Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2933 Burning Wasteland (7)

The window of the snake-shaped beast is very huge, as high as three or four floors. The bottom, that is, the green man as the root, cannot be seen inside the building. It needs to go to the transformation courtyard outside to see it.

Usually no one pays attention to it at all, but now it is raining, and the raindrops slapping on the window makes a crisp sound. This kind of weather is very suitable for falling asleep. Only those who really love the sport of Quidditch will play in the rain in this kind of weather For the race, Pomona wished someone had put a water and moisture repellant charm on his glasses.

"You mean, scouts did it?" Pomona asked.

Severus took a sip of the shrunken fig juice and shook his head in good spirits.

"It's because of scouts that he was cursed. The scouts won't come in today's weather. You don't have to worry."

Her mood is very complicated.

Gryffindor's alternate Seeker was in seventh year this year, and he really needed this opportunity more urgently than Charlie.

"But he set someone up," Pomona said.

"Just a 'joke'," Severus said calmly, taking another sip of shrunken fig juice "just like Black and Potter used to do."

Pomona noticed that the positions of "Potter" and "Black" had been swapped.

"What?" he said as if he didn't notice.

She looked down and shook her head.

"Are you ashamed?" he asked evenly.

"A little bit," she said.

Then he lifted her chin, causing her to lift her head up and meet his eyes.

He scrutinized her as if he wanted to pierce her soul.

After staring at each other for a while, she averted her gaze.

"Drink it." He handed the juice he had just drank to her mouth.

She took it and drank it, and not only drank it, but drank it all.

He gave a smug, evil smile.

"What?" she asked ferociously.

"You know exactly what I mean."

She took the empty bottle and looked at him again.

He bent over, bringing his face so close that his nose almost touched hers.

"You're scared, but it's too obvious. Is this what you call control?"

"What have I to be afraid of?" She asked unconvinced.

"We'll have a chance to talk again soon, or do you want me to send you back?"

"I can go back by myself." She said blankly.

"You and your teacher are the same." He said in a contemptuous tone, and then walked away without looking back.

It wasn't until she was alone in this hall that she realized how empty it was, and how terrifying those animal bones looked.

Before leaving, she glanced at the skeleton of the Bu bird.

Perhaps it is because we lack a little luck that we need a lucky child to lead us on this slippery road of fate, but before that he needs to experience misfortune.

It's not that she's partial, it's just that she thinks it's easier to educate boys than girls...

She no longer looked at the divining bird, turned and left.


According to the Belgian Charter of 1356, citizens could form a militia to protect freedom, but it was dying most of the time, until Joseph II frequently promulgated laws and interfered with assembly activities, which led to the Brabantine uprising.

When Emperor Leopold ruled, in order to gain the support of the Belgians, he allowed Belgium to restore the constitution of the 15th and 16th centuries. This time, Georgiana asked the judge to release the rioters arrested by the police, and most of them expressed their anger.

That is to say, although they are dissatisfied, they are not "deeply disgusted", and they should do whatever they want after they are released from prison.

It was the robbers who were really irritated, although they were currently locked up in the barracks, and sooner or later they would be tried. Because they are deserters, they can go to court-martial, and because they committed vicious criminal cases are local cases, there are many people who want to tear them into pieces. But Georgiana promised to spare them from death, so they surrendered.

Of course, it was up to the judge to consider this kind of problem. Just as Georgiana proposed to go to the museum, someone immediately arranged for it, and it was possible to leave even if it snowed.

Halfway on the way, she saw a huge advertisement in a theater. A group of people were performing the "Pyramid in Human Shape".

Out of sheer boredom, she stopped the convoy and went to the sideshow.

It was so lively inside that they couldn't feel the cold outside at all. The audience stretched their necks, trying to get a better view over the heads of the people in front of them.

The main character, a tall, agile, handsome man, does a few somersaults on stage like a gymnast, and then invites his female assistants, all of whom look lithe, onto the stage.

But no matter how light a woman is, the combined weight of nine girls is not something ordinary people can bear, but the "gymnast" on the stage has three left hands, three right hands, and three standing on the back, holding nine girls together. Hold it up.

Originally, she thought that the performance would end like this, but she didn't expect that the "gymnast" invited the audience to cooperate. Of course, he invited a petite girl.

Most of the female audience refused, but two of them came on stage. When the atmosphere in the arena was hot, the "gymnast" suddenly pointed at Georgiana.

"That honorable lady over there, would you like to join?"

Everyone looked at her, and she felt very angry for a moment, but it was impossible to turn around and leave.

"Let me do it." A maid said, walked to the stage, finished the show with "Hercules", and he actually completed the "Pyramid" with 12 people on his back.

This strength alone has already surpassed ordinary people, not to mention that he is still very flexible.

Georgiana asked someone to write down his name, maybe he would be useful in the future, and then turned away while the rest of the audience concentrated on the performance.

Once there are too many people, there will be a strong smell when they gather together. The upper class is a mixture of hundreds of high-end perfumes. This theater is full of "human smell".

After getting back into the carriage, the convoy started moving again, and the real "street view" outside the car window appeared in front of her.

Compared with starving and freezing in the street, these people can live in a warm house and have something to eat. Love is a luxury for them.

Rural conscription took all the men away, resulting in more women than men.

When she scoffed at Mrs. de Stael's marriage without love, what about herself?

Couples are fine to look at the stars, most people have to run around for their lives, what's the use of learning from those stars?

When she herself feels very unfortunate, she is actually very lucky in the eyes of others.

She looked at the streets of Brussels sullenly, and seemed to see a "traveler" dressed differently from this era in a trance. He was holding a book in his hand and waving to her on the side of the road.

The carriage shook so much that she couldn't read the words on the cover, but she recognized the design, which was the rose window of Notre Dame de Paris. But around the next street corner, he disappeared.

If there is a time traveler who came from the "future" to the "past", what kind of "luggage" does he carry?

Maybe there is nothing but "useless knowledge" in the mind, but the reality is that people often rely on other things.

So, does time travel really exist?

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