Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2935 Can't ride the wind (2)

In plays, there is only one person on the stage, and the lines he speaks are his inner opinions or thoughts. This form of expression, called "monologue", often appears in Shakespeare's works.

Such a monologue has neither an author nor a hypothetical audience, as if in a solitary cell.

On the surface, this kind of "single room" is much more comfortable than sharing a small cage with other people, but this is actually a kind of personal abandonment, unless the prisoner breaks some "old habits", which is commonly used in prisons. discipline.

Reform schools are prepared for this kind of system, targeting juveniles who have committed crimes or behaved badly.

The reasons for becoming a female "leader" are complicated. A good family background and her own beauty are the foundation. Emily's living habits are that "the whole world" is in step with her. When a boy from a poor family like Bill confesses to her, she will Laugh at his family's financial situation, so her "friends" in that circle must all be like her.

Occasionally, Pomona could see distressed and frightened expressions on the faces of some non-core members, but most of them revolved around Emily, or "played together" as they thought. To that end, being directed by Emily a few times doesn't seem like a big deal.

Passive acceptance is a way for people who are seriously threatened to survive. If you don't do what Emily says, Emily will shake out the secrets of disobedient people as a "joke". Emily likes to know other people's secrets, and Esmeralda's diary is just one of them. one.

The boys are slightly better. Severus has a talent-like temperament that keeps the students silent. Even in Gryffindor, few boys dare to resist him. The last Barnaby Lee who did that Many people remember what happened.

Albus, on the other hand, paid more attention to the independence and sense of responsibility of the students. He let the students choose their own tunes to sing, regardless of how the harmony sounds or whether there will be discordant voices.

Not all "bullies" would be punished. In Severus' eyes, James Potter and Sirius Black graduated smoothly. The children have been undergoing constant changes since they entered the sixth grade. First of all, they don’t have to abide by the school rules that they must return to the lounge before 9 o’clock. When they enter the seventh grade, all school rules and even laws can be disobeyed, but the end may be with Bella. Trix for company. Why do you want someone else to take responsibility for your own mistakes? Even the father would not go to jail instead of his son.

Adults don't have the protective shell of minors, and they shouldn't have Dumbledore's protection. When Sirius Black was in prison, Dumbledore didn't protect him.

If Severus was killed by a werewolf in the sixth grade, or turned into a werewolf, then both James and Sirius could not escape the responsibility. James Potter saved him, in fact, for himself.

In the Western world, contempt of court is a very serious crime. Lucifer in the Bible felt that he could replace God because of his pride, and finally became the devil of hell. Attending the court, whether testifying or observing, must wear formal attire, even if it is a gang member with tattoos all over his body.

The judge should have a fair judgment. Girls often think that they have grown up, but they are only temporarily trapped in the body of a child. Their precocious minds will make them secretly dress up with their mother's lipstick early. This kind of small mistake does not need to go to court. stand trial.

But tolerating such a small mistake and gradually turning it into a big mistake, like Rangna in the necklace incident, stealing the queen's name to get the diamond necklace, that's another matter.

Jeanne didn't feel that she had done anything unforgivable afterwards, and even published a book. The French have always been too indulgent to girls. After all, France has been influenced by the Renaissance, and even Da Vinci died of illness in France. It seems that a small mistake has been made, and a plea can be forgiven.

The French Revolution began when the French people captured the Bastille. Although the situation inside was not what most people thought, the prison held "prisoners" who could be imprisoned by nobles with a small note, which was not dissimilar to the social atmosphere at that time. relation. Whoever wants to do something that can't be done can just bribe the king's mistresses and let them blow the wind by the king's pillow, and any case can be "solved".

Otherwise, why would the king spend so much money, set up so many parties, and engage in the divine right of kings? Louis XIV even said "I am the country". The national entity was not spiritual as Hegel said at the time, but the king's crown, scepter and coronation robe. In ancient China, the possession of dragon robes was regarded as a serious crime. Even the common people were not allowed to wear yellow clothes casually. They were believed to protect the emperor and the country.

When the people overthrew the monarchy, even theocracy was overthrown together. So many heads were cut off by the guillotine, including those of King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Madame Dubarry. The tombs of the kings of all dynasties were not spared. , After the bones of Saint Geneviève were also burned, the ashes were thrown into the Seine River and replaced by the Pantheon.

Pomona had tried a lot to persuade people, but she knew no one would listen.

First, women are not represented in Parliament. Georgiana knows this because there are many Republican MPs around her, and they don't know what national affairs the MPs are discussing.

Second, it is impossible to organize effective resistance. Some people will think that this system is beneficial to them. She was originally an illegal mistress, and her children have no inheritance rights. Now she can legally live in that magnificent "home", and her son will also have a legal right of inheritance.

