Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2955 Rain Listening to Zen (7)

Paracelsus opposed the panacea.

Although gonolites had the same "cure-all" effect as broad-spectrum antidotes, Severus felt that it was not a good thing.

The potion that makes the mandrake "dance" is called "dancy bite", which is made from tarantella spider venom and an extract of a deep-sea worm called osedax mucofloris. This kind of bone-eating snot flower mainly relies on drilling holes in the bones of the whale's remains after the "whale falls" to obtain the esters inside, and digest them through symbiotic bacteria.

Botrytized wine is the highest grade of sweet wine fermented from dried grapes that look like rotten grapes. It is not really rotten, but infected with a mold that creates tiny holes that allow moisture to escape quickly. Evaporates and dries up, enhancing the sweetness and mouthfeel of the wine.

As far as potion masters are concerned, the mandrakes raised in Pomona are too "fat", and they will feel uncomfortable after being coated with this potion, but for humans, it improves the effective use of ingredients.

The nature of horses is to trample on frost and snow, and to jump when they are happy, but in order to tame horses, Bo Le branded them with red-hot iron and chiseled their hooves. In doing so, they lost their nature, but because they put on a bridle, they became lovable animals. Animal power controlled by man.

In short, because these "watered" mandrakes are very restless even if they are buried in the soil, and the symbiotic bacteria need to be cultivated in a low-temperature, dark place, Pomona took these flower pots to the plant for cultivating fungi. cellar.

Although many fungi are saprophytic, they require very clean water, and there is a willow tree at the entrance of the cellar that grows in water. The pool where the willow tree is raised has glass on one side, like a fish tank, where you can see the ecology of the bottom of the water.

When Pomona put all the mandrakes in place, Severus was found looking up through the glass jar.

She didn't know what he was looking at, so she followed suit.

Maybe it was because the water was so clear that the light coming in was blue instead of green like the light from the bottom of the black lake into the Slytherin lounge, which made her feel as if she was in the deep sea.

"Why not raise something?" Severus said suddenly.

"What do you want to keep? A whale?" she joked.

He was silent for a moment.

"That book originally belonged to the Avely family, and their family was once proficient in herbal medicine."

Pomona looked at him. "Is that Avery who became a Death Eater?"

"The Dark Lord gave me that book, he thought it would be more useful to me," Severus said.

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"There used to be many species of this bone-eating snot flower, but they were almost extinct due to Muggle whaling." Severus continued, "What a pity."

"Don't listen to him."

He smiled nonchalantly, "I know."

Pomona didn't think he was listening.

"Have you ever heard a whale sing?" Severus said.

"I have heard."


"On TV."

He looked at her in surprise.

"My specialty is plants," she explained. "Not every Hufflepuff is as good at animals."

He stopped looking at her, and lightly touched the glass with his fingers.

"He took me to the aquarium once when I was a kid." Severus said slowly, "I heard the sound of a whale there."

Pomona listened in silence.

"I asked him what they were talking about, and he said 'Is anyone there?' and I thought he was lying to me." Severus paused again. "This pool is too small for a whale, but for a whale The sea is too big for the whales in the sea, and they want to communicate with other whales and sing in the sea.”

"You feel bad about the whale fall?" Pomona asked.

"But if they don't die, the Snotflower can't live, even though it looks disgusting," Severus said.

In fact, whale fall not only feeds bone-eating snot flowers, but also many other creatures. The decomposition of a whale is a huge and complicated process.

"Let's go," Severus said.

Then he went up the stairs and left the cellar.

Coincidentally, the snow stopped at this time, and the snow was knee-deep in a blizzard, and it was a bit difficult to trek, but there was no snow at Hogsmeade Station in the distance.

This is one of the conveniences of magic. The rails will heat up in winter, which will melt the snow. If you are a Muggle, you will need to shovel the snow in order to keep the railway running smoothly.

Tomorrow will be the Christmas holiday, and the school has also arranged a lot of Christmas decorations for the occasion, such as mistletoe that can be seen everywhere, and the two of them also met two lovers kissing under the mistletoe.

He walked away indifferently, Pomona watched him, and happened to see Cinderella drifting past with a gloomy expression.

Nietzsche said that any great love has the cruel idea of ​​killing the object of love, lest the object change indiscriminately, because for love, change of heart is more terrible than destruction.

A ghost does not change its form from the day it dies, but...


Pomona looked back and saw Elena Aiken.

"Can I not participate in the potion competition." Aiken said pitifully.

Pomona was skeptical, but when she said that, Pomona remembered something else.

She hurried back to the lounge in a hurry.

Everyone is packing up for the train ride back tomorrow morning.

"Astor!" Pomona yelled.

