Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2963 Christmas of the Lambs (Part 1)

Milton wrote in "Paradise Lost" that on the second morning when the two ate the forbidden fruit, the morning light moved her rose-colored steps in the east and scattered crystal beads on the earth.

Adam woke up at this time as usual, for his sleep was as light as air.

Once the dawn is blowing, the rustling of leaves, the slight sound of rising water vapor in the river, and the crisp morning songs of birds singing on the branches will dissipate.

What surprised him even more was seeing Eve sleeping, with disheveled hair on her temples and flushed cheeks, as if she hadn't slept well.

He propped up half of his body, leaning on one side, looking down at her beauty that is equally charming when she sleeps and when she wakes up.

So he used the gentle voice of a fairy blowing flowers in the breeze, gently caressed her hand, and whispered to her like this.

"Wake up, my beauty, my sweetheart, my newest gift. Let us see how cultivated plants sprout, how myrrh and sweet reed drip dew, how nature paints with colors, how bees on flowers Suck the sweet juice."


She shivered for a moment, looking at Snape who was speaking.

"What are you doing?" The old bat covered in black frowned and looked at her.

"It's nothing." Pomona said blankly, looking at the potted plants in front of her.

Now they were in the cellar of the greenhouse where the fungi were grown, and in front of her were mandrakes infested with Dancing Acid, which were not moving very much and whose leaves looked limp.

"What's wrong with them?" asked the potions master, looking at the mandrakes.

Pomona pulled up a mandrake. It looked like it had some kind of incurable disease. Not only was it black all over, but it was also festered in some places. Call.

"Move up and have a look." Pomona said, picking up the potted plant in front of him.

When she came upstairs, she found that it was snowing heavily outside again, and the wind blew the glass of the greenhouse trembling, as if it would collapse at any moment.

But in the greenhouse is a colorful spring, and pink petals fall gently from the treetops to the ground.

Soon she put the potted plant on the table. It can be clearly seen in a place with sufficient light that the leaves have turned yellow. Then she lifted the mandrake to observe.

"Dead," said Pomona, placing the mandrake in the soil.

Snape was silent.

Pomona went back to the cellar and moved out the other mandrakes. Their symptoms were similar to the previous one, the only difference was that a few were still alive.

"Is there any help?" Snape asked.

"You can try it," said Pomona. "Do you have the resurrection agent and regeneration agent?"

He took the potion from the shapeshifter's skin pocket.

Pomona took them and went off to the prep room to get the tools.

Nietzsche said that when a person abandons happiness and builds his life on the basis of too narrow greed, this abandonment means that what he brings to his neighbor is not wisdom, but boredom of life.

The mysterious man once claimed that he has gone farther than anyone else on the road to eternal life, and the temptation of eternal life has made many people choose to surrender.

But eternal life comes at a price.

Only pure love (caritas) can enter the city of God and obtain immortality. The opposite of pure love is "cupiditas".

Plato believes that we are complete, but we are divided due to various reasons. We need a person to overcome his shortcomings, just like a puzzle that must find the missing piece. You cannot search blindly and find someone to fall in love with. What he loves is the one that suits him best and matches him best, and only matching can achieve perfection.

In addition, there is also love for neighbors. Severus's home is okay. Because it is a single-family house, it does not need to share a corridor with others like an apartment. If there are no objects, the corridor will become very crowded, making it inconvenient for everyone to pass.

Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others. Everyone wants to pass through unimpeded, and understand each other to take the sundries back to their homes, not just to make their homes spacious. Fitzgerald's fantasy also has such an alley, it is narrow and dark, full of debris, and there is a stable, such a road is not pleasant to walk.

Albus said he wanted to create a happy school, which certainly fits the wishes of playful children, but how much can they learn in such a school?

A hand fell on her shoulder, and she was soon surrounded by the smell of sage.

"You look stiff, how about I give you a massage?" he said behind her.

She didn't refuse, her shoulders were already sore.

She stood enjoying his service, even dropped her ready hands and stretched her shoulders to cooperate with him.

