Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2957 Rain Listening to Zen (9)

When Fitzgerald found Isidora, no one expected that it would become like that later.

It is said in the Shurangama Sutra that all sentient beings beg to get rid of suffering, and look up to find happiness.

When the root dust is separated from the practice, delusions and conscious minds will naturally not arise. Without delusions, the mind will be pure, and even if it strays into a ghost country, it will not be harmed by ghosts.

But at this level, it is almost extinguished, and the six senses are facing the six dusts. Even if it is not as unresponsive to external stimuli as Isidora's father is, it is still turning a blind eye and hearing but not hearing. When everyone is looking forward, you have no idea, or you have found the root of reincarnation. The next step is "both can perish", even if the eyes are open, it is the same as if they are closed, and nothing is seen by "I".

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood were killed at the foot of the mountain, but the Buddha on the mountain could still see that he couldn't make a move. If you want to get rid of the sea of ​​suffering, you go up the mountain to find them. Except for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, all the Buddhas in the sky will not take the initiative to save the world. Guanyin will only go to save the world when she hears someone calling him.

The Shurangama Sutra advocates Nirvana. If a person wants to live, he should not "know what he sees but does not see". If he wants to live, he has desire. There is still "ego attachment" in this world.

When Pomona returned, she would find out what happened to the mushrooms that Severus gave her.

The ancient Greeks called it Phallus, and it was regarded as the hope of resurrection in ancient times.

If the dead desire to be reincarnated, its function is probably to lead the lost souls lost in the dark to the light like a candle, and it represents the pre-Oedipus plot and "mother's desire" in modern times.

Maternal love is of course great, but mothers have other things to look forward to besides children. At first, children don’t know it, but later children gradually try to agree with it. Mothers also want to be happy, and the object of this desire comes from father. When the father causes the mother to be unhappy for some reason, the child will hate the father, causing the triangle of happiness to become a triangle of anxiety.

Ancient religions regard all physical desires as low-level "slippery slopes", which must be completely denied. The dark forces must strictly control them through punishment or threats, otherwise people will irreversibly degenerate, and eventually reach the end of doom.

It is part of the process of human maturation, of going from child to adult, that one gradually learns not to simply follow the impulse of the moment. In the process, I learned to delay, temporarily abstain from sex when necessary, and even choose pain in the process of pursuing my own goals or conscience.

Harry Potter is seven years old this year, and both of them have reached the age of primary school. Toots and Rohart have also achieved fame. To continue to calm down and pursue your goals when your peers are married or have a successful career, not all young people are like Bill, who can continue to walk the life path they have chosen after being ridiculed by beautiful girls. In fact, becoming a top Gringotts spellbreaker like Patricia Linnaeus can publish books and become a celebrity in the future. Even if he does not take revenge on his ex-girlfriend after becoming famous like some people, at least she will look at her with admiration and regret herself. I missed it before.

There is such a "joke" among gamblers on the racetrack that whether the jockey eats more or less a piece of butter and bread determines the happiness or misfortune of thousands of people.

Tobia had pinned his "hope" on horse racing for a while, but he was no longer interested after a while, just like his many "interests", so he didn't lose much, but his temper became worse.

He knew that there was such a thing as the Bliss Elixir, and he resented why Irene didn't give it to him, but where could I buy the Blessed Spirit Elixir?

But Pomona really didn't expect Tobias to take Severus to the aquarium, he obviously...


She heard Dumbledore's voice, and subconsciously closed all the documents on the table.

"Why did you come to the library?" Pomona asked in panic.

"I heard that you searched the girls' dormitory?" said Dumbledore.

"Yes, someone sued?" Pomona asked.

"May I ask why Miss Schaeffler boils the potion in the dormitory?" Albus asked.

Pomona shook his head.

"I asked her to tell me after the holiday."

"You went to Severus's and what did you get?" Albus asked.

"You suspect I've taken Veritaserum?" Pomona joked.

Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at her through half-moon spectacles.

She stopped laughing and looked at Dumbledore seriously "I don't use Veritaserum on students."

"What if she doesn't tell you?" Dumbledore asked.

"That was her privacy," Pomona said.

Dumbledore was silent.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" Dumbledore asked.

"No plans... What plans do you have?" Pomona asked.

"How about taking a short trip with me?" said Dumbledore.

"No problem, do you need me to bring food?"

"I would have preferred you to tell me why she wanted the Love Potion," said Dumbledore, preparing to leave.

"Miss Schaeffler told me she wanted to know what she wanted most," Pomona said before he left. "I don't know about the other girls."

Dumbledore looked at her.

"If you knew what you wanted most, would you go after it?" Pomona asked Dumbledore.

"What book tells you the answer?" Dumbledore asked.

"There was a mad Muggle who said it was wisest for everyone to ask the friend of the prettiest girl, so that everyone could dance, instead of everyone asking the prettiest girl, she would only be with Dance alone, losers ask other girls, they won't let it go," Pomona said.

"Do you think he's right?"

"He's right." She pursed her lips.

"But I think the boys will still invite the prettiest girls." Dumbledore said with a smile. "Do you hate me?"

"Hate you for what?"

"You should have had countless invitations."

"I think it's fine right now...you're asking me to dance?" Pomona asked.

"How has your French been?" asked Dumbledore.

"I'm just starting to learn."

"Tell me about your latest progress." Dumbledore asked.

"I learned a new word, recherche," Pomona said. "That's translated from the Greek zetein, which means to seek, which is what Socrates told the students to do. The 15th and 16th centuries were not just for people. discoveries, and discoveries about the world."

Dumbledore found this topic interesting and chose to listen to her continue.

Nietzsche once said that when I seem to merge into another person, I forget myself in love, as if I smashed a mirror and pretended to be another admired person.

Recognizing that he should not be self-deceiving in the first place, Tom Riddle chose to conceal his past and pretend that he was Voldemort. He doesn't love anyone, but himself, and tries to deceive everyone with a glorious image, but there are always some people who know his past, such as the old wizard in front of her, as far as she knows, Dumbledore will Tom Riddle brought to the wizarding world.

He knew where to find the young You-Know-Who, but if he did, what was the difference from trying to kill Harry, a hidden Mysterio?

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

Pomona never asked Albus that question, and she accepted fate, despite her disbelief.

How disappointed would Albus be if he knew what she had done?

She hoped that Severus would meet the right girl at the Christmas ball, and that her self-deception mission would be complete.

Why did she want him to forget about Lily? It may be because she is already dead. If Lily is "revived", she will touch the taboo. Like the second brother of the three brothers, she will be resurrected with the resurrection stone.

That would lead to punishment. The fairy tale only said that the god of death reaped the life of the second child. Would the god of death, who was so despised, let him go so easily?

She did this for his own good, although he probably wouldn't appreciate it.

So how is she going to talk to the girls later?

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