Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2934 Can't ride the wind (1)

"Hey, Cooper, wait!"

Pomona spots Cole in the hallway, trying to stop Ben Cooper.

Pomona tried to stop her when a Magic Key flew in front of her, followed by a group of screaming juniors chasing it.

She was stopped, and by the time the crowd had passed, Cole and Ben had disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Severus asked.

"I saw Cole and Ben just now, and they were there just now!" she complained. "There should be a rule, no running around in the hallway."

"You're worried about Cooper being bullied?" Severus asked.

"Cole must have a grudge about last year... maybe he still wants to see Barnaby," Pomona said.

He actually laughed.

"What's so funny?" Pomona frowned.

"Are you an Auror?" Severus asked.

She looked at him confused.

"They're both 17 years old, and if they break the law, the Aurors will arrest them." He wrapped himself in a cloak, more like a bat.

"But this is school," Pomona said.

"Then we can only assist the Aurors." He paused, "You should worry more about yourself than about him."

"What?" she said in surprise.

He motioned her to look at the Gryffindor girls sitting together in the courtyard. Emily Taylor was like Vega surrounded by stars, at the very center of the zenith.

"They must be looking for your fault." He said lightly.

"How about finding the fault?" said the Pomona bastard nonchalantly.

He didn't speak until Pomona looked at him seriously.

"Dumbledore's promise is that Rita Kistor can't write about the students in the school, and it doesn't include the teachers. Don't let them catch you." He said seriously.

Pomona originally wanted to say that people are not that bad, and Emily is not that bad, but when she and Emily looked at each other inadvertently, she found that there was no respect for the teacher in Emily's eyes, and she smiled and Companions whispered.

Severus tapped her on the head with the book in his hand, then turned and left.

Pomona decided to go back and study the slander, and left that hallway as well.


With the support of her guardian Edgeworth, Georgiana got out of the carriage and came to the Brussels Museum.

At this time, the snow was a little lighter, but the dark clouds were still thick, and it seemed that this was just a short "clear".

"Would you like to stand here and look at the snow all the time, ma'am?" asked Mary Edgeworth.

Georgiana felt that even if she really had this plan, others would not dare to refute, so they could only stand with her in the snow and watch the snow.

"Of course not." Georgiana stood on the ground and looked at Mary and Miss Elizabeth.

French women are the creators of socializing, they are full of energy, joy, wit and fun, and they are the birthers and promoters of salon culture.

British women are mostly famous as writers. Although they are beautiful, fit and dignified, they are as unwilling to marry early as the two in front of her. Jane Austen did not even marry in her whole life.

The French prefer the Marriage of Figaro to Hamlet, because murder doesn't fit the stage.

When Louis XV did not favor his queen and let Mrs. Pompidou be the hostess of Versailles, those mistresses who were favored for a while because of their youth and beauty provoked Mrs. Pompidou, which was the last thing Georgiana wanted to touch. In this scene, she would rather go to the farm to feed the chickens.

Raise at least a few more chickens. Napoleon’s Henry IV-style dream of “every Frenchman has a chicken in his pot” will be closer. If there are more chickens, the price will be cheaper according to the relationship between supply and demand. It will be as it was before the French Revolution.

There used to be a Hufflepuff girl and a Gryffindor girl who got into a big fight over boyfriend issues, and since none of them were of age, it didn't cause a huge scandal.

Rembrandt waited until his second wife became an adult before marrying. Whether it is a male teacher or a female teacher, having a relationship with an underage student will bring... Charlie Weasley and Green are not much different in age. Fortunately, Emily had already graduated, and Rita Kiester hadn't set up a spy in the school, or she followed the agreement and didn't scribble about Hogwarts students.

Harry Potter was an exception, and Rita quickly extended that exception to other Harry-related characters, including Hermione Granger and Hagrid, and by the time Harry was in fifth year, he was straight up a liar, And Dumbledore became a fool deceived by him.

If Dumbledore didn't know that prophecy and knew that Voldemort would return again, he would make proper arrangements for Harry Potter and send him to a loving family who might not be so rich, so that he could live an ordinary and happy life , instead of sending him to Petunia's house for "exercise".

The ugly duckling who knows his own life experience firmly believes that one day he will impress all those who look down on him, but the ugly duckling who does not know his own life experience does not have this belief. He does not know who he is and why he has to go through all this. The mother duck drives him away It chooses to obey when it is on the farm.

For example, there are very few children who speak the truth out loud when they see the king's "new clothes". Parents are easier than children to recognize the "reality" and will cover their children's mouths. Others will not laugh loudly when they hear it, but keep silent. Although they all know that the king has no clothes.

Laughing loudly at the representative of the king for despising authority, even if the king of Spain looks like that, it can only be changed by a war of succession to the throne, rather than randomly choosing a healthy commoner.

Pomona is a place of equality, but Emily's last year at the school, even though she was a teacher, was her most traumatic.

Emily is not like Bellatrix, who uses force to make everyone fearful, but like Bella in school, no one dares to resist her. It costs a lot of money to hang out with her, and it's easy to be marginalized if you don't hang out with her.

The students kept asking their parents for more living expenses, as if Hogwarts had really become an aristocratic school, and if the parents didn't give it, there would be other problems, and Emily didn't feel that she had any fault at all. Feels like Pomona cost her the chance to intern at the Daily Prophet, a life plan she'd designed for herself, and now it's all ruined by a drunk woman.

Bill was the prefect of Gryffindor at the time, and he also had nothing to do with Emily. It was useless for Minerva to warn Emily by deducting points. She was about to graduate soon.

It is not their wish to export such people out of society, but some problems cannot be solved by school education.

On the boat when she came here, she had read a story written by Ji Xiaolan. A group of students found a "fox fairy" for a pious teacher and ruined him. The parents were still applauding, thinking that they had exposed the true face of this hypocrite.

Learning to prostitute at a young age, and even knowing how to hire prostitutes to act as "fox fairy", and write a script in advance to "get all the stolen goods", this is not taught in school, right?

Cardinal Mazarin wrote to Louis XIV, "It is up to His Majesty to decide whether to become the most dazzling monarch in history." troubled all mankind.

I used to hear people say how powerful the "European Gendarmerie" is, and how powerful it can deal with such "thorns" that no one can do.

She used to think that a woman's gentleness and softness could change him. It was just a dream in spring and autumn, and it was time to wake up.

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