Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2905 Water and Dream (8)

Although the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution came into effect in 1920, the first alcohol prohibition in the United States was actually passed by the Maine State Legislature in 1851. The implementer of this bill, Neil Dow, was elected to Portland The mayor of the city, and he also intends to lobby other states to promote prohibition to all parts of the country.

Symbolic logic is a logic system that is unfamiliar to most people. It is different from logic that most people understand. It was developed from mathematics in the 19th century, not from traditional philosophy.

For example, "all men are mortal", "Socrates is a man", from which the conclusion "Socrates is mortal" is derived. At first glance, this form of inference is insignificant, but there is a form of inference in the world, which is different from the content of the inference. For example, Scamander quotes William O'Connell's papers. Pomona is not familiar with Plato, but the fat friar knows that Plato once proposed realism, which later became a school of scholastic debate. In the 20th century, it became the core of philosophy of science. debate.

To put it simply, in the proposition "man is an animal", the core of the discussion of this issue is "essence", not the direction of the soul. When we say the sound word "person", there will also be an attached sign (signa). Even primitive people will use simple pictures when painting on the wall to let others know that it means "person", but "person" The word "is a written expression.

However, people also have four limbs on the ground, just as animals also stand on two legs. Standing on two legs describes a commonality, or can become a universal. Aristotle defined it as the first An entity, individual things are just accidental phenomena of the universal, so the universal takes precedence over things.

"Videns omnem hominem est animal", the one who sees everyone is an animal, this is also a symbol, this animal has no specific reference, assuming there is a dog and a person in the crowd, the "person" can see people, and the dog can also see To people, but omitting the appearance of people and dogs, whether walking on two legs or walking on four legs, here refers to a rule, that is, clear reference and vague reference.

From this Aristotle learned that there is a difference between the "form" of an inference and the "content" of an inference.

Plato's substantive theory values ​​ideas, Aristotle values ​​entities, and William O'Connell shakes the foundation of the entire scholastic philosophy from the thinking principle of "don't increase entities without necessity" and the knowledge view of "experience and evidence". Then he was excommunicated by the Pope.

Logic exists in the brain's thinking, that is, the way of thinking about problems. It has no substance, but Aristotle called substance a substance, which means "the supporter standing below", and it does not have a substance.

If you want to find out the details, you can go to the fat monk. Anyway, Hogwarts already has a Professor Binns who teaches history.

The meaning of symbolic logic lies in answering and clarifying. For example, the circuit diagram of a complex circuit uses symbols to replace the metalanguage expression. The NAND gate is one kind. More complex circuit boards will have multiple NAND gates and other symbols. Its main The role is to provide a new tool and thinking, which requires a lot of training, because symbols have replaced language and become a communication tool.

This kind of "symbol" conflicts with the previous symbols, and not every student trained in symbolic logic can master it, so they don't like to use it. This led to the fate of symbolic logic, which was either welcomed or hated.

The symbol of the clown is his mask. Arthur walked on the street without makeup, and no one would look at him at all, not to mention the dim lights in the subway and the only witness who was still in fear. She couldn't provide much information. More testimony and clues, tell the police the killer's appearance, but describe the appearance of the clown.

She couldn't see Arthur's real face under the makeup, or a woman couldn't see the difference between the makeup and the makeup.

Then there is the self-protection awareness of women. She said that she did not see what the clown looks like, so there would not be a madman with a gun who would find her residence to take revenge.

Just a clown mask, there is no way for the police to investigate. What's more, after the news was reported, some people deliberately wore clown masks on the street. It was during the strike, and some people had nothing to do to provoke the police.

1851 was before the outbreak of the Civil War. The enthusiasm brought about by the Prohibition Movement would inevitably affect the cohesion brought about by the abolition of slavery. Moreover, riots broke out in Portland, which was the first to pass the Prohibition Law. States, including Innsbruck, overturned Prohibition.

But Prohibition didn't stop. When bars in New York posted "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World Drinks Here" on the door, a group of housewives joined the "battle", advocating healthy eating, chaste living, and loose clothing.

Their representative is Sister Thompson. She led her team to taverns, hotels, and pharmacies, and she knelt on the ground to pray wherever she went, praying for the salvation of the owner's soul. The women work in small teams, in six-hour shifts, and take turns rushing from their homes to the next pub on the list, praying and reading the Bible aloud, rain or shine.

When girls are in adolescence, they will have "arguments" with their mothers over clothing issues. Now the mothers no longer object to what clothes their daughters wear, and they kneel and sing hymns at the door of the hotel where their daughters go in and out.

Then there is the issue of "fashion". For housewives, home clothes and aprons are basic, while women who go out to work take "decency" as the standard. Among them is a female public defender named Willebrand, She is a frequent visitor to the justice’s house, and she is even a member of the White House Advisory Council. She rejects all forms of manipulation, even lipstick, and her daytime attire remains the same, always a well-tailored suit and a simple shirt. At home, they wear elegant and chic clothes, always with a flower pinned at the waist or shoulder.

