Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2937 Can't ride the wind (4)

Many people already knew about the Slytherin ball in the dungeon, but everyone had one concern.

Joy is now the Chaser for the Hufflepuffs, and she shines as brightly as the sun on the field.

Phoebe, the girl once imprisoned in the portrait, had her hair cut short and looked so sullen that it was impossible to believe that they were twins.

Because of this scruple, Isabella Sidney came to Pomona and asked her to search the Slytherin lounge. As long as everything is "safe", what other people have to worry about?

Growing up, Pomona never thought about it, not even dreaming about it, how dare she search the Slytherin lounge?

She thought Isabella's request was absurd, and what was even more absurd was that Snape actually offered to exchange the search, because he really wanted to see if there were "other than Muggle comics" in the Hufflepuff lounge. publication".

It was one of Tobias Snape's good habits, he never took those "colorful" magazines home, although Severus could easily find them in his trash can, and Sirius could It's easy to get your hands on posters of girls in Muggle bikinis.

Paracelsus said that everything is poisonous, and that the difference between a drug and a poison is the dose.

It's not good to be too obsessed with things that bring joy.

Just like the Mirror of Erised, it shows the most urgent and strong desire in people's hearts. If they can't get it in reality, at least they can "have" it in the mirror. People spend their time in front of it and can't tell which one is which. Is the mirror image, which is the reality.


Georgiana once had Denon return a work, even though it was stolen from Italy by Napoleon.

It was painted by a 17th-century painter named Taci, who had raped a female painter named Artemisia, who was only 18 years old at the time, but instead of keeping silent, she filed a lawsuit.

After a long and repeated trial, Tassi was found guilty, but as a criminal he did not suffer any torture. Instead, the victim, Artemisia, was tortured. They twisted the fingers that were extremely important to the painter with a rope.

The new painting that Lupe gave Georgiana was painted by Rembrandt, still using his wife as a model. Kneeling in front of her, holding a cup-like object in his hand.

It is said that this painting is also called Artemisia, but it depicts Queen Artemisia II of Caria around 400 BC. The ashes of her husband and her brother are placed in the cup.

The painting, which still displeased Georgiana, was hung here because the Egyptians also had a tradition of brother-sister marriage.

"Do you like it?" Lupe asked, as if he were an amateur to art.

"And this one?" asked Georgiana.

Everyone looked over.

It was a very common self-portrait of Rembrandt. He was dressed like a Persian with a pearl earring on his ear. Rembrandt himself smiled helplessly like a grimace.

"You like this pair?" Lupe asked.

I don't like it, at least it's better than the previous one.

"Of course." Georgiana smirked.

"Then this one," Lupe said.

"Need to tell the curator?" Edgeworth asked.

"This is the property of Brussels, I think I can control it." Lupe said with a smile.

"Another imitator," said Mary Edgeworth behind Georgiana.

"What imitator?" Georgiana asked.

"I heard that you saw Raphael's painting in the Louvre, and then the First Consul had it removed from the wall." Elizabeth said.

She recalled a moment, remembering that incident.

At that time, she was not used to it. All the "state-owned assets" hung on the walls of the Louvre. Napoleon said that they would be taken down, so he really took them down and hung them on the wall where she lived.

"A lot of people follow suit, as if they think it's manly," Mary said.

"Is there a Prince of Wales?" said Georgiana.

Mary shook her head. At this time, the pair of "Rembrandt with a Pearl Earring" had been taken down from the wall and put into the prepared wooden box by the attendants.

Also wearing pearl earrings, how can Rembrandt's unshaven face be compared with that of a girl.

Georgiana looked away, saying that this painting was given by someone else, so just accept it.

"I have a question, ma'am, can you answer it for me?" asked Mott the architect.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.

"The woman you mentioned just now, she sacrificed herself for her son, didn't she?" Mott asked.

Georgiana nodded.

"Is that son your husband's?" Mott asked.

"of course not."

"So that's her life with someone else?" Mott asked.

"She's married to someone else," said Georgiana.

"So, your husband is 'widowed' for someone else's wife?" Mott said suddenly.

"What?" Georgiana asked in shock.

"In my opinion, his behavior is no different from widowhood," Mott said. "How many years has he been steadfast?"

"I don't want you to say that about him," said Georgiana sullenly.

"But you can think about it," Mott said teasingly to her, and then stepped aside.

Georgiana didn't want to do what Mott said, but she still couldn't help thinking that Severus really resembled the story of The Little Mermaid.

The little mermaid rescued the prince and fell in love with him, but the prince found a human princess to marry, and the human princess said that she saved him.

It can't be wrong, after all, the little beauty just sent the prince to the shore, and the princess found the prince while walking. They tied the knot, the little mermaid jumped into the sea and turned into foam, and Severus continued to guard the "prince".

Or this way, in the Eastern court, the emperor abandoned A-Jiao, and with a new favorite concubine, A-Jiao was still devoted to the emperor and would do anything for him.

Of course, Lily couldn't have three thousand "beauties" in the harem, but Remus also had a crush on her.

This was only found out after Tonks and Remus got married, and Remus felt that he had to be honest with her and confessed everything on his own initiative.

Seeing his friend's happiness, Remus was very envious and full of fantasies about Lily. Tonks asked Pomona if Lily was that kind of person, and it turned out that it was indeed Remus' fantasy, and Lily couldn't be mistaken. Whether it was Severus' dark magic or James' arrogance, she hoped they would change, so Tonks quickly forgave Remus.

When passing through Mechelen, she visited the "secret garden" of the local nunnery, which is a niche made of expensive gemstones and gold to commemorate the chastity of the women.

But she thought it looked like an ornate tombstone.

Why can both Tonks and Hermione forgive their husband's "past"?

And Artemisia's husband, who knows what she's been through and still marries her.

"Let's go to the next place," said Richard.

Georgiana nodded and left the exhibition hall.

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