Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2936 Can't ride the wind (3)

A "dragonfly" flew over Pomona's head again, but she didn't chase it, she chased two "dragonflies", that was enough, the rest belonged to the children.

Since no one announced the number of dragonflies, the children all chased them when they saw them. unfair.

She didn't choose the Lord of the Rings with fluorescent flashing function, but chose Sen Batar's necklace, which contained a painful memory.

Isidora removes the painful memories of others, and at the same time has happy ones, so that there is no need to feel pain.

Pain means warning signs, such as being pricked by a needle, or being scalded by a tongue of fire. The short pain reminds people that this thing cannot be touched. People remember the lesson and will not do things that hurt themselves next time up. But once he loses his sense of pain, being surrounded by raging fire is no longer as simple as scalding a blister.

The Cruciatus Curse is classified as the Unforgivable Curse, which brings not only torture, but also irreparable damage.

Once upon a time when Hogwarts was controlled by Slytherin, Emily and her friends fought against Slytherin's "Little Death Eaters". But like Mulciber and the others did to Mary, there are very few cases where boys do things to girls. It's not just that the college manual stipulates that women should be respected. After that incident, the Gryffindor girls began to unite and would not be alone. The Gryffindor girl who competed with the Hufflepuff girl for her boyfriend wasn't part of the Gryffindor Girls' gang, or rather, she didn't join because she was busy dating.

If she joins, she is "wronged", and other good sisters will help vent her anger, such as locking the lonely Hufflepuff girl in a single room in the toilet. This is not unusual for Hufflepuff.

"Professor!" Charlie yelled, running over with his Quidditch kit in his arms.

"Good afternoon, Charlie," Pomona said with a smile.

"I found the hippogriff," said Charlie happily.

"And what about your Quidditch practice?" Pomona asked.

"I want to discuss the training time with Professor Kettleburn, and he asked me to ask you."

"Ask me what to do?"

"You will allow him to change."

Pomona felt that this was Kettleburn's excuse, after all, he didn't want to say no in front of his favorite protégé.

"Do you want to be a Quidditch player or a dragon trainer?" asked Pomona.

"Dragon Tamer, of course," said Charlie.

"When you can't participate in practice, let the bench, I think that's the meaning of his existence." Pomona said.

"Okay, I'll tell the others." Charlie said dejectedly.

"Go to practice, I think you're going to be late," Pomona said. "I just saw someone else go by."

"Thanks for the reminder!" Charlie said, then turned and ran.

Pomona looked at Charlie's back and sighed.

Even You-Know-Who knows what it takes to be loved by others, and he supports Quidditch so much that Ludo Bagman is interrogated for it.

However, Great Britain did not qualify for the Quidditch World Cup.

Critics say they lack an inside-out spirit, despite their skill.

When Charlie appeared on the field, it was like a burning fire. The blood of the whole team and even the opponent was boiling, and that old-fashioned Passy never went to watch his games.

He was quite envious of Bill's prefect badge, and even offered to try it on once, but Bill hit his head with a book.

His ambition was no less than that of Slytherin, so it was no wonder that the two brothers worried that he would join Slytherin house.


Just when Pomona was in a daze, Isabella Sidney appeared.

"What's the matter with you?" Pomona asked.

Sidney smiled...


"What brought you here?" Lupe said as he walked Georgiana through the museum.

This is a public place that has become popular in Brussels recently. After all, it is snowing outside, which is not suitable for walking outdoors, and the museum is large enough, so it has become a place for people to take a leisurely walk.

"It was just a whim," Georgiana said, looking at the Egyptian artefacts that were on display.

At the beginning, she stepped into the room of the Dendera constellation board before she came to this world.

These cultural relics were supposed to be placed in the desert. It is not known whether there will be a Pensieve buried in the sand.

"In the past, these can only be seen by the king and his close friends." Lupe said, "It's like those gardens, which are only open to princes and nobles."

Georgiana looked at him.

"I heard that you like Rembrandt, I'm sorry, I sent you such an oil painting last time." Lupe said.

"Oh, never mind, I think genre paintings like that are fun," Georgiana said with a smile.

