Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2956 Rain Listening to Zen (8)

Pomona came to the potions classroom with the still smoking love potion.

Love Potions are not contraband and appear in Advanced Potions Making, published in 1782, an edition of the Potions Book that has not been revised for 200 years.

When Pomona appeared at the door of the classroom, the old bat was surprised. Pomona saw that he was using the cleaning agent potion equipment, and the gargoyle pool was full of pink bubbles that smelled of mint.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a bubble in his hand.

"Look at this!" Pomona put the crucible on the experiment table.

He washed the bubbles off his hands, and then lifted the lid of the cauldron.

"Is this stuff poisonous?" Pomona asked.

"You'll know if you take a sip." He said sarcastically.

In fact, this is indeed the most effective way to test whether the potion is poisonous, although most of the students have never thought about it - whether the potion they brewed by themselves is not effective or whether it is poisonous, you will know if you take a sip - but Most people are not that stupid.

"Put it here, and I'll give you an answer in two days." The old bat said, put the lid on the crucible again, and then went to clean the equipment.

After the potion is made, there will be storage problems. The cleaning agent cannot be stored for a long time, it will dry out by itself, and it should not be placed in a humid environment. It will become a harmful gas when exposed to humid air.

In "On Poisons and Their Antidotes" written by Spanish toxicologist Moses Maimonides in the 12th century, he introduced the bites of poisonous snakes and other animals. Using a tourniquet on the limbs can reduce the pain, but it slows down the speed of the venom entering the body to a certain extent. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you need to suck out the venom from the wound. wounds into the body. Another thing is that after eating the poison, you should induce vomiting as soon as possible to reduce the effect of gastrointestinal absorption of toxicity.

"What are you standing there for?" asked the old bat.

"Thinking about the detox," Pomona said.

He smiled contemptuously, and continued to wash the cauldron.

Girls in Spain like to use belladonna eye drops. Of course belladonna is poisonous, but if the dose is well controlled, it will make their pupils dilate and make their eyes look deep. Moses Maimonides also believes that belladonna can be used Come medicinal.

"What's going on in your barren head?" He asked a little angrily.

"Why don't you watch me talk?" Pomona asked.

He ignored her, turned and went to his private storage room.

Felicia must be kept away from light, and Veritaserum, not because it is sensitive to light, but because Veritaserum is forbidden for students, and it is forbidden for use in schools.

They all look like clear spring water, and if it weren't for the labels on the bottles, it would be difficult to tell when they were brewed to correspond to the lunar cycle.

"How do your veritaserum pills work? How do you know how they work if you don't experiment?" Pomona asked.

"How about I give you something to drink?" He said viciously, standing on the ladder sorting the bottles and cans.

"Okay." She didn't know where the courage came from, and said provocatively.

This time he looked down at her.

"You brought your brain out?" he sarcastically.

"Come down." She leaned against the door and said frivolously.

He looked at her silently.

"Tell me, what were you doing just now?" She said tenderly.

He looked up, rummaged through the shelves, and came down with a medicine bottle.

"Could you help me develop this," he said, holding the medicine bottle.

"What is this?" She reached for it, but he avoided it.

"I guess it's going to be a secret between the two of us," he said with a smile. "Can you keep it a secret?"

"Of course." She said, looking him in the eyes.

He handed her the bottle as if possessed.

Pomona took it and opened the bottle cap, and inside was a piece of dried mushroom.

She looked up again and found that his eyes had become dull.

"You used Occlumency on me?" she said in disbelief.

"You're using it again, right? Your veela talent." He said coldly.

Her eyes rolled. "It seems a little bit."

He was so rude that he pushed her aside, as if he was invulnerable.

"It's really incomprehensible." She muttered softly, and walked to his side again, "What's this for!"

"Mushrooms," he said dryly.

"I know it's a mushroom!" she yelled.

"So what's your problem?" He sneered.

"What's this mushroom for!" she yelled.

"Medical ingredients." He answered concisely.

"Don't make me use my wand, Severus!" she snapped.

As a result, he laughed happily, "Why didn't you use that trick just now?"

She had no choice but to give him a hammer.

Just as she turned to leave, he grabbed her.

"Just kidding." He smiled and squeezed her hand. "This is what my new medicine needs."

"What medicine?" she asked.

He leaned into her ear "protego diabolica."

She looked at him in shock, "Why do you..."

"Shh." He put his finger on her lips "Don't tell anyone."

Pomona smelled the peppermint on his fingers, and his mind was half awake.

"Tell me what's on your mind?" he asked.

"Grindelwald nearly destroyed Paris with this spell," Pomona said. "You want to..."

"I want it to be selective." Snape interrupted her. "Only those who meet certain conditions can safely enter the circle of fire."

"Just academic research?" Pomona asked.

"Just research." He replied seriously.

She still didn't agree right away.

He took the mushroom from her hand.

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out myself." He said calmly.

"Where did you get this?" Pomona asked.

"Bocking Bock."

Pomona sighed. "Okay, I'll help you."

"How did you change your mind?"

Because she discovered that he would do it no matter whether she helped her or not, the only difference was whether she knew it or not.

"I'm curious, what is this mushroom used for?" Pomona asked.

"You can understand it as bait, it can emit a 'fragrant' smell." Snape said.

Pomona was confused.

"Just do it." He said rather coldly.

"What a big deal." Pomona muttered, took the dried sliced ​​mushrooms from his hand, and sniffed them.

"Wait!" he exclaimed.

Pomona had never seen him so shocked, but before she worried about it, she had to figure out what was causing this "out of body" pleasure.

Or it could be said that she really went out of her body, and it took her a while to recover, her heart was pounding, and she was in a trance.

Leaning in his arms, she was as docile as a cat, or she was like a cat that sucked catnip.

"How does it smell?" he asked helplessly.

"It stinks," she complained, playing with his buttons.

"Spirits love smelly things, even though they can't smell anything," he said quietly. "And so do other spirits without bodies."

"You mean this mushroom attracts 'devils'?" Pomona asked.

He didn't answer, and heaved a long sigh, as if acquiescing.

"You said it was only for academic research!" Pomona hammered him twice again.

"I want to find out whether it is the spirit body or something else that is responsible for the selection mechanism." He argued.

"If I grow this at school..." she said, shaking him hard.

"You can go outside the school, isn't there a secret orchard in the Forbidden Forest?" he said patiently.

She was busy smelling the sage on his body, as if trying to make up for the damage from the stench she just smelled.

At this time, she heard a rustling Parseltongue, but when she listened carefully, it sounded like her hair rubbing against fabric.

When the snake grows to a certain extent, it will shed its skin... She felt that something was about to break free from that layer of skin.

Suddenly there was a huge force, pushing her out of the potions classroom, and then the door slammed shut in front of her.

Her head cleared a little.

"Don't forget my can of medicine!" She said bluffing at the door, then turned and left.

This thing is really dangerous.

"Merlin," she muttered, walking down the dark corridor.

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