When the economy is down, the moment a soft, velvety lipstick touches your lips brings comfort. A 32-year-old young woman with a sense of justice, just five years out of law school, seemed like the right person for the top prosecutor job charged with prosecuting people who violated the Volstead Act.

However, after being appointed prosecutor, Willebrand accused the local police of not enforcing the Prohibition Order, suffering from "sleeping sickness" and slow response to law enforcement. There are about 4,000 people in the Prohibition Bureau, and 120 million people in the United States Can't find 4,000 people who are not bribed.

Gotham's high crime rate is also related to the problem of police corruption, but bribery and malfeasance are two different things.

Some people may bend the law for personal gain because of accepting bribes, and some may dereliction of duty because of dereliction of duty. The gun that Arthur used to kill three promising young men in the subway was a police revolver. His "friend" Landau saw that he was being bullied, so he gave him the gun for "self-defense". At the same time, the gun cost Arthur his job.

It is a very serious matter for the police to throw a gun, not to mention that it may become a murder weapon that affects a bad homicide. The policeman who threw the gun must be very nervous.

The police will have bosses, and bosses will have bosses. If they are all members of a certain "club", then not only will their careers be damaged, but their families will also be broken. What will the children think of the father who "dances" with his beautiful sister Woolen cloth?

The scandal in this area is more "juicy" than bribery, and then there is a domino effect, public opinion finds hot news, and people against police corruption take to the streets to march with the strikers. It will save a lot of trouble if you don't know the murderer.

Even if there are no cameras in the subway, there are other cameras on Arthur's escape path, and the person dressed as a clown is very conspicuous on the empty street.

But once the clown is caught, the clown will naturally face charges, but the gun will also become evidence in court. Its channel may be illegal, but the evidence collection does not conform to the "fruit of the poisonous tree" principle.

Not catching him is just adding a negligible denominator to the already ugly detection rate of the Gotham Police Department, but no one thought that Thomas Wayne would actually provoke the clown on TV, saying that he is a man hiding behind a mask. villain.

Thomas Wayne seemed a lot like a responsible entrepreneur who cared about his employees, as would Arthur's mother, who worked for Thomas Wayne more than 30 years ago.

Even though she was old she was still kind of pretty and had a hopeless innocence and a lot of people on strike were having a bad time, how did she think that Thomas Wayne would help mother and son when he got her letter?

Looking closely at Arthur's lips, there is a scar on his upper lip that looks like it was left from surgery. There may not be so many congenital deformities in this world, but cleft lip is very common. After surgery, they are no different from normal people. This feature is also blocked by the thick makeup of the clown.

A man like Thomas Wayne has no shortage of women who want to give birth to him and tie him down, and what a family of his level wants is a "perfect heir". Good thing Arthur wasn't Thomas Wayne's kid.

That would make everyone sick, Arthur's mother is a psychopath, so many talented women, why did Thomas choose her?

The last "witch" in Europe was a judge's maid who was pregnant with her master's child. In order to cover up the relationship, the judge used his connections, forged documents, made her intend to murder the child, and accused her of being a witch. .

Arthur has a complete certificate that proves that he was adopted from an orphanage, and his mother is also delusional. Who would believe a delusional person?

He won't be Thomas Wayne's child, but Thomas didn't expect to have DNA technology at that time, and the two of them would know if they took a tube of blood for identification.

But none of this matters anymore, Arthur is the clown, he dances in the toilet that no one appreciates, and only himself in the mirror is the only audience.

But soon he will become a "star", not the kind of "commercial star" who can't tell funny jokes on stage and needs to play canned laughter to make the audience laugh along with him.

"You insist that it is not the sea, but the air between the highest mountains that makes up the true surface of the earth."

"Your king Aristotle also said and confirmed this."

"Our king is by no means comparable to your king of whom we know nothing at present, he is more famous, more famous, and has more followers, so as you like, you may like Your king, I love my king."

"Even if he made you drink the northwest wind and forced you to walk barefoot?"

"Come on, don't engage in such vague and vain conversations."

The young king said, I thought someone was born with the appearance of a king.

"Did you see his smile? Does he look like a king or a jester?" Pomona said, looking at a picture of Rohart in the window.

Severus and Hagrid looked over together, but made no comment.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to buy something, it's the gut that Professor Felwick wants." Hagrid said.

"Can't guts be used for strings?" asked Pomona.

"It's not an ordinary violin, it's a violin made for Lu Wei, wait for me." Hagrid said, and then walked towards Knockturn Alley.

"Stand still," Severus said impatiently.

Pomona stood wobbly for a while, and saw the Daily Prophet not far away... She seemed to see Rita Kisser making gestures at her.

"Oh, that contrived woman," said Pomona.

"What?" Severus said confused.

She didn't know where the strength came from, but she pushed Severus away at once, and walked towards the newspaper office, passers-by gave way one after another, as if she was a humanoid chariot.

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