In this case, women have no chance of winning except that the man finds his conscience and overturns this decision by himself.

When Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin, he didn't regard the King of Qin as an untouchable object, and the black robe that represented royal power could not protect the King of Qin.

He didn't expect to get out alive. King Qin couldn't draw out his saber, so he had to run around the pillar with his sword bent. The others were dumbfounded. It wasn't until a medical officer raised the medicine box and smashed Jing Ke that the others came to their senses.

If Pomona runs away like Grassini, of course Bonaparte will realize that polygamy is not feasible, and use his veto power to veto the things passed by the majority of the assembly.

But the problem is that she didn't run away, which seems likely to happen.

If someone knew, would they wish she had never appeared?

The boy king once asked, don't they know that I am a king if I don't wear the clothes of a king?

Did the subjects know the king when the king had no clothes on?

In the end, when the young king was crowned, he still wore the coronation robe soaked in blood and tears, even though he tried to crown himself with a crown made of thorns.

Although unfortunately, this is the consequence of compromise "for the greater good".

Although Bechymos represents male and Leviathan represents female, but this time it might be reversed.

A woman who does not want to share her husband with other women is the same as a man who does not want other countries to interfere with his territory.

When Pomona saw the green man and the tree growing out of his mouth outside the window, he thought the green man looked a lot like the Hulk, an angry, powerful giant, and the snake-like beast looked a lot like the representative. Jealous Leviathan.

It is legal for a man to kill his wife's lover, just like self-defense. Charles, who helped Josephine eavesdrop on the parliamentary information, is not dead, although many people loyal to Bonaparte are willing to do it for him.

When Georgiana arrived at the museum, she happened to see Lupe, the former mayor of Brussels, with the architect Henri-Alex Motte, whom Georgiana remembered because he said something about "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" s story.

At the same time, he does not think that the military fortress will continue to use natural stone, but steel and concrete. They are discussing the new prison.

Because of the technology and construction period, they felt that the women's prison should be built first, and the location was chosen next to the convent. The original prison continued to detain male prisoners.

Their purpose is to hope that those who have lived in the forest for too long can return to society, but they can't act too hastily, because Bentham's panorama prison is just an idea and has not been practiced.

Except for those who ran into the forest, illegal prostitutes can also be taken in. After all, many of them are forced by life, and most women are law-abiding.

In most couples, the man is older. It is rare that Josephine is older than Napoleon.

Even if the other party is old enough to be his own father, he will feel that he is gentle, calm, and has a different charm from young boys of the same age. Georgiana's guardian Richard Edgeworth's new wife is about the same age as his daughter Mary.

Richard's daughter didn't understand him, and she didn't want to call his new wife mother. Some people around him laughed at him, and some people envied him.

A little girl who longs for her father's love won't care so much. She dares to commit any crime. As a minor, she will be sent to a reformatory. Since she is a minor, her name will not be made public. But as an adult, the situation is different, and all punishments will come to him.

These children are untouchable, not even whipped, and they can only be locked up if they make a mistake, and this will create a chance for the two of them to be alone.

In addition to prison, there is social death, and anyone, including prisoners, can spurn him.

If you reject her, she will not understand, is it because her love is not true enough?

Socrates tells the young man that by rejecting his love she gives him a new chance to find happiness, and the same is true in reverse, if she really listens.

Pomona herself has rebelled before, and of course she knows the feeling of not being able to listen to "side talk" at all.

Severus was a family-wrecker, and even if he hadn't told Voldemort the prophecy, if he continued to have an affair with Lily after she was "married", he would still be ruining someone's family.

It just so happened that his unlucky love was forgiven by the entire wizarding society. Rita Kiester also wrote the book "Sinner or Saint", what saint? Lover? Who remembers the real husband, James Potter?

Pomona wants to end it all, if any other woman can ignore the people around her and tell her the truth, Severus Snape really loves Lily, and can start a family with him, she will bless them.

That bastard had done the thing that threatened her with his own death. He knew it was dangerous to play set chess with ghosts, but he did it anyway, to force her to stop meddling in Muggle affairs.

Now he doesn't have to do that, and she won't interfere, anyway, many people don't want her to appear.

She wanted to go to Siberia, the place where people would snigger gloatingly when they heard it. It is not only a land of exile, but also a wild place where people are sparsely populated and will turn people into wild beasts. Who would give up the comfortable city life to go to such a place?

When her face was shriveled by the Siberian cold wind, like the bark of an old tree, maybe there would be no so many things.

This is what Albus has always expected. There are many talented witches who choose to give up their talents because of love.

His ancestor Percival said the same thing to Isidora: don't waste your talent.

The wind there is so strong, it should be blown away by the wind before her tears fall, and I don't know if they will condense into snowflakes.

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