. Once the Philosopher's Stone is gone, or it is stolen for other reasons, people will die, so the mysterious man is researching more eccentric things.

"You know what it is?" Pomona asked over a sip of eggnog.

Severus shook his head "I don't know."

Then he took a sip of eggnog too.

"He doesn't trust you?" Pomona asked.

"I told you, he's a very independent person, and if he depends on and gets used to being alone for a long time, he'll be chained, and he's not willing to detect and admit it under any circumstances," Severus said.

"Including Bella?" Pomona asked.

Severus seemed to think she couldn't communicate, watching the fire in the fireplace.

"Dumbledore kept talking about love, but his true nature was indifferent and cautious. He only pretended to be happy or crazy in order not to hurt the people around him."

"Wow, the mysterious man can even see this?" Pomona exclaimed.

"No, that's my observation," said the former Death Eater. "He's been living in all sorts of dependencies, thinking he's free."

Pomona looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment.

"He's proud, power-hungry, and wants to claim an amazing place in the history of magic, but I've seen him spend most of his time at school." Pomona turned his gaze to Severus "The only thing he has Freedom is to allow students to freely choose the tune of the school song.”

"He solved your troubles with just one sentence. If Rita Kistor was still in the Daily Prophet, do you think you would be able to stay here and drink eggnog now?" He sneered.

"Do you want to be like him?" Pomona asked deadpan.

The smile on his face disappeared.

"You men are always so keen on power." She said coldly.

"Don't you like it?" he asked rhetorically. "One thing I noticed, why aren't there any books on the history of Salem in school? You know, as an important historical point, isn't that inappropriate?"

She remembered Malfoy trying to remove the Fountain of Fortune from the library shelves, and was about to speak.

"There was a victim, John Alden, do you know who he was?" Severus asked.

"You just said that," Pomona said.

Severus sneered.

"What are you going to say?" Pomona asked.

"Cooper means a cooper. There was a cooper named John Alden on the Mayflower. He became a community leader after he landed, and became the sheriff of Plymouth. In 1634, he was involved in a transaction. At that time, both Massachusetts and Plymouth believed that they had jurisdiction over this transaction point, and 55 years later, 66-year-old John Alden was tried.”

"Wait," Pomona said. "Isn't that..."

"John Alden, who was interrogated in Salem, was only 11 years old. Do you think he could be a sheriff?" Severus asked.

"Of course not, but the barrelmaker on the Mayflower..."

"Fourteen years have passed since the Mayflower landed in the New World, where he married, had a child, became a respected man, and lived until 1680."

"So this John Alden on trial is his son?" Pomona asked.

"The members of the jury at the time were sitting on hundreds of thousands of acres of New England land, and most importantly, each of their names appeared on the new charter." Severus said "You understand what it means ?”

Pomona kept her mouth shut.

He stood up, walked to Pomona's ear, and whispered in her ear, as if telling an unspoken secret.

"Even the inspector-general is new, you see now."

He said finally, and retreated to his seat.

"Who told you that?" Pomona asked.

"I guess," Severus said.

Now she began to understand why the mysterious man valued the information he said so much.

"It's a long time ago, when did those dancing mandrakes mature?" asked Pomona.

"I don't know, I just followed the instructions in the book." He said lightly, as if he had no interest.

"Do you like your life now?" Pomona asked.

He didn't speak.

"I like talking to you, Severus, and you are welcome to come again, provided you don't get imprisoned in Azkaban." Pomona said indifferently, and stood up "Do you still want a glass of eggnog? "

"No, thank you." He said boringly, put down his glass, and then stood up.

After looking at each other for a while, he left her office without looking back.

"Good night," Pomona said after the office door slammed shut.

Then her eyes turned to the bookshelves.

Rebellious women are not uncommon in history. In fact, after being attacked by Gaia, the god Uranus also lost part of his body and fell into the sea and became Venus.

At this time, a fire appeared in front of her eyes, as if it was about to burn the bookshelf and the books on it.

"You're a dangerous follower," Pomona said, and she headed to the bedroom, leaving two unfinished glasses of eggnog on the end table.

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