"What's the matter, Dean?" The female prefect who was chatting with someone on the sofa in the common room replied.

"Come with me," said Pomona.

Then the two of them walked towards the girls' dormitory.

The girls were laughing and chatting in the tropical rainforest. When they saw Pomona coming, they suddenly ran back to the dormitory in panic as if they had discovered some kind of terrifying creature.

"Oh~ you are dead!" Pomona said cruelly.

"What happened, Dean?" Astor asked.

"You go over there," Pomona said. "Don't cover anyone."

"Secret what?" Astor asked.

Pomona turned to the other side, opening the doors one by one to check.

She had no problem opening the first two doors, though she had found witch magazines, and Rohart's mugshot of him winning the "Best Smile" award.

When she opened the door of the third bedroom, she smelled something different.

There are only three of the four people in the dormitory, and one is missing.

"Where's Nancy?" Pomona asked.

"She didn't go back to the dormitory." A girl said, with an expression of panic.

"Nancy Schaeffler!" Pomona yelled. "I count to three, and if you don't come out, don't come home tomorrow."

There was no answer for half a day.



Just before counting to 3, Nancy appeared, she just used the invisibility potion.

Pomona took a deep breath.

Generally speaking, if there is only one person "doing bad things", she will leave the break room and find an empty classroom or a "private" place such as the bathroom.

But if everyone has a share, then the lounge is a safe place, don't worry about Filch, Mrs. Loris and Snape.

It was the "girls" who encouraged Aiken to ask Snape which pearls would work best. If the love potion of Love Potion was brought to the Muggle world...

Although she wanted to yell, she still controlled her temper.

"Can you guys go out for a while?" Pomona said gently to Nancy's roommates.

They glanced at Nancy, who was terrified, and left the dormitory in a dawdly manner.

After the door closed, Pomona walked over to a bed and sat down.

"Come and sit down," Pomona said to Nancy.

"Let's just say it," Nancy said defensively.

"Am I scary?" Pomona asked.

Nancy looked at Pomona for a long time, maybe she felt that she was not so scary, so she sat down at the place farthest from her.

"May I ask why you boil the love potion?" Pomona asked softly.

"Just a whim," Nancy said.

Pomona sighed. "I won't punish you."

Nancy hesitated.

"I know, you're not the only one involved," Pomona said with a smile, "otherwise you wouldn't be in the dorm room."

Nancy still didn't speak.

"Do you need me to write a paper?" Pomona asked.

"I just want to see, what's my favorite?" Nancy said after a while, "You moved that mirror away."

"The mirror...you mean the Mirror of Erised?" asked Pomona.

"I don't know what it is, but it can see what your heart wants most," Nancy said. "I need to know that now."

"So you took the love potion?" Pomona asked.

"It will at least tell me what smell I like best." Nancy put the wristband on her chest. "Is that enough, Dean?"

Pomona figured she wouldn't "get" what other people were doing with the Love Potion...she just hoped those who drank the Love Potion were lucky enough that these girls didn't turn it into poison.

"Let's talk about it when you get back from vacation. Where are your remaining love potions?" Pomona asked.

Nancy watched her for a moment, then took out the covered cauldron from under the bed.

Pomona lifted the lid, and the pearly white steam rose slightly, at least it smelled and looked good.

"Have you ever drank it?" Pomona asked Nancy, putting the cap back on the love potion.

Nancy just looked at the cauldron in a daze, as if she didn't hear what Pomona said.

"Have you ever drank the potion?" Pomona asked.

"No." Nancy laughed, "How could I drink it."

"So you don't know if it's poisonous?" asked Pomona.

Nancy's smile disappeared.

"No, I don't know." Nancy said guiltily.

"Do you know how to detox?" Pomona asked.

Nancy still shook her head.

Now Pomona knew what Severus was trying to boil the enhanced version of the broad-spectrum antidote for, but the mandrake was still in the dirt.

"Have you got goostone?" Pomona asked.


"If someone is poisoned, put it in the mouth, it can temporarily delay the toxicity, at least there is time to go to the hospital." Pomona said, "I took this pot of medicine away."

"Aren't you going to punish me?" Nancy asked.

"We agreed in advance that you will not be punished," Pomona said. "We will talk about your problem after the holiday."

Then she got up and left with the cauldron.

When she opened the door, almost all the girls were outside, looking at Pomona.

Pomona did not continue to search, and left directly with the cauldron.

How should I put it, love is a source of power, it can be great, but it can also be terrible, making people who are usually easy to bully scary, let alone a room full of witches.

Don't overdo everything, life and death are in an instant.

There is another saying that making promises brings pain.

Hope she's okay.

When there was no one around, Pomona glanced back, then trotted away, and disappeared in a flash.

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