"I think the former abbots' understanding of French culture was too superficial. A monk said that if a nobleman is deprived of his innate noble privileges, he should cultivate his intelligence and stand out from the stupid people. , to reinforce the superiority of authenticity," Lupe said.

"What does this have to do with enlightenment?" Georgiana asked.

"These pastors may not have a very sincere belief in God, but just like a comfortable life with a lot of leisure time, and then do some so-called 'improvement'." Lupe said.

Georgiana looked at the pastor who smashed down the cross of the Reuven Theological Seminary. Wasn't he really a speculator who saw luck coming?

"Violence is the only means by which the poor can express their desperation, and they don't know why, they don't want to be ignorant by choice."

"You have big dreams, Mr. Mayor," said Georgiana.

"How did you come up with a prison like that?" Lupe asked.

Georgiana didn't know how to explain it to him.

When Grindelwald gave a speech at the Lestrange family cemetery in Paris, he had to wear no clothes, or only the front, with his butt exposed in the back.

A person's eyes are in the front, which stipulates that his vision is in the front, and he himself cannot see behind him, but the person standing behind him can see whether his back is naked or not.

If the prisons under the old system were "dark dungeons", then the panorama prisons are "transparent".

Generally speaking, Grindelwald's central location is of interest to many people, but it would be uncomfortable to be watched by people around him all the time, so having privacy has become a privilege in this place.

Except for the guards, everyone is being monitored. This monitoring is not only from the guards, but also from the "inmates" on the opposite side. This system can prevent prisoners from being abused by the jailers, and it also has the purpose of punishment. You can't do some private things matter.

It was wrong for Isidora to remove Fitzgerald's pain casually.

Losing privacy represents a kind of punishment. Under so much surveillance, people's dark side is undoubtedly exposed.

This is much more intimidating than having a god who holds his head up three feet.

No one knows whether there is a god, but those eyes on the opposite side exist. Under the supervision of others, everyone will adjust and regulate their words and deeds. Just like dating couples, they usually go to places where there are few people to hug each other, and when they bump into someone, they will let go immediately and maintain a social distance.

"There was once a kingdom where the king put all those who did not abide by the law in prison. He thought it was a punishment for these people to lose their freedom." Georgiana said, "But those who were caught in prison soon discovered that the prison The prison is not only shelter from the wind and rain, but also food that can be eaten without hard work, so more and more prisons are repaired and more and more prisoners are built, almost to the point where the country is overwhelmed. Warder, Bentham's prison needs only a few men."

"But that's not a prison," Lupe said.

"If outside the prison, the law of survival of the fittest is the same as that of animals in the forest, but the prisoners in the prison are treated as human beings. Some people care about whether their residences are well ventilated, they don't have to worry about being beaten, and they have free medical care. Soon you will find that your prison is like 'paradise'." Georgiana said calmly, "Have you seen where the cotton mill workers live in England?"

Lupe was silent.

"My husband had lived in a similar place before, but because he lived in the country, it was much better," Georgiana said. "He cultivated his intellect, as the monk said, to stand out from the crowd who remained stupid."

"You think he's right?" Lupe asked.

"No, that's why I left him," she said with a smile, "because I knew he was in love with another woman the whole time."

"What kind of woman?" Lupe asked, looking at her.

"A mother who can sacrifice everything for her children." She said blankly.

“I think we celebrate Maria too much,” Lupe said. “We celebrate motherhood, that women restrain their needs, that they inspire self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice, that they take the happiness of the family as their own, but their sacrifices It's easy to be overlooked."

Georgiana looked at him.

"Pushing maternal love to the altar is actually exploiting women." Lupe said.

"No wonder you can become the mayor." Georgiana smiled, "You can speak from my heart."

"I won't squeeze them." Lupe looked at Georgiana as promised. "I know someone who wants to use prisoners as weavers."

She stopped smiling.

"This is a transfer station, they will all..."

"You don't have to promise me what kind of life they're going to live, and you don't want to take too much responsibility for them," Georgiana interrupted him. "Focus on the things you can control."

Lupe sighed.

"That sounds like a marriage proposal," Georgiana said before he could speak. "Think about keeping female prisoners from getting pregnant."

"How is this possible?" Lupe said in surprise, "A prison like that..."

Georgiana laughed and said nothing.

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