After a while, his hands got a bit more aggressive, and he explored along her arms, although he was still hesitant and cautious, his hot breath sprayed on her neck, and her ears rang again that day when he was in the snake-shaped animal window. Side talk.

She struggled for a moment, feeling that she should stop him. At this time, his hand had already pinched her palm, his left hand was scratching lightly on her palm, his right hand was wrapped around her waist, he held her in his arms, and his nose smelled along her neck.

"Do you think there's a good breakup?" Pomona asked.

"Not all couples break up." He mumbled, sliding his hand around her waist.

“There’s a song that goes like, ‘Even a kiss feels like sand,’” Pomona said softly. “Remembering the good old days, kissing each other, hugging and kissing, it’s like a dream.”

He was still breathing in her ear, but at least his hands didn't move.

"Gryffindor's 'Unlucky Knight' and 'Amata' haven't reached that point yet, but they can actually retain the last ounce of goodwill and become friends," Pomona said.

"They're not pleasing to each other," he said coldly.

"It was Amata's parents. The joke they made when they were young made her believe it was true. The way Amata took care of him was not like treating a friend."

"What are you trying to say?" he said with suppressed anger.

The Luck Rider was a fool, too dull to feel anything.

But it's possible that he's used to this kind of relationship because they grew up together.

"The first time I planted bubble pods, I failed. Even if I planted more bubble pods later, I couldn't change this. I thought that after many years, I didn't care about it, but I still got it from Erish. See it in the mirror."

He didn't make a sound for a long time. Pomona looked up at him and found that he was actually looking out through the glass of the greenhouse.

"Am I dazzled?" Snape said, "I seem to see Professor Ruth."

Pomona followed his line of sight, and sure enough, he saw someone wearing polar equipment in the snowstorm...

"How did you know it was Ruth?" Pomona asked. "I thought I saw a Sasquatch."

"Who else is this place but him with this equipment?" Snape smiled wryly. "I'm afraid he thinks the wind is just a breeze in the North Pole."

Pomona thought that Ruth would not feel that way, and he had already let go of his hand, turned and left the preparation room.

Without the body temperature of another person, even the greenhouse is still a bit cold.

Pomona was standing in the greenhouse, looking out through the glass, Snape in a black cloak was approaching Ruth like a black flame.

Nietzsche also said that the distance between two souls is not how close they want to be, but how far they want to keep.

Pomona picked up the kettle, thinking the guest would like a cup of hot tea.


"You are the author of Fort Lachronte?" Jeffrey St. Hilaire looked at Maria Edgeworth in surprise. "You have known your name for a long time."

"You don't have to be so flattering, Mr. Curator." Maria said with a smile.

"Oh, that's not a compliment, I've read your book, and so has the First Consul," said Saint-Hilaire.

"He has read my book?" Maria said in surprise.

Yeah, sorted into comedy by the librarian.

Georgiana thought.

"He lent me that book," said Georgiana.

"Me too." Saint-Hilaire said, "If you want to read English literature in France, you need to review it layer by layer. Only his study is the most up-to-date and complete."

"Irish literature," corrected Richard, laughing.

"We're supposed to have a library here too, how about this room?" said Georgiana, entering a passing hall with high ceilings, Gothic slender windows, and an alcove, The sculpture above has been chiseled away, as if it used to be a chapel.

"The lighting here is not very good." Richard said after observing for a while.

"Then take the roof off," said architect Hunt. "And then add a glass roof to let the light in."

"This will cause the book to be exposed to direct sunlight," Itien said.

"Let the architect decide what to do, the library is here." Georgiana laughed and said, "I just hope there are a few serious books here, and the bookshelves are not full of comics."

No one could understand what she was saying, but she didn't care anymore.

"Let's go, let's go to the next room." She said briskly, almost wanting to dance a ballet, just like what you see at the Muggle New Year's concert every year, a few ballet dancers dance in the former palace. But the people who used to live in it have already moved out, because there is no sign of people living in it, it looks like a gorgeous empty house.

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